Sometimes games become so rare that the prospect of acquiring them becomes a complete pipe dream. A boxed copy of Ninja Five-O for the GBA sold back in November 2024 for $800, with a cartridge selling a few weeks later on December 31st for a staggering $350. Konami have ended our struggle to find a cheap copy of the game to play however by re-releasing the game for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, and Steam.
Players can take detective Joe Osugi on a mission to rid his streets of terrorists and discover why they’re all wearing mythical masks, all while pulling off slick sword moves and tossing throwing stars at enemies. Stop bank robberies, prevent train hijackings, and much more!
For anyone who has played the original Game Boy Advance game, there are new features added to the game including a rewind function (thank you Jordan Mechner for making this all possible!), progression saves, and a Time Trial mode to test your skills against the clock.
Digital pre-orders are open now with the game costing $24.99 on each of the four platforms. Head to the official Konami game page to check out more gameplay pics and to find links to your chosen gaming platform!