It’s time to grab those Pokeballs as we answer the question, what is the best Pokemon team of all time?
With such a rich history of games, it’s very easy to become overwhelmed and overlook certain Pokemon in favour of others when building your party of six pocket monsters.
There’s now over 920 Pokemon in the Pokedex and that number is set to rise even more with the introduction of new games Pokemon Scarlet and Pokemon Violet.
So where do we even begin when looking at what team is the best of all time?
We here at Retro Dodo consider ourselves pretty well versed in the various strengths and weaknesses of a huge range of Pokemon. Just check out our list of the best Normal type Pokemon, the best Psychic Pokemon or the best Ground type Pokemon for just a few examples of our insight.
So, we’ve taken everything we know about Pokemon and distilled it into our choice of the best six Pokemon you can choose to make up a balanced team. This is a team that will cope with almost anything that can be thrown at your pocket monsters.
With so many types (there are now a massive eighteen Pokemon Types), it’s next to impossible to guard against every single weakness.
But, we’ve deliberately chosen strong monsters, with two types each and none repeated across all six of them.
So let’s take a look at Retro Dodo’s answer to the age-old question: what is the best Pokemon team of all time?
6. Wash Rotom

Making its debut in fourth generation titles Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, Rotom has five alternate forms that were introduced in Pokemon Platinum.
Eagle-eyed Retro Dodo readers will also notice that spells ‘Motor’ backwards…
All five of these forms are based on household appliances. The one we’ve chosen as part of the best Pokemon team is Wash Rotom, which resembles a washing machine.
Though this is by far the least impressive Pokemon on the list from a stats point of view, what makes it valuable is the interesting Electric and Water type combination. That little cocktail makes up for shortfalls in strength and weakness that the other Pokemon we’ve chosen for this party.
Wash Rotom also has the Levitate ability, which means that it’s not affected by Ground type attacks either.
We admit that its HP and Attack are pretty underwhelming, particularly in comparison to the rest of the team. But its two types and the Levitate ability make Wash Rotom a valuable support player.
5. Mega Tyranitar

First introduced in generation two titles Pokemon Gold and Pokemon Silver, Tyranitar’s Mega Evolution was made available from Pokemon X and Pokemon Y onwards.
Tyranitar is the evolved form of Pupitar, which itself evolves from Larvitar.
Though Tyranitar is – Speed aside – blessed with some excellent stats, Mega Tyranitar is on a different level entirely.
This Rock and Dark type Pokeon excels when it comes to Attack and Defense, both of which are at levels that place Mega Tyranitar amongst the most impressive monsters in the Pokedex.
Dark attacks are great against Psychic and Ghost type Pokemon too – which can be particularly tricky to deal with.
Which all goes to show how valuable Mega Tyranitar is, and why it has been chosen as part of our best Pokemon team of all time!
4. Zacian (Crowned Sword)

With an Attack stat that places it firmly in the top 10 attackers in the entire Pokedex, eighth generation Pokemon Zacian, in its Crowned Sword form, is a real force to be reckoned with.
Though weak against Fire and Ground attacks, Crowned Sword Zacian is pretty well protected against most other Pokemon types.
With its Fairy and Steel type attacks, it can be strong against Ice, Fighting, Rock, Dragon, Dark and Fairy type Pokemon.
Good luck trying to outpace a Crowned Sword Zacian too; its Speed puts it very near the top of Pokemon by speed in the whole Pokedex too.
All of which demonstrates why Crowned Sword Zacian is one of our picks for the best Pokemon team of all time!
3. Primal Groudon

It’s perhaps unsurprising to see Ground and Fire type beast Primal Groudon here, as it also appeared at the very top of our best Ground type Pokemon list.
Our reasoning for placing it so highly makes it an obvious choice for our best Pokemon team too. Primal Groudon has the joint fourth highest Attack stat in the Pokedex, plus its Defense and Sp. Atk place it squarely in the top of the Pokedex by those stats.
When Primal Groudon reaches level 90, it can learn the absolutely devastating move Eruption, which causes more damage the higher the attacker’s HP is.
Along the way, Primal Groudon has plenty of other strong attacks it picks up, which is why it was such a clear choice for our best Pokemon team list!
2. Mega Rayquaza

Making its first appearance in the third generation of Pokemon games, Rayquaza didn’t get a Mega Evolution until Pokemon Omega Ruby and Pokemon Alpha Sapphire.
It was worth the wait though. HP aside – which remains the same as the non-Mega HP stat – Mega Rayquaza’s stats are like Rayquaza’s, turned up to eleven.
Mega Rayquaza’s Sp. Atk stat alone puts it jointly in second place for Sp. Atk in the whole Pokedex. And it’s joint fourth for Attack too!
HP, Defense, Sp. Def and Speed are all above average as well, making this a seriously good Pokemon to have on your side (and best of luck if you come up against one!).
Mega Rayquaza’s Dragon and Flying types also cover a lot of bases strength-wise, and in fact, it only has real weakness against Ice, Fairy and other Dragon types.
In short, Mega Rayquaza is a stunning Pokemon and well deserving of its place in the best Pokemon team of all time!
1. Mega Mewtwo X

So which Pokemon do we have sitting proudly as the leader of the best Pokemon team of all time?
Mewtwo is a true OG Pokemon, having appeared in the very first games: Pokemon Red and Pokemon Blue.(Check out our list of all Pokemon games in order to see just how long ago it was that Mewtwo first appeared!).
However, the two Mega Mewtwo variations didn’t arrive until Pokemon X and Pokemon Y. Fittingly, they’re also known as Mega Mewtwo X and Mega Mewtwo Y.
So why did we opt for Mega Mewtwo X and not Y?
As we explained in the intro, we wanted to cover as many Pokemon Types as possible. And unfortunately, Mega Mewtwo Y is a Psychic type only.
Mega Mewtwo X, on the other hand, is Psychic and Fighting, giving it the upper hand in many situations.
It is susceptible to Flying, Ghost and Fairy type attacks.But hey, that’s why you have a team made up of the best Pokemon for the job, right?
Mega Mewtwo X has some seriously impressive stats too; HP, Defense, Sp. Def and Speed are above average, but the other stats on hand are truly awesome.
That’s Attack and Sp. Atk, with Sp. Atk placing Mega Mewtwo X pretty high in the Pokedex.
Its Attack stat, however, is the highest Attack overall. Yes, that is exactly what it sounds like: Mega Mewtwo X has the highest Attack stat in the entire Pokedex!
As it levels up, Mega Mewtwo X learns some seriously impressive and deadly moves too.
All of that adds up to ensure that this Pokemon sits proudly in the leadership spot of the best Pokemon team of all time!
What About Eternamax Eternatus?

A Poison and Dragon type Pokemon, Eternatus first appeared in eighth generation titles Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield.
Eternatus in its standard form is huge, as you can see from its entry on the heaviest Pokemon list.
But bizarrely, the Eternamax form has no official weight. Its height comes in at a huge 100m though!
We know you’re not asking about Eternamax Eternatus because of its size or (lack of) weight though. Nope, this Pokemon is here because it has the most impressive overall stats in the entire Pokedex.
Its HP, Defense and Sp. Def stats are way beyond any other Pokemon. And it has several extremely strong attacks that are absolutely devastating.
So Why Isn’t It Part Of The Best Pokemon Team Of All Time?
Well, here’s the thing – Eternamax Eternatus is currently not obtainable as a Pokemon. Or at least, not outside of a Max Raid Battle towards the end of the story in Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield.
Is There Any Way Of Adding Eternamax Eternatus To My Pokemon Party?
Not officially.
There are apparently hacks and cheats available to get Eternatus into Eternamax form, but none that we at Retro Dodo can currently verify as safe and reliable, so we’d urge caution in going ahead with any method you find online!
How many of you going straight to Bill’s PC to make the ultimate Poke team? Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!