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How To Beat Professor Sada In Pokemon Scarlet

How To Beat Professor Sada In Pokemon Scarlet

It’s here… the end. The big finale. And boy, what a finale it is!

If you’re reading this and haven’t reached the Great Crater of Paldea yet – STOP! Go and learn how to reach Area Zero first, then return when you’re truly ready.

Assuming you’ve heeded my warning, you trainers are the ones ready to put a stop to whatever is troubling Professor Sada deep in Area Zero.

I’m not going to lie, if the twists and turns of the story don’t finish you off, this battle just might. It’s not for the faint hearted!

You’re about to challenge Professor Sada to a battle, and she’s not going to take this lying down.

How To Enter Lab Zero

Before you can finally meet Professor Sada face-to-face you have to unlock the door to Lab Zero, located at the bottom of Area Zero.

Finding the four locks that keep it sealed isn’t the issue, it’s the Pokemon that charge out once you do this.

You’ll be met by Flutter Mane, Great Tusk, and Brute Bonnet.

I wouldn’t say these Pokemon are difficult to beat, however, if you fail to use type weaknesses/strengths to your advantage they may hurt you more than you’d like.

To give you a helping hand in that department, here’s the types of all three Pokemon:

  • Flutter Mane – Level 64 (Ghost/Fairy)
  • Great Tusk – Level 64 (Ground/Fighting)
  • Brute Bonnet – Level 64 (Grass/Dark)

Fortunately, you won’t be fighting alone – Nemona, Penny, and Arven will all help you take on the horde.

But then, once the dust has settled, it’s all up to you and Koraidon.

What Pokemon Does Professor Sada Use?

  • Slither Wing – Level 66 (Bug/Fighting)
  • Scream Tail – Level 66 (Fairy/Psychic)
  • Brute Bonnet – Level 66 (Grass/Dark)
  • Flutter Mane – Level 66 (Ghost/Fairy)
  • Sandy Shocks – Level 66 (Electric/Ground)
  • Roaring Moon – Level 67 (Dragon/Dark)

How To Beat Professor Sada In Pokemon Scarlet

If you want an easy battle against Professor Sada you need to use a varied Party, though Fairy and Flying types will especially serve you well. Try to use Pokemon with dual types, like Meowscarada (Grass/Dark) and Tinkaton (Fairy/Steel).

The key to success is being able to adapt to whatever Pokemon Professor Sada sends out, e.g. when she uses Slither Wing make sure to use a Flying or Bug type for maximum damage.

Lokix, the evolution of Nymble, is a great choice in this instance, and will prove effective against Brute Bonnet too.

If you haven’t got Lokix, use our how to get Nymble guide to get the lowdown on this surprisingly powerful Pokemon.

Professor Sada won’t Terastallize any of her Pokemon, meaning you’re at a slight advantage. However, I wouldn’t say you need to rely on it in order to win.

If you’re a Pokemon Violet player, please keep in mind that Professor Turo will use different Pokemon.

Once Roaring Moon faints, don’t get lulled into a false sense of security because Professor Sada (or should I say AI Sada) isn’t finished yet… It’s now time to enter the final phrase of this boss fight!

How To Beat The Paradise Protection Protocol in Pokemon Scarlet

You need to use Koraidon in this battle. Allow it to transform into its Battle Form, then wait until you’re told to Terastallize it before landing the final few blows.

Yes, we finally get to fight with Koraidon.

It’s a really touching moment watching it transform to take on the Guardian of Paradise, which is, in fact, another Koraidon.

This is the only Pokemon you’ll face during this battle, but that doesn’t mean it’ll be easy because its Giga Impact can be devastating. It nearly one-hit KO’d me.

The only saving grace to this move is that it needs to recharge before being used again, meaning you can heal and get in some hard hitting attacks of your own.

I found Tera Blast the most effective of all Koraidon’s moves. Though, unfortunately, it only has 5 PP, and so you need to use it wisely (or use Ethers if you have any spare).

Terastallizing makes all the difference in this battle, especially when using Tera Blast – it pretty much annihilates the Guardian of Paradise in two hits. And once it’s down, it won’t be getting back up.

Though be warned, there’s still plenty of drama in store. There’s a lot of emotional goodbyes and tear jerking moments you need to mentally prepare for before leaving Area Zero.

But you won. You defeated Professor Sada and lived to tell the tale!

Unlike with Gym Leaders, there’s no Badge or TM as a way of a reward; your reward is the satisfaction of knowing you saved Paldea.

I’d say you’ve earned a break, but if you want to keep going be sure to use the Pokemon Scarlet & Violet mystery gift codes. After all, you’ve got some post game trials to face before this wild ride is truly over.

Emma Flint profile image Emma Flint
Emma has loved video games ever since she first saw Alex Kidd platforming across her TV screen. Since then, the 32 year old has dedicated an obscene number of hours to playing as many games as possibl