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13 Best Ranged Gear In OSRS [According To A Pro]

13 Best Ranged Gear In OSRS [According To A Pro]

OSRS stands for Old School RuneScape, and we’re looking at 13 of the best ranged pieces of gear that you can use in the game in order to take down opponents from a distance and to withstand attacks from far off too.

Hey, only fools battle close up, right?

We interviewed one of the world’s most popular Runescape players known as Raikesy, and asked him for his professional advice about the best ranged gear in OSRS.

So, let’s get right to it and see what the professionals advice!

13. Karil The Tainted’s Range Gear

There are so many strong pieces of ranged gear in this game that even the Number 13 entry is an absolute behemoth. Karil The Tainted’s Range Gear is a great bit of kit if you’re going up against other players that favour hiding and waiting when it comes to attacking.

Mainly because you can use your +138 ranged attack stat bonus to pick them off one by one!

The set offers some other epic bonuses such as +90 Crush, +100 Ranged, and +106 Magic, making it incredibly useful when it comes to both defending from oncoming attacks and striking out with any offensive game plan.

To get your grubby mitts on it, just complete the Barrows minigame!

12. Armadyl Armour

Best Ranged Gear In OSRS - Armadyl Armour

Let’s throw another powerful set of armour into the mix. The Armadyl Armour is joins our list of the best ranged gear in OSRS with some amazing attacking stats.

We’re talking +105 Crush, a Magic bonus of +120, and +98 Ranged Defence. It also gives you +3 when it comes to prayer bonus too.

That doesn’t work when you’re sat praying that you’re going to make it through the level, however!

So, how do you get the Armadyl Armour? Well, you’ll have to find and kill Kree’arra in the God Wars Dungeon. You better start that praying now!

11. Armadyl Crossbow

Best Ranged Gear In OSRS - Armadyl Crossbow

Let’s throw the Armadyl Crossbow into our list of the best ranged gear in OSRS, the well deserved reward for beating Commander Zilyanna and a weapon that gives you a prayer bonus as well as adding some epic range bonuses to your stats.

With this crossbow in your hands, players will get a whopping +70 Ranged Attack, utilising an attack area of 10 tiles.

It also has +20 Ranged Strength too and is quick fire with a Speed of six.

All in all, it’s not a weapon you wanting to be going up against!

10. Dwarf Cannon

Best Ranged Gear In OSRS - Dwarf Cannon

Next up on our list of the best ranged gear in OSRS is the Dwarf Cannon, a super useful ranged weapon in OSRS that you can stick on the ground to help you out of some tight situations.

And by tight situations I mean when hordes of enemies are swarming towards you and you want a little help taking them down.

The Dwarf cannon is a mandatory Item for both new and veteran players, attacking multiple targets at once while in multicombat areas.

As standard it holds 30 cannon balls which can be increased to 35 with the completion of the medium combat diary, 45 with hard and a whopping 60 with the completion of the elite tier.

To grab one of the Dwarf Cannons, just complete the Dwarf Cannon quest!

9. Ava’s Assembler

This just looks like a backpack, right? Well, Ava’s Assembler is a lot more impressive than that.

This is a range cape, and it recovers a percentage of your ammo used.

The Assembler upgrade will offer the highest yield of recovery on ammunition at 80%, gives the highest ranged stat +8 for Attack bonus and also give’s you a +2 in ranged strength.

For starters, you’ll need to beat Vorkath and get Vorkath’s Head, which isn’t a drop that happens that often. With the head an accumulator in tow, Ava will give you the Assembler, giving you +8 in both Magic Defence and Range Attack and a Range Strength bonus of +2!

8. Void Ranged Armour

The Void Ranged armour is a set that anyone can use as it doesn’t cost a penny to buy, making it great for people who don’t have a lot of cash but need some much needed ranged upgrades.

This armour increases your max hit and offers one of the best XP per hour ratios while training.

And for a freebie, you’ll actually find that a lot of veteran players are still using it when they get to The Theatre of Blood. If that doesn’t make it one of the best Ranged gear in OSRS, then I don’t know what does!

To get it, have a go at the Pest Control mini game. It will take anywhere from 6-12 hours to obtain, so you’ll need to get some snacks in!

7. Toxic Blowpipe

The bronze medal in our best ranged gear in OSRS goes to the Toxic Blowpipe, a super speedy weapon that really cuts the mustard when you head into battle.

How does a +60 Range Attack bonus sound to you just from holding this bad boy?

Not enough? Ok, how about I throw in the ability to envenom your opponents? This comes with a 25% chance of success by just holding the blowpipe alone, but it goes up to 100% if you manage to find a special bit of kit called the Serpentine Helmet.

It’s also one of the most iconic ranged OSRS weapons too; I know a couple of people that have one of these in their gaming rooms!

6. Necklace Of Anguish

Best Ranged Gear In OSRS - Necklace Of Anguish

I’m not going to lie, but this sounds like something that I probably wouldn’t want to put on myself; The Necklace of Anguish sounds a little like a Horcrux, but in reality it’s a lot more useful than carrying a bit of Voldy’s soul around your neck.

If you know your OSRS, then you’ll know that Zenyte jewellery  is pretty handy to have around. This nifty necklace (which sounds less scary) gives you a +15 Range Attack no matter where you use it.

Throw +2 prayer and +5 range strength into the mix as added extras too, and you’ve got one heck of an item on your hands.

Here’s the snag though – you can only carry this powerful necklace upon your neck once you’ve amassed a total of 75 hit points or higher, and you’ll need 93 Magic before you’re powerful to cast a spell on a normal Zenyte necklace, turning it into the Necklace of Anguish.

5. Venator Bow

The Venator Bow is one of the the newest additions to the OSRS ranged weapons roster, dropping into our lives added on the 2 February 2023. To make it, you’ll need to combine five venator shards together or by buying 1 for 36M (at the time of this article).

The bow is the first of it’s kind to offer a completely new game mechanic never seen before; it will actually attempt to fire another arrow into a nearby target effectively causing a bounce effect.

That essentially means your 1 arrow can hit up to 3 targets in total as long as the targets are within two squares of the original targets center tile. The bouncing arrow deals damage up to two-thirds of the original max hit.

Although the bow is fresh to the game and new metas are still being discovered, it already has it’s fair share of unique uses to be worthy of this list. Currently it’s a great alternative to training ranged without breaking the bank

The bow can also be complimented alongside the cannon, making multiway combat slayer tasks a breeze. If your looking for competitive ranged training or a unique way to pull agro to mobs, this bow may be for you and who knows what metas are yet to be discovered.

4. Barrow Gloves / Zaryte Vambraces

For this one it’s a tied decision, it’s no secret when it comes to Oldschool Runescape damage is everything, and we wouldn’t be doing this list justice without mentioning the Barrow Gloves & Zaryte Vambraces.

Both are more than adequate glove slot options with the Vambraces requiring 80 ranged and 45 defence to equip, offering +18 ranged attack, +2 ranged Strength with +1 prayer, and barrow gloves giving +12 ranged attack.

Although the Barrow gloves aren’t the best in slot for ranged, they are incredibly useful for almost everything else in game. They also offer the highest Ranged attack before the braces.

To get them you’re required to complete the quest line: The Recipe for Disaster, but once completed can be purchased for a humble 130K, a small price to pay compared to the whopping 150M Zaryte vambraces.

Both of the Barrow Gloves and Zartye Vambraces should be on the list for all players to receive, with the gloves being a mid game progressional pick up and the Braces an end game purchase.

3. Masori Armour Set

Best Ranged Gear In OSRS - Masori Armour

The Masori Armour Set is one of the coolest pieces of kit in any game going. It’s got some serious Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy vibes about it and comes with some amazing extra bonuses.

To get it, you’ll need to complete the Tombs of Amascut, and when fortified it provides you with more defence than you’ll know what to do with!

We’re talking +106 Ranged Defence, +102 Stab Defence, and +132 against all Magical Attacks!

You’ll get a nice +82 to your Ranged Attack even when unfortified too; not bad, huh?

Not only does this armour offer the best in slot ranged bonuses, but it also offers the best defence bonuses, making it by far the best most well rounded ranged armour in game, for a price of 230M.

2. Crystal Armour

Elves know their stuff when it comes to fighting, right? Well, the Crystal Armour would certainly confirm this theory, as it’s another powerful armour set and some of the best ranged gear in OSRS  for slaying your enemies.

When it comes to ranged attacks, Crystal Armour gives users a +58 bonus and +128 against ranged protection, which is great if you’re heading up against other players that also like to attack from afar.

You’ll also get a whopping +84 Stab too and +92 Crush Defence, making this armour perfect for skirmishes up close as well.

The full set of Crystal armour has a passive effect giving a 15% damage and 30% accuracy bonus to any crystal weapons while equipped. To get the whole set, you’ll first  have to complete the Song of the Elves.

The armour requires 70 defence and to craft the full set you will need 74 smithing and crafting, both of which can be boosted. Players also need a total of 6 crystal armour seeds (5M each) and 300 crystal shards.

In addition to the original forging, the armour will have to be maintained with more crystal shards added into the mix along way.

1. Twisted Bow

The results are in, and the Twisted Bow is officially the best ranged item in OSRS!

How much would you expect to pay for the best ranged weapon in OSRS? 1,000 coins? 10,000 coins?

How about 1.1 billion coins!

Yeah, you’re going to have to get saving if you want to wield this powerful piece. When it comes to attack points, the higher your opponents magical level is, the higher the damage it will do.

So, realistically it’s going to be devastating all the way through this game – every boss seems to have more magic than Dumbledore and Gandalf combined in OSRS!

For the enemies that don’t have a lot of magic, this bow won’t do a lot. Still, you’ve got items like the Toxic Blowpipe to take care of them.

Pull out the Twisted Bow when the going gets tough and scare your opponents with how big your wallet is to have bought it in the first place!

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Sebastian Santabarbara profile image Sebastian Santabarbara
Sebastian is fuelled by a lifelong passion for Zelda, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, and all things retro. He uses his misspent youth with retro consoles to create content for readers around the world.