5 Best Metroid Prime Remastered Tips For Beginners

It’s been 21 years since Metroid Prime was first released, but its remastered version is finally here! A whole new generation of gamers can now discover the legacy of this classic – which is why I’ve got your back with the 5 best Metroid Prime Remastered tips for beginners. 

By using my helpful tips, you’ll be playing Metroid Prime Remastered like a pro.

If you’re already clued up on all there is to know about Samus and her action packed adventures, but you still want a Metroid fix, check out Retro Dodo’s 14 best Metroid games of 2023

But let’s not delay any longer, it’s time to dive into the stunning new graphics of Metroid Prime Remastered!

5. Use Dual Stick Controls

Metroid Prime Remastered tips for beginners - dual controls

Assuming you’ve never played Metroid Prime before, you’ll want to stick with the new control scheme in Metroid Prime Remastered (that’s the dual stick option, by the way). 

There’s nothing wrong with the classic control scheme, just it might be harder to adapt to if you’re mainly used to playing modern first person shooters. But if you want to experiment and see what a more old school experience is like, you can change the control scheme at any time.

4. Regularly Save Your Game

Metroid Prime Remastered tips for beginners - save points

If you’re anything like me, you’ve grown accustomed to games automatically saving your progress. Well, that’s not going to work in Metroid Prime Remastered. Instead, you’ll need to find Save Rooms. 

They’re pretty easy to find on the map – just look for rooms that don’t lead anywhere, more often than not there’s a Save Station waiting. 

3. Get All Missile And Energy Tank Expansions

I know it can feel tedious grinding to find expansions, especially if, like me, you’re rubbish at map reading. However, finding the missile and energy tank expansions are essential in Metroid Prime Remastered. 

For the uninitiated: energy tanks are your HP, which means you want to improve that whenever you can, and missiles are high impact weapons with a variety of uses. Obviously, getting those energy tanks should be your priority, with the missile expansions a close second. 

2. Dodge Your Way to Victory

Dodging enemy attacks is the key to survival. No, seriously. Plenty of your foes are continuously attacking you, so you need to escape their impact as much as possible.

But dodge isn’t just handy to get out of the way of relentless fire, it’s also a great way to reach those weak spots on an enemy’s body. Weak spots are quite easy to spot, especially if you’ve scanned the enemy you’re fighting, the problem is reaching that weak spot without dodging.

1. Scan Every Single Thing

Metroid Prime Remastered tips for beginners - scan everything

This probably sounds like overkill, but trust me when I tell you need to scan everything.

Remember how I mentioned enemy weak spots? Well, scanning is one of the easiest ways to discover what and where those vulnerabilities are.

Beyond that, scanning will also reveal environmental secrets, like hidden rooms, as well as tell you some Metroid Prime lore. 

So, what have we learnt? Move, save, and scan like your life depends on it. Because, let’s be honest, it probably does. 

Now you know the 5 best Metroid Prime Remastered tips for beginners, you should definitely check out Seb’s article on the 10 best Metroid ROM hacks of 2023

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