Prince Of Persia: Sands Of Time Remake Is Finally On Its Way

GameCube game case for the Prince of Persia sands of time

It’s a remake that I’ve been waiting for for a long time after first playing this game on the GameCube back in 2003, and now I’ve got an official timeframe for its arrival. Yes, the Prince of Persia: Sands of Time Remake finally has a release year… though we’ve still got a little bit longer to wait.

Hey, I thought that this project had just been shelved in favour of other, more lucrative ideas. I hadn’t heard anything about it for a while and had just presumed that, like so many other ideas in the gaming industry, it had disappeared without a trace with the hope that we would, in time, forget it ever existed.

That notion was fuelled further by the project having difficulties from the beginning and a complete reset and restart being carried out in the design stages. Still, it appears that having a dagger that can rewind time to erase mistakes might have proved useful for the development team, because all the problems seem to have been ironed out, and production appears to be going full steam ahead once more.

Announced at the Ubisoft Forward event via a 30-second teaser trailer, we see some stunning visuals of a candle by an open window with a cityscape slightly out of focus in the background. Then the kicker – 2026. Yes, it’ll be 23 years between the game’s first release and the remake dropping… or so the trailer tells us.

I don’t want to bring the mood down, but I remember seeing a teaser trailer for Metroid Prime 4 at E3 six years ago and I still don’t have that game in my collection. With no gameplay in the footage whatsoever, I have to wonder whether Ubisoft has realised they jumped the gun by announcing this title when they weren’t ready, and if they’re even on schedule with this project now. Perhaps they’ve learned from their mistakes and don’t want to give too much away, knowing that they’ve already had to start over once with the project already. My initial excitement, however, has sadly given way to a cocktail of being a little bit hopeful followed by a large dollop of scepticism.

Other than the trailer above, we don’t have any more information as to when the game will drop in 2026. No doubt Amazon will leak a proposed date in the coming months (good old Amazon), so keep your eyes peeled and we’ll give you all the information on the Sand of Time Remake as and when we get it!

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