Legendary MMO RuneScape Has Been Shown Running & Connected On Dreamcast

runescape loading on the Dreamcast

How is it that we’re in an age where more impressive things are happening for the Dreamcast than back when it launched? It’s not too long ago that we covered Falco Girgis and Obbe Vermeij chatting about getting Grand Theft Auto 3 running on the Dreamcast, the console it was originally made for, and now Falco has dropped the news that the homebrew community has RuneScape up and running on the console and connected to the servers. And as always, we love how excited Falco gets about these releases – get ready for some ecstatic caps lock usage!

LobotomyDC has got the game up and running and connected to the RuneScape servers, but there’s still a long way to go. The game doesn’t run great and it’s only been tested using an emulator, but it’s a good start and an incredibly impressive one at that! As Falco explains in the tweet above, this is how the GTA 3 Dreamcast project started and that’s come on in leaps and bounds, so we’re keeping everything crossed for similar results here. Check out the RuneCast GitHub page for more information!

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