Delta has taken the iPhone world by storm recently, providing Apple users with access to one of our favourite emulators after Tim Cook and the gang relaxed their stance on which apps enter the App Store. We’ve all been glued to our phones here at Retro Dodo Towers, and now that a specific iPad Delta Emulator is on its way, it looks like we’ll be glued to those too.
How amazing will it be to have a gigantic GBA or NDS in our hands? Seeing those Dual DS screens working in tandem on such a big screen looks incredible from the clips that I’ve seen so far, and I can imagine NES and SNES games will look amazing up on there too.
Some of you will have already rushed to your iPad App Store and found Delta sitting there. Well, that’s the iPhone version, and while you can download it, it will only make an iPhone-sized emulator in the middle of your screen. The iPad variant will take up much more of the screen and look ten times better – Riley isn’t messing around here, folks!

If you follow Delta Creator Riley Testut on Threads or Mastodon, then you’ll notice that he’s given some information regarding the new information regarding how things are going for the iPad app.
First of all, we know it’s coming. There are some skins and bugs that need sorting out, and while the iPad app is available through Riley’s Alt Store for Patrons, he’s making it a priority for an Apple release now that the iPhone rollout has happened. That NES skin above for NDS play looks very slick, and if the others look this good I’ll be very happy!
So, the fact that it’s already out for Delta Patrons means that it should be heading to our iPads within the coming weeks (days hopefully if we’re lucky), meaning that we can all be playing Mario on the train and during meetings. That multitasking screen above looks very dangerous for me when I should be doing Retro Dodo work!