4 Best Sega CD Emulators Of 2024

So you’ve come here to find the best Sega CD emulators have ya? Well… you’ve come to the right place. As discussed in our article about All Sega Consoles & Handhelds In Order, the Sega CD is a pretty interesting milestone in the history of Sega’s video game consoles. In its short lived time on […]

5 Best Sega Mega Drive Emulators Of 2024

Sega Mega Drive 2 console with operating system icons

Take a trip back to 1988 as we take a look at the best Sega Mega Drive emulators of all time! Yes, folks; in this article we’re going to tell you all about the best programs for playing your beloved Sega games on your laptop, phone, or PC. They’re called emulators, and these are 5 […]

5 Best Sega Saturn Emulators Of 2024

Best Sega Saturn Emulators of 2021 Featured Image Retro Dodo

Saturn might be uninhabitable and millions of miles away, but the best Sega Saturn emulators are right at our fingertips. Sega’s last two home consoles, the Saturn and the Dreamcast, didn’t get the respect that they deserved. They were ahead of their time and, due to Sega spending most of its time arguing with the […]