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Listing The Rarest Xbox 360 Games & How Much They Cost (Highest Price To Lowest)

A selection of rare Xbox 360 games on the Retro Dodo background
Image Credits: Microsoft

Buckle in and have your credit card at the ready as check out the rarest Xbox 360 games and how much they’re worth!

The Xbox 360 – despite the initial production issues that came with the infamous ‘Red Ring of Death’ failure – was a huge success for Microsoft.

Against stiff competition with the PS2 – and, to a lesser extent, Nintendo’s GameCube – during the original Xbox era, Microsoft launched the 360 before their competitors were ready for the next gen – and this tactic paid off.

The success of the 360 meant that the market was flooded with games. The console had a huge library with many big titles being widely available.

And to an extent, many of those games have low costs even today.

Yet some titles have become highly sought after by collectors and command unusually high prices. So, make you have some… lots of cash to hand!

So which are the most rare Xbox 360 games secretly worth a fortune?

Let’s find out!

1. NBA Elite 11: $10,000

NBA Elite 11 game case for the Xbox 360 (left) and gameplay showing players stood around the net (right)
Credit: Microsoft/EA Sports

NBA Elite tops this list of rare Xbox 360 games with a price tag that is utterly out of this world!

What happens when a game as highly anticipated as this and part of the EA Sports range gets pulled at the last minute?

I’ll tell you; copies get leaked that should have gone back to HQ, and they are suddenly worth a small fortune.

This game was cancelled due to some nasty bugs in the system and shouldn’t have ever gone out. But like always, copies ‘go missing’ or are ‘misplaced’.

I’m going to be honest; there aren’t that many Xbox 360 versions of this around. That’s how rare it is! The price I’ve given you is for the PS3 port and is also based on the three Xbox 360 copies that were sold on eBay in the past.

There are at least 3 copies of the Xbox 360 version out there in houses across the globe, so keep your eyes peeled to see if they appear on eBay again!

2. Dead Space (Ultra Limited Edition): $161- $2,500

Dead Space (Ultra Limited Edition) Xbox 360 case (left) and gameplay showing a player shooting an enemy (right)
Credit: Microsoft/Motive Studio/Youtube

Who else likes their games to come with as much extra material as possible? Artwork, posters, an original hand cast of the picture on the box…

… yes, one such Dead Space package sold for $2,500 in 2023, the ultimate fan package!

The Xbox 360 was rife with packages filled with what my mum calls ‘extra bumph that only needs extra dusting’, and the Dead Space (Ultra Limited Edition) package is perhaps one of the most impressive of them all.

With only 1000 ever making it onto shop shelves, there’s no wonder it brings a pretty hefty price tag these days.

That really is ultra limited when games are concerned, especially as the normal game sold well over a million units in its lifetime!

3. Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning – Exclusive Signature Edition: $252 – $630

Xbox 360 game case for Kingdoms Of Amalur: Reckoning - Exclusive Signature Edition (left) and gameplay showing a knight facing a monster in a forest (right)
Credit: Microsoft/38 Studios/big Huge Games/EA

As a writer, games that have incredible storylines and indeed amazing stories behind them fascinate me.

Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is one such title. A game written by the author of the DemonWars Saga R.A Salvatore, financed by a baseball player, and paid for by the entire state of Rhode Island, this title certainly had a lot of hype behind it.

It’s just too bad people didn’t like it!

I guess a game with this much money put into it would need to sell a boatload of copies to make its money back. If it sold for $630 back in the day, then the developers might have at least broken even. Still, shows the last new copy of the game sold in 2014 over on eBay, so I’m guessing that wouldn’t have really helped them!

Still, if you can get hold of this game, then it’ll certainly make for an interesting talking point when your mates come over!

4. El Chavo Kart: $57 – $150

Game box for the Xbox 360 version of El Chavo Kart (left) and gameplay of a  player racing along a cobbled street (right)
Credit: Microsoft/Slang/Youtube

El Chavo Kart isn’t a chavy version of Mario Kart.

(That joke might only be funny if you’re a UK reader. If you’re not from the UK, just trust me that I’m hilarious).

If you like in Spain or Latin America, then El Chavo will be a huge deal. It’s a popular cartoon series that all kids know, but it never made its way over to the UK or America.

Still, it’s essentially the same as Mario Kart, CTR, & Diddy Kong Racing, but just based on a show that is very specific to Spanish-speaking countries.

With only 5,000 copies ever made outside of Hispanic regions, there’s probably no great surprise that you haven’t played it before. Still, it’s a great game to play if you have a spare $150 lying around for a boxed copy!

5. My Horse & Me 2: $51 – $138

My horse and me 2 xbox 360 game case (left) and gameplay of a character riding a horse through stars floating above grass (right)
Credit: Microsoft/Atari

Horse riding is a pursuit often neglected in video games. Still, it’s sometimes deeply interwoven into the gameplay of titles where it isn’t the main focus (The Witcher 3 and The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time being two good examples.

The My Horse & Me titles had a strong focus on taking care of the animal in your stable. It also revolved around riding and competing in equestrian events as you’d expect.

This particular game was subject to a small print run and low availability at the time of release, which has definitely made it one of the rarest Xbox 360 games.

6. Marvel Ultimate Alliance Gold: $74 – $120

(Left) Xbox 360 game box for Marvel Ultimate Alliance Gold (right) gameplay showing assembled Marvel characters battling
Credit: Microsoft/Marvel

If you enjoyed Marvel Ultimate Alliance on the Xbox and want some extra content on your Xbox 360, then look no further.

The Gold Edition is a re-release of the previous game with 8 exciting characters for you to pick from. As well as the previous fighters, players can now choose from Hawkeye, Venom, Magneto, and Sabretooth.

Dr Doom, Nightcrawler, Cyclops, and the Hulk are also joining the party too. Talk about an all-star cast!

See the Xmen and the Avengers work side by side as you take on this RPG with multiple endings and surprises around every turn.

There’s a reason this game made our list of the best Marvel Xbox 360 games of all time you know, and if you have a spare $161, you could get a boxed copy and really get your geek on!

7. Record Of Agarest War – The Really Naughty Limited Edition: $70 – $100

Record Of Agarest War - The Really Naughty Limited Edition Xbox cover art (left) gamaplay still of a woman wearing a red, skin-tight outfit tied to a chair (right)
Credit: Microsoft/Aksys games/Youtube

It doesn’t take a genius to figure out why this game has ended up on our list of rare Xbox 360 games. Just take a look at the cover and the gameplay still; this looks more like one of the best PC-98 games than an Xbox 360 title!

The main premise is an RPG with some raunchy choices to make after battles. Imagine Holy Magix Century crossed with a real seductive dating sim, and you’ll kind of get the general gist.

The Really Naughty Limited Edition came with a poster, two discs with suggestive pictures on them, and a mousemat with a female graphic and wrist rest that was conveniently positioned in the same place as her breasts…

8. Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta (Add-on): $86

Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta game add on content art (left) and gameplay of a gin firing blue beams at an enemy (right)
Credit: Microsoft/Bethesda

We all know that Fallout 2 had some add-ons for it in the form of DLC. There are, however, four of the five DLCs that came in cases that looked like standard Xbox 360 game boxes.

Mothership Zeta is the 5th of the bunch, and it’s a very rare item to get your hands on.

There are a few on eBay at the minute and they do crop up from time to time, but they can be pretty expensive to get hold of… and sometimes that’s for a game case with a used DLC code. I’m not sure what the benefit of that is in all honesty, but mine is not to question why.

A used DLC code with a case recently sold for $86, so if you want to complete your boxed collection and have money burning a hole in your pocket, then now you know what you can expect to pay!

9. FIFA 19 Legacy Edition: $38 – $84

fifa 19 xbox 360 game box (left) and gameplay showing the Paris Saint-Germain team lining up before the start of a match
Credit: Microsoft/EA SPORTS/Youtube

It’s truly odd to see FIFA on this list. Given that most entries in the series are so ubiquitous, it’s a running joke among game collectors that it’s all they find when bargain-hunting for games in charity shops.

This last gasp for the series on the 360 courted controversy for just being the 2018 version with no improvements or alterations.

Don’t forget heavily scripted and bug-ridden too.

With all focus on the PS4 and Xbox One versions at that time, this particular port was simply a shamefully lazy cash-in from EA.

Despite this, the game’s rarity has meant that the price has skyrocketed in the last few years. Boxed copies start at $38 on the secondary market and prices rise significantly (up to $84) for complete games in great condition

10. Tiger Woods PGA Tour ’14: Masters Historic Edition: $14 – $80

Tiger Woods PGA Tour '14: Masters Historic Edition Xbox 360 game box (left) and gameplay showing a golfer looking down the course (right(
Credit: Microsoft/EA SPORTS

Golf has a long history in video games (and golf games can sometimes be among the best games on a system. Just check out our 15 Best Neo Geo Pocket Games of All Time list for a great example).

Though it might be a bit of a shock to see an EA Sports game in this list – and a Tiger Woods one at that.

The Historic Edition of the game features the usual modern golf courses and competitions, along with a time-traveling tour through golf’s rich history, starting way back in 1873.

Lots of atmosphere and era-appropriate touches give the game an authentic feel – and the Xbox 360 version even has Kinect support too.

Though many online features are now missing – with support having long been shut down – the disc is still highly sought after as one of the rarest Xbox 360 games in existence. Prices could well reach $80 depending on the box and disc condition.

11. Dodonpachi Resurrection: Deluxe Edition: $31 – $79

Xbox 360 edition of Dodonpachi Resurrection: Deluxe Edition (left) and gameplay still of a ship moving up the screen towards a larger craft (right)
Credit: Microsoft/rising Star Games/Pocket Gamer

Bullet hell shooters are a hugely popular subgenre of scrolling shoot ’em ups. The screen becomes absolutely covered in brightly coloured bullets for the player to attempt to navigate their way through.

To the casual onlooker, it looks like an impossible and frustrating task.

To the bullet hell fan, that’s exactly what they want, expect and enjoy.

Dodonpachi Resurrection: Deluxe Edition is a port of a classic arcade bullet hell shoot ’em up from masters of the genre, Cave.

As you’d expect from a niche subgenre of a now-niche genre itself (with 2D scrolling shooters generally finding themselves popular only with hardcore fans, Dodonpachi Resurrection wasn’t anticipated to sell much beyond its already dedicated fanbase.

The print run was low and – due to the fans holding onto their physical copies for the most part – the game is rarely seen on the secondary market.

12. Tales Of Vesperia Special Edition: $40 – $64

Tales of Vesperia special edition game box (left) and gameplay showing a character standing in a large entrance hall.
Credit: Microsoft/Namco/Youtube

If you’re reading this article and have always primarily been a Sony gamer, then you’re probably wondering why Tales of Vesperia is a rare game. I mean, there have always been so many copies kicking around, right?

Well, not on the Xbox 360.

We all know the Xbox and the Xbox 360 never had that much luck in Japan back in the day. The original version of Tales of Vesperia didn’t do that great with American audiences too, so it’s easy to understand why a boxed bundle with extras in it did even worse.

Still, time is clearly a healer, and it would seem that audiences are much more open to JRPGs on Microsoft’s old consoles, with prices reaching $64 for a boxed copy in near-mint condition!

13. Asterix At The Olympic Games: $30 – $50

asterix at the olympic games xbox 360 game cover art (left) and gameplay showing Obelix long jumping onto sand
Credit: Microsoft/Atari

Oddly, this Asterix title is only rare on the Xbox 360. The Wii and PS3 versions available for no more than $6 each in many cases

Another example of a game that has become sought after due to a low print run rather than any indication of its quality.

Asterix at the Olympic Games, as its title implies, features a strong sports theme. Think Olympic events to compete in alongside the usual 3D platform-style game you’d expect from an Asterix title.

14. Just Dance 2019: $17- $49

just dance 2019 cover art for the Xbox 360 (left) and gameplay showing dancers moving in unison (right)
Credit: Microsoft/Ubisoft/youtube

You’ve got to hand it to UbiSoft: since the first Just Dance released on the Wii in 2009, the series has been a genuine phenomenon among more casual gamers and has remained hugely popular for more than a decade – showing no signs of slowing down.

Though often derided or ignored by hardcore gamers, there’s no denying that Just Dance’s appeal goes way beyond the normal audience for video games.

Ubisoft’s strategy with each release in recent years is an interesting one. They often take advantage of the higher install base and more casual fans that use their older consoles.

By releasing the newest version of the game on platforms that many publishers have long since moved on from, they keep the people happy.

For example, the 2019 edition – as well as appearing on current formats – even released on the Wii. Sales of the series on Nintendo’s long thought dead format still warranted its release at that point.

Likewise for the Xbox 360; this Kinect-powered release seems to have been particularly rare, however, because copies are currently being sold for anywhere up to $49.

Jason Brown profile image Jason Brown
Jason - who lives in the UK - has had a lifelong interest in video games, which all started when he discovered Space Invaders in the early 80s. The first game he ever completed was Wonder Boy in Monst