Book4Games Drop Wave 3 Of Their Precision Game Storage Solutions

Book4games storage

If you’ve got a big hoard of games at home that you want to keep safe but still out on display for you and your friends to ogle at while having a well-earned cup of tea, then Book4Games has the answer. Based in France, the company has just dropped Wave 3 of their precision game storage solutions, with products tailored to the NES, SNES, PC Engine, and Game Gear.

Book4Games launched the project on July 5th, and as I write this article on July 19th, they’ve already surpassed their initial goal of €5,000 with 12 days still to go!

Just take a look at the video above; pretty special, huh? Writing on the official Kickstarter page, the team confirm a feeling that we all have about loose carts – ‘While loose games are often overlooked by most hardcore collectors, we believe they can still be the highlight of one’s collection. They’re much more affordable and remain original pieces of the Video Games History.’ Yet sadly, they normally get stored in drawers or shoeboxes and are not looked after with the respect they deserve.

What I love about these storage solutions is the attention to detail in the casing too. The NES storage case comes with NES-style branding, almost as if it had dropped with the original console back in the 80s. each case holds 4 NES games, though that varies with the different variations. The SNES options hold 6 games, and the PC Engine and Game Gear cases both hold 12 cartridges.

Book 4 games storage solutions for the Game Gear and SNES

While Book4Games has already achieved their initial goal, there are other tiers to meet that we’re hoping they’ll reach in the next twelve days. At €7,000 we’ll get a reprint of the best-sellers from Wave 2 and a full reprint at €10,000. As a reminder, Wave 2 brought protection for Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, N64, Game & Watch, and Famicom carts. And at €12,000, there’s a surprise reveal (now I really want to know what it’s going to be!).

While the project has already been fulfilled, you can still back Book4Games by purchasing either one or all of the storage solutions via Kickstarter.

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