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9 Best PS3 Spiderman Games Of All Time

9 Best PS3 Spiderman Games Of All Time

Get ready to crawl up the walls with excitement as we check out the best PS3 Spiderman games 2023!

Everyone knows who Spiderman is; he’s a household name and probably the only kind of spider that your grandma won’t chase out into the yard with her shoe.

And he’s featured on so many consoles and games over the years!

Marvel fans might be wrapped up in Miles Morales’ latest adventure, but we’re talking a trip back to the glory days of the PS3 to see which of Spidey’s older adventures have made the cut.

From movie tie-ins to brand new web-slinging adventures, here’s a list of the best PS3 Spiderman games of all time for you to relive!

1. Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions (2010)

Spiderman: Shattered Dimensions ps3

The results are in, and Spiderman: Shattered Dimension takes the top spot in this best PS3 Spiderman games list!

Even after 12 years at the time of me writing these words you are reading right now, it’s one of the best Spiderman games for any console.

The Tablet of Order and Chaos is broken… and guess who broke it! Spiderman is looking a little shifty, so I’m going to guess it was him.

This is more than a job for just The Amazing Spiderman alone. Let’s welcome back Spiderman 2099 and get acquainted with Noir Spiderman and Ultimate Spiderman.

Each version of Spiderman has a different skill that will help to solve this mess that all the heroes have found themselves in.

Noir Spiderman is my favourite, a stealthy version of Spidey from the Noir universe. He wears a slick long coat too like an old-school detective, definitely one for all the goths out there!

2. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 (2009)

Best PS3 Spiderman Games - Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2

The graphics in Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 are incredible, even today. The RPG sequel to the first ultimate alliance still sees Spidey heading back out into the battlefield once more.

There’s a cool crossroad in this story where players have to decide whether they are pro revealing their identity to the world or against it. Depending on which side you choose, certain characters will either side with you or fight against you.

You’ll also get bonuses if your four player team contains members from the same team or franchise, but where’s the fun in that!

So why is the sequel ranking higher than the first?

Well, the graphics are better for one, and the new fusion gameplay mechanic adds a nice little touch. Use another teammate in a duo attack just like D-Von and Bubba Ray Duddley when getting the tables.

That’s a niche wrestling term for any old-school fans out there.

Who will you side with, and who will make it into your team? Choose wisely guys!

3. Spiderman: Web Of Shadows (2008)

Spiderman: Web Of Shadow

Spiderman: Web Of Shadows takes the bronze medal in our list, bringing other epic Marvel characters into the fray on an original adventure. There’s no movie-linking or ties to a pre-existing story either, it’s brand new!

Spiderman and Luke Cage teaming up together – now that’s something you didn’t see coming is it!

(Unless you’ve played it already, then this won’t be any surprise).

Watch as Spidey learns how to discover the true power hidden in the symbiote within under Luke’s tutelage. Just don’t annoy him; he’ll probably bash you into the ground like a red and blue tent peg!

Luke must have got something right because Spiderman doesn’t die when he falls from buildings anymore!

I wonder if that’s something that I could learn too…

Spidey has some serious speed in this game too – you’ll get through the city in no time, though that only means you’ll spend more time choosing whether to help people or turn a blind eye.

Yes, you know I’m a big fan of games that test your morals, and Web of Shadows is no different. Will you opt for the tendril terror of the symbiote or the the web of justice?

I think that last one sounds a little suspect, so probably the symbiote one!

4. Marvel: Ultimate Alliance (2006)

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance spider man

Speaking of a little RPG twist, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance brings even more RPG-style gameplay to the MCU.

Spidey and the X-Men fighting alongside each other with the other Avengers and Marvel heroes. Maybe dreams really do come true!

Plus, having Spidey on the front cover so big kind of makes it feel like he’s the leader. Spiderman is one of the three most popular Marvel characters along with Thor and Iron Man, so I guess I’m kind of right!

The thing we love the most about RPGs is the fact that they have multiple endings depending on which character you take into the fray and how you play the game throughout.

That means that Marvel Ultimate Alliance is the gift that keeps on giving… and great value for money.

Seeing Spiderman and the Thing beating back bad-guys makes me feel like it’s Christmas every day, which is why this title 100% had to be in our best Spiderman PS3 games list!

5. The Amazing Spiderman (2012)

Best PS3 Spiderman Games - The Amazing Spiderma

The Amazing Spiderman was a remarkably better game that its sequel, prompting me to wonder how they got the second game so wrong

I quite like the fact that this game just jumps straight into the action. It’s true that Andrew Garfield’s Spiderman has a different origin story to Toby Maguire’s, but I think the devs assumed rightly that people playing this game would have already seen the film and to just get on with it.

I wish JK Rowling would have done this in the first 3 Harry Potter books, that recap was painful!

The side missions that feature in addition to the main game have players searching every nook and cranny of the new open world (ish) city.

The upgrading skill tree mechanic is also cool, a little RPG nod in a Marvel game that makes you really get into the finer mechanics of Spidey’s fighting style. Will you choose to upgrade strength and speed, combat, web shooting, or body and bonus stats?

Expect a lot of bad-guy bashing mixed in with other exciting missions. Don’t be expecting auto-aim webs either; The Amazing Spiderman has all handicaps turned off!

6. Lego Marvel Super Heroes (2013)

Lego Marvel Super Heroe

The best Marvel Xbox 360 game of all time jumps into 6th place in our best PS3 Spiderman games.

And yes, Spiderman is in it, so it’s a Spiderman game.

All Lego video games are incredible. Thats the official overview, but I better go into this game in more detail otherwise I’m not going to hit my word count…

This Lego adventure covers all of the events between Captain America and Age of Ultron and features all of the characters and shenanigans from the movies in-between.

Why do I love these Lego Marvel games so much? Well, apart from Taika Waititi’s Thor films that are so funny they make me cry, the Lego games are the make the Marvel movies much funnier thanks to their trademark humour.

Mixed in with actual voice clips from the movies and themed world hubs from the Marvel franchise with a new blocky look, it’s a game that you’ll come back to time and time again

Both Spiderman and Venom look great in Lego form too, just look how massive old-symbiote features looks in that picture above!

7. Spiderman Edge Of Time (2011)

Spiderman Edge Of Time

Next up on our list of the best Spiderman PS3 games is Spider-Man: Edge of Time game with Spidermen (plural) meeting across time.

That’s right; this is a two-for-the-price-of-one deal. Present-day Spiderman gets to swing along with Spiderman 2099.

For anyone that doesn’t know, Spiderman 2099 is a futuristic version of Spiderman that looks a bit like a cross between Deadpool and Rorschach.

My main gripe with this game is that it’s all combat based. There’s not a lot of story for a traditional Spiderman game.

The time-travelling elements and cut-scenes are very well made (getting time travel right and tying up all the loose ends is hard in any time travelling story!), but the gameplay takes the shine off these brilliant bits.

You know what; this game should have been a lot better, especially with the presence of futuristic Spidey. Maybe he can travel back a few more years to before the game was made and add a few finishing touches.

8. The Amazing Spiderman 2 (2014)

The Amazing Spiderman ps3

The Amazing Spiderman 2 game is the opposite situation to Spiderman 3 – the game is better than the film. Still, it wasn’t hard to be better than this boring cinematic blunder.

The game has its issues, I’m not going to lie. The developers have tried to get fancy with their camera angles and offer up something to wow gamers. I suppose that was to detract from the fact that the film is terrible and therefore the game story wasn’t going to be much better.

The result is janky camera angles and an open-world fee that, like Spiderman 3, has those boundaries that restrict you when all you want to do is swing beyond the boundaries.

The game devs tried to work around the story problems by creating their own features outside of the main storyline, and thats what’s saved this game.

The missions don’t offer much more than Spiderman 3 and they are a little repetitive, but graphically it’s a winner… when the camera angles allow you to see what’s going on.

The morality system of choosing to help people or ignore crimes is a nice touch too. It’s not quite Infamous, but it’s something!

9. Spiderman 3 (2007)

spider man 3 ps3

Let’s kick things off with Toby McGuire’s last official outing, Spiderman 3. I don’t care how many new films come out and how many appearances he makes in other films, the original Spiderman movies are my favourite.

Sadly, there are better games out for the PS3, and the game itself doesn’t quite live up to the films.

But hey, it’s got open world features and allows players to swing through cityscapes while getting into lots of web-crawling action.

Dive into sewers, crawl up buildings and soar from the top – it never gets old.

One thing that the film doesn’t have is all the enemies in this game. More bosses = more fun, right?

Rather than just fighting the Green Goblin (or the New Goblin as he prefers being known), players can go up against Kingpin, The Lizard, and the ever roid-raging Rhino.

Who could forget the chase to play with Spidey’s symbiote costume either? Playing as Venom is way more fun, even though people are scared of your new look and aggressive demeanour.

With great power comes great responsibility… and anger, by the looks of it!

Sebastian Santabarbara profile image Sebastian Santabarbara
Sebastian is fuelled by a lifelong passion for Zelda, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, and all things retro. He uses his misspent youth with retro consoles to create content for readers around the world.