How many of you can still remember that opening jingle to Wii Sports? I think about it every time I pick up a tennis racket or see a baseball bat on the rare occasions I do sport. That was why I loved Wii Sports so much; I didn’t need to book a slot at my local tennis court to be able to get a rally going with a friend, and as such, I listened to the songs on that game for hours on end.
If, like me, you thought playing Wii Boxing was a great way of building up muscle and had all your friends round playing Wii Golf on an evening, then the news that Nintendo Music has added all of the Wii Sports tracks to the platform will instantly take you back to 2006 in a heartbeat. There are 16 tracks in total, bringing the tunes from Boxing, Bowling, Golf, Baseball, and Tennis to the app as well as well as the main menu and Title Theme.

I’ve been listening to the Title Theme while writing this article, and while it now makes me think of the Will Anderson reel about the band coming up with the Wii Sports theme, it also takes me back to the first time I turned my Wii on after travelling 2 hours by train to the nearest city that had a Wii in stock. I played truant on that day too and called in sick to school just so I could get one!
Check out my article about the arrival of Nintendo Music to find out more about the app!