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How To Beat Thardus In Metroid Prime Remastered

How To Beat Thardus In Metroid Prime Remastered

Now you’ve figured out how to reach Thardus in Metroid Prime (no judgement, that Ruined Courtyard door is a pain in the butt), it’s time to learn how to beat Thardus in Metroid Prime Remastered.

Yes, another boss fight is upon Samus, and it’s one of her toughest yet.

Thardus isn’t just a large opponent, it also takes a lot of damage before it dies. Not forgetting that you have to switch between your Combat Visor and Thermal Visor throughout… whilst dodging rocks.

Basically, there’s a lot going on during this battle.

Although I can’t promise that you’ll beat Thardus in seconds flat, I can promise you that this guide will make the battle feel less infuriating.

How To Beat Thardus In Metroid Prime Remastered

To beat Thardus, use your Thermal Visor to find its

red weak spot

and keep firing until your Thermal Visor fails, then use your Combat Visor to find its

blue weak spot

. Repeat this process until Thardus falls.

Like with any other battle, make sure to scan your enemy before attacking. I know I keep saying this, but it bears repeating.

Still, even after you’ve scanned Thardus, the battle is hard going.

As if switching between the two visors isn’t annoying enough, Thardus also has a trio of attacks: it’ll turn into a giant ball and roll at Samus, it’ll throw rocks, and it’ll use an ice beam to freeze Samus solid.

I don’t care how good at strafing you are, remembering to use the right visor, always hit the target, and not run out of missiles whilst you do this will prove challenging.

Oh, and while you can just use your Power Beam to attack, missiles will deal greater damage over shorter periods of time.

Thardus isn’t a tough boss because of its deals heavy damage, but because it takes so damn long to die.

how to beat Thardus in Metroid Prime Remastered - use visors to get ahead

Love or hate Thardus, its demise means you can get the Spider Ball – a Morph Ball upgrade that suddenly opens up a lot of previously impassable areas of the World Map.

I’ll leave you to enjoy the newfound freedom that the Spider Ball offers, but don’t worry, I’ll be back soon with another Metroid Prime Remastered guide.

Until then, why not check out how to change the controls in Metroid Prime for a more old school experience?

How many times did it take you to beat Thardus? Share your stats over on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Emma Flint profile image Emma Flint
Emma has loved video games ever since she first saw Alex Kidd platforming across her TV screen. Since then, the 32 year old has dedicated an obscene number of hours to playing as many games as possibl