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How To Get Nacli In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet (The Easy Way)

how to get nacli in pokemon scarlet and violet

Nacli is a new addition to the Pokemon franchise, and one that very much reminds us of Minecraft, due do it’s square rock like nature and future evolutions.

Nacli is a rock type Pokemon that somewhat looks like a little mushroom with a white sugar cube on its head, even though its adorable and many want it for their collection, it soon evolves into something enormous known as Garganacl.

So, here’s how to get Nacli In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.

Where To Catch Nacli In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Nacli can be found east of Mesagoza directly outside of the gates. Head past the picnic stop and you’ll find a Nacli on your left hidden amongst the grass.

Much like how to get Pichu in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, you have to pull your Nintendo Switch to your face as Nacli is a very small Pokemon making it easily mistaken for a rock… because that’s what it basically is.

Sometimes i can walk into bushes and that makes it even harder.

Nacli can be found at around Level 13 too, making it a great catch for someone looking to fill up their team with good level Pokemon before your first gym.

Nacli evolves into Naclstack at level 24 and then into Garganacl at level 38, which is an incredibly dope looking Pokemon.

How To Evolve Nacli In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

evolve nacli into naclstack

To evolve Nacli you must help the Pokemon reach Level 24, it will then evolve into Naclstack a rock type Pokemon that looks like something out of Minecraft.

If you need some assistance throughout your gaming experience be sure to check out mystery gift codes in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, sometimes you can get some free items and Pokemon.

Brandon Saltalamacchia profile image Brandon Saltalamacchia
Brandon is the founder of Retro Dodo and has loved gaming ever since his mother bought him Pokemon Yellow for the Game Boy in the late 90's. Now he writes about his passions for gaming and collecting.