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Soda Drinker Pro Is A Strange Yet Refreshing New Title For The NES

Soda Drinker Pro

The brand new NES video game “Soda Drinker Pro” is getting a physical release through Limited Run Games. They are describing the game as “The soda sim of your dreams”, which is absolutely hilarious.

We did a bit of research on this one, and the original game released on PC back in 2016 from Snowrunner Games and has very positive reviews.

The new NES release appears to be a retro platformer demake of that fan-favorite title.

So fans of some of the best NES games of all time like Super Mario Bros. or Kid Icarus should find a lot to like here.

Soda Drinker Pro

Soda Drinker Pro is looking like a silly Atari 2600 platformer that does not take itself too seriously. It appears that your goal is to drink as much soda as possible while surviving in the strange world that the devs have haphazardly crafted.

It’s obviously intended to give you a good laugh while enjoying a new game experience on one of the best retro home consoles. And we could all use a bit of fun and silliness in our lives.

Soda Drinker Pro

Everything about the physical packaging of this new NES title is looking exactly like what you’d expect to see back in the 80s.

Just look at that iconic cover format that we know and love from classics like Super Mario Bros., Duck Hunt, 10 Yard Fight, Donkey Kong, and many many more.

The team behind Soda Drinker Pro are certainly nailing that familiar aesthetic.

To think that we can add a brand new NES video game to our physical collection in 2023/2024 is both mind-blowing and heart-warming. And we love sharing these kinds of indie games with our readers. So here you go!

Pre-order Information

Soda Drinker Pro

This is a Limited Run Games release, so you should know what to expect by now – it’s a pre-order, super limited, and it will take a while to get it.

But it’s impossible to ignore the quality of their products and the content they have in their limited library.

So if you wanna get your physical copy of Soda Drinker Pro, better check in on the LRG website on December 15th at 10am Eastern Time.

The game will retail for $59.99 USD and there is no limit on the number of units you can purchase.

Anthony Wallace profile image Anthony Wallace
Anthony has been a video game lover ever since he can remember. He became a fulltime nomad in 2018, living throughout most of Asia. He focused his passion in retro gaming and began creating a game for