Crash Bandicoot 4 and Spyro: Reignited Trilogy developer Toys For Bob have unveiled their new company logo and caused some fans to speculate a game announcement is imminent.
Toys For Bob published the new logo, a stylised purple tiki mask to its website this morning. Toys For Bob’s website was offline earlier this week ahead of the change and now all previously accessible pages on the Toys For Bob website currently seem unreachable, with older URLs returning a “the requested URL was not found on this server” error.
When examining the logo in question, visually, the tiki mask conjurers images of Crash Bandicoot‘s guide and mentor Aku Aku, alongside many of the various tiki masks that have appeared in the franchise. The purple colour of the logo is also synonymous with another character with links to Toys For Bob, Spyro the Dragon.
The new logo has sent fans of both Crash and Spyro into speculation mode, with commentators posting their theories across social media, with several wondering about new entries in the long-running series or whether the Crash iconography paired with Spyro’s colour pallette suggest a potential crossover of the two platforming legends.

I’ve done some sleuthing around the Toys For Bob website this morning and discovered that the truth behind the new logo may not have anything to do with either Crash or Spyro after all. When examining the logo’s html, the file name states simply ‘TFB_LogoVector_TikiMask-purple.png”. So, for now at least, it seems like this new logo is just a new look for the developer, rather than a tease of a new game.
Tiki Teaser

But why the tiki mask at all, you might ask, given Toys For Bob’s previous work on the Crash Bandicoot series. Well, the answer here is simple too. Before Microsoft closed the studio and the developer adopted a work from home output, Toys For Bob’s headquarters in Novato, California, pictured above, was heavily tiki themed, with tribal decorations, tiki huts and surf boards lining the walls throughout.
In March the veteran developers, whose other titles include Crash Team Rumble, Skylanders and Pandemonim, secured a deal with former owners Microsoft to develop their first title as an indie developer after breaking away from the Xbox manufacturers.
Toys For Bob operated under the umbrella of Xbox and Microsoft following the latter’s acquisition of parent company Activision for $68.7 billion in October 2023 after a protracted, public campaign. Toys For Bob were poised to continue working as a support studio for the Call of Duty franchise before gaining independence.
For fans of Crash, Spyro and Toys For Bob, hopefully we don’t have to wait too long to find out what their futures hold.