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Wear Your Nintendo Pride With Exclusive Pin Set

My Nintendo Pin Set

If you’ve ever wanted to show off your My Nintendo Platinum membership status while walking the streets, Nintendo now offers a pin set to do just that.

Nintendo has launched the My Nintendo Platinum Point and Gold Point Coins Pin Set on their store for people who want to proudly display their My Nintendo status.

The set comes with a Gold Point Coin star pin and a Platinum Point Coin mushroom pin. Each pin is one inch in diameter.

To purchase the pin set, you must actually have 800 Platinum points in your account.

Which I did not have. I’ve got 927 Gold Points and 0 Platinum Points. So I do not qualify for the exclusive club!

My Nintendo Pin Set

I had to go research how the point system works to find out why I had no Platinum points. According to the Nintendo website:

Gold points are earned through purchases and Platinum points are earned by “completing missions related to the My Nintendo service”.

In-game achievements basically.

So you must truly be a part of the exclusive Platinum points club to get these pins.

My Nintendo

My Nintendo Pin Set

The My Nintendo rewards program is a system that earns points whenever you make a purchase using your Nintendo account.

And you probably have a bunch of coins sitting in your account like me that you were unaware of.

I heard Wood and Bob on the Nontendo Podcast talking about having coins in their accounts that they didn’t realize could be used for purchases. Which is the only reason I even know about them.

If you are somebody who has your online achievements active (maybe I don’t?), then you might have enough Platinum points waiting in your account to get your free exclusive pin set!

Time to go review your My Nintendo account, I reckon.

If you don’t have the Platinum points, here’s some stuff you can purchase with cold hard cash: 25 Best Nintendo Gifts Of 2023.

Anthony Wallace profile image Anthony Wallace
Anthony has been a video game lover ever since he can remember. He became a fulltime nomad in 2018, living throughout most of Asia. He focused his passion in retro gaming and began creating a game for