An incredible new retro-themed Rugrats video game has just been announced from TheMixGames and Wallride Games – Rugrats Adventures in Gameland.
And what makes this particular announcement exciting, besides the fact that it is a brand new Rugrats video game in 2023…
Is that the experience is inspired by many of the classic video games of that same era that the original Nickelodeon cartoon lived.
This is a perfect shot of nostalgia for those of us who grew up in those times – the best times.
Rugrats Adventures in Gameland

Rugrats Adventures in Gameland is an awesome celebration of classic 8-bit video games.
We can play through six unique stages in solo or cooperative adventure as Tommy, Chuckie, Phil or Lil.
And there will be a large cast of familiar faces from the Rugrats universe.

Something that makes this game particularly extraordinary is the ability to “Toggle between retro or HD artwork”.
Which means we can play in both 8-bit pixel art style or a fresh new hand drawn style.
And a very significant detail that you may have missed, if you did not zoom in on the video or check the comments section on social media…

The retro version of the game is fully playable on the NES and will be release in physical format from Limited Run Games!
So very clearly, this game was made with the best NES games in mind.
And the physical release of the NES game will make an incredible addition to a retro fan’s collection.
Release Information

Rugrats Adventures in Gameland is set to release in 2024 for PC & various home consoles.
We do know that it will be release for the Nintendo Entertainment System in physical format.
And we’re expecting to see it on all modern platforms as well, including Playstation, Xbox and Nintendo Switch.
With fun projects like a new Rugrats NES game and the McDonald’s Game Boy game, it is a great time to be a retro video game fan.