You looking for the best Pokémon Crystal cheats you can activate on your GameShark? We got you covered!
What’s GameShark, you ask?
GameShark is a company that produces video game cheat cartridges and discs for Sony PlayStation, Xbox, and Nintendo game consoles.
By entering cheat codes into a GameShark device, those cheats will be loaded into the game consoles memory to be applied to a game when it is loaded next into the console.
The GameShark for the Nintendo Game Boy was released in 1998 and could be used on both original monochrome Game Boy titles and Game Boy Color titles.

As the number one title on our list of the Best Selling Game Boy Color Games Of All Time, Pokémon Crystal is easily the game that most players would be trying to hack using the GameShark.
So which are our favourite cheats? Let’s find out together.
Here are the best Pokémon Crystal cheats for GameShark:
Table of Contents
1. Infinite EXP

The sign of a good trainer is a strong Pokémon.
Even if you cheat your way to elite status.
Use this cheat to turn any Pokémon in your party to a level 100 at the end of a battle.
The fastest way to getting super powered Pokémon in your party.
Cheat Code(s):
- 014432DA
- 014433DA
- 014434DA
- 9144E7DC
- 9144E8DC
- 9144E9DC
2. Steal Trainers Pokémon

Show that smug trainer who is boss.
They think they are so cool with that Pokémon in their stable?
Not anymore! It is your Pokémon now.
Cheat Code:
- 91012DD2
3. Wild Pokémon Level Modifier

If you encounter a special Pokémon in the wild that you’d like to upgrade (or downgrade if you want)… this simple code will do it for ya!
Cheat Code:
- 91xx13D2 (Replace xx to the new level you wish to set)
4. Transform A Normal Pokémon To Shiny

Change is good. Especially when it’s a glowup.
Turn any normal Pokémon into a shiny with this cheat set.
Cheat Code(s):
- 1st Pokémon in party 01EA3FDA 01AA40DA 91EAF4DC 91AAF5DC
- 2nd Pokémon in party 01EA6FDA 01AA70DA 91EA24DD 91AA25DD
- 3rd Pokémon in party 01EA9FDA 01AAA0DA 91EA54DD 91AA55DD
- 4th Pokémon in party 01EACFDA 01AAD0DA 91EA84DD 91AA85DD
- 5th Pokémon in party 01EAFFDA 01AA00DB 91EAB4DD 91AAB5DD
- 6th Pokémon in party 01EA2FDB 01AA30DB 91EAE4DD 91AAE5DD
5. Max Money

Tired of being poor? Why not break the bank with this money maximizing cheat?
Cheat Code(s):
- 019973D5
- 019974D5
- 019975D5
- 910F4ED8
- 91424FD8
- 913F50D8
6. Max Pokeballs

How annoying is it to run out of PokeBalls? Get some balls with this code.
Cheat Code(s):
- Slot 1 0163FED5 9163D9D8
- Slot 2 016300D6 9163DBD8
- Slot 3 016302D6 9163DDD8
- Slot 4 016304D6 9163DFD8
- Slot 5 016306D6 9163E1D8
- Slot 6 016308D6 9163E3D8
- Slot 7 01630AD6 9163E5D8
- Slot 8 01630CD6 9163E7D8
- Slot 9 01630ED6 9163E9D8
- Slot 10 016310D6 9163EBD8
- Slot 11 016312D6 9163EDD8
- Slot 12 016314D6 9163EFD8
7. Always Use Bike

Yes, if you are sick of walking… why not just ride your bike 100% of the time?
Is this the laziest code in our best Pokémon Crystal cheats for GameShark list?
Yes… yes it is.
Cheat Code:
- 010182D6 91015DD9
8. Walk Through walls

As the name suggests, this cheat allows players to walk through the boundaries established by the game engine, aka walls.
Use it for a quick shortcut, then deactivate the code to avoid any problems.
This cheat is known to cause the game to freeze at times, so it is always recommended to save regularly and only use sparingly.
Cheat Code(s):
- 010AA3CE
- 010AA4CE
- 010AA5CE
- 010AA6CE
- 9100FAC2
- 9100FBC2
- 9100FCC2
- 9100FDC2
9. Have All Gym Badges

Like any good boy/girl scout.. get all eight gym badges.
This gives you access to all areas of the game.
Cheat Code(s):
- 01FF7CD5
- 01FF7DD5
- 91FF57D8 91FF58D8
10. Hatch An Egg Instantly

Is there anything worse than having to wait? For anything. Ever.
Well… when it comes to Pokémon eggs… you won’t have to wait anymore.
Load the egg into your party
Turn the Gameshark on
Take a step forward
Turn the GameShark off
Start walking around, and your egg should hatch within seconds.
Cheat Code(s):
- 1st Egg 010145DA 9101FADC
- 2nd Egg 010175DA 91012ADD
- 3rd Egg 0101A5DA 91015ADD
- 4th Egg 0101D5DA 91018ADD
- 5th Egg 010105DB 9101BADD
- 6th Egg 010135DB 9101EADD
11. Modify A Pokemon’s Gender

I’m not saying that every Pokemon trainer needs to play god when it comes to fighting Pokemon, but as Ian Malcom famously said, ‘nature finds a way’.
Well, you don’t need to wait for nature here; just key in these Gender modifier codes and let GameShark do the rest.
Cheat code(s)
- Fight Female 010419D1 910430D2
- Fight Male 010519D1 910530D2
12. Modify A Pokemon’s Mood

Of course, even when nature finds a way, you sometimes want to speed things up a little bit. And not everyone is in the mood for waiting.
If you want to change a Pokemon’s mood toot suite, then just look to the codes below!
Cheat code(s)
- 1st Pokemon – 01xx45DA 91xxFADC
- 2nd Pokemon – 01xx75DA 91xx2ADD
- 3rd Pokemon – 01xxA5DA 91xx5ADD
- 4th Pokemon – 01xxD5DA 91xx8ADD
- 5th Pokemon – 01xx05DB 91xxBADD
- 6th Pokemon – 01xx35DB 91xxEADD
To change the Pokemon’s nature, just replace xx with one of the two digit codes below!
- DA: (218) Set level for Pokemon that evolve when they are happy.
- FF: (255) Make a Pokemon the happiest they can be.
- 00: (0) Zero happiness; your Pokemon will despise you!
- 46: (70) Neutral mode – the point where you haven’t put any work into your Pokemon.
13. Wild Pokemon Modifier

Completing a Pokedex can be tough. We know what it’s like; you’re waiting to find those last 5 Pokemon and they’re just not popping up anywhere.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could just… make them appear when you next battle a random critter?
Well, today is your lucky day.
Remember, work smarter, not harder!
Cheat Code(s)
The main code is 01xx04D2 – where xx is the code of the Pokemon listed below. If you’re having problems with this code, try substituting it for 91xx04D2 instead, using the same method for the xx.
- 01: Bulbasaur
- 02: Ivysaur
- 03: Venusaur
- 04: Charmander
- 05: Charmeleon
- 06: Charizard
- 07: Squirtle
- 08: Wartortle
- 09: Blastoise
- 0A: Caterpie
- 0B: Metapod
- 0C: Butterfree
- 0D: Weedle
- 0E: Kakuna
- 0F: Beedrill
- 10: Pidgey
- 11: Pidgeotto
- 12: Pidgeot
- 13: Rattata
- 14: Raticate
- 15: Spearow
- 16: Fearow
- 17: Ekans
- 18: Arbok
- 19: Pikachu
- 1A: Raichu
- 1B: Sandshrew
- 1C: Sandslash
- 1D: Nidoran Female
- 1E: Nidorina
- 1F: Nidoqueen
- 20: Nidoran Male
- 21: Nidorino
- 22: nidoking
- 23: Clefairy
- 24: Clefable
- 25: Vulpix
- 26: Ninetails
- 27: Jigglypuff
- 28: Wigglytuff
- 29: Zubat
- 2A: Golbat
- 2B: Oddish
- 2C: Gloom
- 2D: Vileplume
- 2E: Paras
- 2F: Parasect
- 30: Venonat
- 31: Venomoth
- 32: Diglett
- 33: Dugtrio
- 34: Meowth
- 35: Persian
- 36: Psyduck
- 37: Golduck
- 38: Mankey
- 39: Primeape
- 3A: Growlithe
- 3B: Arcanine
- 3C: Poliwag
- 3D: Poliwhirl
- 3E: Poliwrath
- 3F: Abra
- 40: Kadabra
- 41: Alakazam
- 42: Machop
- 43: Machoke
- 44: Machamp
- 45: Bellsprout
- 46: Weepinbell
- 47: Victreebell
- 48: Tentacool
- 49: Tentacruel
- 4A: Geodude
- 4B: Graveler
- 4C: Golem
- 4D: Ponyta
- 4E: Rapidash
- 4F: Slowpoke
- 50: Slowbro
- 51: Magnemite
- 52: Magneton
- 53: Farfetchd
- 54: Doduo
- 55: Dodrio
- 56: Seel
- 57: Dewgong
- 58: Grimer
- 59: Muk
- 5A: Shellder
- 5B: Cloyster
- 5C: Gastly
- 5D: Haunter
- 5E: Gengar
- 5F: Onix
- 60: Drowzee
- 61: Hypno
- 62: Krabby
- 63: Kingler
- 64: Voltorb
- 65: Electrode
- 66: Exeggcute
- 67: Exeggcutor
- 68: Cubone
- 69: Marowak
- 6A: Hitmonlee
- 6B: Hitmonchan
- 6C: Lickitung
- 6D: Koffing
- 6E: Weezing
- 6F: Rhyhorn
- 70: Rhydon
- 71: Chansey
- 72: Tangela
- 73: Kangaskhan
- 74: Horsea
- 75: Seadra
- 76: Goldeen
- 77: Seaking
- 78: Staryu
- 79: Starmie
- 7A: Mr. Mime
- 7B: Scyther
- 7C: Jynx
- 7D: Electabuzz
- 7E: Magmar
- 7F: Pinsir
- 80: Tauros
- 81: Magikarp
- 82: Gyarados
- 83: Lapras
- 84: Ditto
- 85: Eevee
- 86: Vaporeon
- 87: Jolteon
- 88: Flareon
- 89: Porygon
- 8A: Omanyte
- 8B: Omastar
- 8C: Kabuto
- 8D: Kabutops
- 8E: Aerodactyl
- 8F: Snorlax
- 90: Articuno
- 91: Zapdos
- 92: Moltres
- 93: Dratini
- 94: Dragonair
- 95: Dragonite
- 96: Mewtwo
- 97: Mew
- 98: Chikorita
- 99: Bayleef
- 9A: Meganium
- 9B: Cyndaquil
- 9C: Quilava
- 9D: Typhlosion
- 9E: Totodile
- 9F: Croconaw
- A0: Feraligatr
- A1: Sentret
- A2: Furret
- A3: Hoothoot
- A4: Noctowl
- A5: Ledyba
- A6: Ledian
- A7: Spinarak
- A8: Ariados
- A9: Crobat
- AA: Chinchou
- AB: Lanturn
- AC: Pichu
- AD: Cleffa
- AE: Igglybuff
- AF: Togepi
- B0: Togetic
- B1: Natu
- B2: Xatu
- B3: Mareep
- B4: Flaaffy
- B5: Ampharos
- B6: Bellossom
- B7: Marill
- B8: Azumaril
- B9: Sudowoodo
- BA: Politoed
- BB: Hoppip
- BC: Skiploom
- BD: Jumpluff
- BE: Aipom
- BF: Sunkern
- C0: Sunflora
- C1: Yanma
- C2: Wooper
- C3: Quagsire
- C4: Espeon
- C5: Umbreon
- C6: Murkrow
- C7: Slowking
- C8: Misdreavus
- C9: Unown (can show up in any form)
- CA: Wobbuffet
- CB: Girafarig
- CC: Pineco
- CD: Forretress
- CE: Dunsparce
- CF: Gligar
- D0: Steelix
- D1: Snubbull
- D2: Granbull
- D3: Qwilfish
- D4: Scizor
- D5: Shuckle
- D6: Heracross
- D7: Sneasel
- D8: Teddiursa
- D9: Ursaring
- DA: Slugma
- DB: Magcargo
- DC: Swinub
- DD: Piloswine
- DE: Corsola
- DF: Remoraid
- E0: Octillery
- E1: Delibird
- E2: Mantine
- E3: Skarmory
- E4: Houndour
- E5: Houndoom
- E6: Kingdra
- E7: Phanpy
- E8: Donphan
- E9: Porygon2
- EA: Stantler
- EB: Smeargle
- EC: Tyrogue
- ED: Hitmontop
- EE: Smoochum
- EF: Elekid
- F0: Magby
- F1: Miltank
- F2: Blissey
- F3: Raikou
- F4: Entei
- F5: Suicune
- F6: Larvitar
- F7: Pupitar
- F8: Tyranitar
- F9: Lugia
- FA: Ho-oh
- FB: Celebi
14. Unlimited Master Balls

You’ve got lots of slots in your bag, so I guess it would be rude not to fill them with Master Balls, right?
Listen, throwing bog standard Poke Balls is for chumps – we’re here to win, comprende?
Cheat code(s)
- Item Slot 1 0101B8D5 910193D8
- Item Slot 2 0101BAD5 910195D8
- Item Slot 3 0101BCD5 910197D8
- Item Slot 4 0101BED5 910199D8
- Item Slot 5 0101C0D5 91019BD8
- Item Slot 6 0101C2D5 91019DD8
- Item Slot 7 0101C4D5 91019FD8
- Item Slot 8 0101C6D5 9101A1D8
- Item Slot 9 0101C8D5 9101A3D8
- Item Slot 10 0101CAD5 9101A5D8
- Item Slot 11 0101CCD5 9101A7D8
- Item Slot 12 0101CED5 9101A9D8
- Item Slot 13 0101D0D5 9101ABD8
- Item Slot 14 0101D2D5 9101ADD8
- Item Slot 15 0101D4D5 9101AFD8
- Item Slot 16 0101D6D5 9101B1D8
- Item Slot 17 0101D8D5 9101B3D8
15. Get Any HM/TM

Wouldn’t it be great if you could just click your fingers and get any HM or TM that you wanted straight away at the Pokemart?
Well, instead of clicking your fingers, you can use them to type 01xxF1D0 in and replace the xx with the item code listed below to nab the perfect move for your Pokemon!
Cheat code(s)
- F3 HM01 – Cut
- F4 HM02 – Fly
- F5 HM03 – Surf
- F6 HM04 – Strength
- F7 HM05 – Flash
- F8 HM06 – Whirlpool
- F9 HM07 – Waterfall
- BF TM01 – DynamicPunch
- C0 TM02 – Headbutt
- C1 TM03 – Curse
- C2 TM04 – Rollout
- C4 TM05 – Roar
- C5 TM06 – Toxic
- C6 TM07 – Zap Cannon
- C7 TM08 – Rock Smash
- C8 TM09 – Psych Up
- C9 TM10 – Hidden Power
- CA TM11 – Sunny Day
- CB TM12 – Sweet Scent
- CC TM13 – Snore
- CD TM14 – Blizzard
- CE TM15 – Hyper Beam
- CF TM16 – Icy Wind
- D0 TM17 – Protect
- D1 TM18 – Rain Dance
- D2 TM19 – Giga Drain
- D3 TM20 – Endure
- D4 TM21 – Frustration
- D5 TM22 – Solar Beam
- D6 TM23 – Iron Tail
- D7 TM24 – Dragonbreath
- D8 TM25 – Thunder
- D9 TM26 – Earthquake
- DA TM27 – Return
- DB TM28 – Dig
- DD TM29 – Psychic
- DE TM30 – Shadow Ball
- DF TM31 – Mud Slap
- E0 TM32 – Double Team
- E1 TM33 – Ice Punch
- E2 TM34 – Swagger
- E3 TM35 – Sleep Talk
- E4 TM36 – Sludge Bomb
- E5 TM37 – Sandstorm
- E6 TM38 – Fire Blast
- E7 TM39 – Swift
- E8 TM40 – Defense Curl
- E9 TM41 – Thunderpunch
- EA TM42 – Dream Eater
- EB TM43 – Detect
- EC TM44 – Rest
- ED TM45 – Attract
- EE TM46 – Thief
- EF TM47 – Steel Wing
- F0 TM48 – Fire Punch
- F1 TM49 – Fury Cutter
- F2 TM50 – Nightmare
16. Stock Up On Healing Items

Never go into battle without some healing items ready to save your Pokemon in their time of need. You owe it to them to use this cheat and get all of the Burn Heals and Potions that you can possibly carry!
Cheat code(s)
- Item Slot 1 – 01XXB8D5 91XX93D8
- Item Slot 2 – 01XXBAD5 91XX95D8
- Item Slot 3 – 01XXBCD5 91XX97D8
- Item Slot 4 – 01XXBED5 91XX99D8
- Item Slot 5 – 01XXC0D5 91XX9BD8
- Item Slot 6 – 01XXC2D5 91XX9DD8
- Item Slot 7 – 01XXC4D5 91XX9FD8
- Item Slot 8 – 01XXC6D5 91XXA1D8
- Item Slot 9 – 01XXC8D5 91XXA3D8
- Item Slot 10 – 01XXCAD5 91XXA5D8
- Item Slot 11 – 01XXCCD5 91XXA7D8
- Item Slot 12 – 01XXCED5 91XXA9D8
- Item Slot 13 – 01XXD0D5 91XXABD8
- Item Slot 14 – 01XXD2D5 91XXADD8
- Item Slot 15 – 01XXD4D5 91XXAFD8
- Item Slot 16 – 01XXD6D5 91XXB1D8
- Item Slot 17 – 01XXD8D5 91XXB3D8
And then replace the XX with the codes here!
- 0A – Burn Heal
- 0B – Ice Heal
- 0C – Awakening
- 0D – Paralyze Heal
- 0E – Full Restore
- 0F – Max Potion
- 3F – Ether
- 09 – Antidote
- 10 – Hyper Potion
- 11 – Super Potion
- 12 – Potion
- 15 – Max Elixir
- 26 – Full Heal
- 27 – Revive
- 28 – Max Revive
- 40 – Max Ether
- 41 – Elixir
17. Unlimited Rare Candies

This could be the tastiest cheat on our best Pokémon Crystal cheats for GameShark list.
They say that the candyman can, especially when the candyman has unlimited access to Rare Candy to make their Pokemon stronger than a dozen oxen!
Just use these handy codes to have more sugary goodness that you heart could possibly desire!
- Item Slot – 1 0120B8D5 912093D8
- Item Slot 2 – 0120BAD5 912095D8
- Item Slot 3 – 0120BCD5 912097D8
- Item Slot 4 – 0120BED5 912099D8
- Item Slot 5 – 0120C0D5 91209BD8
- Item Slot 6 – 0120C2D5 91209DD8
- Item Slot 7 – 0120C4D5 91209FD8
- Item Slot 8 – 0120C6D5 9120A1D8
- Item Slot 9 – 0120C8D5 9120A3D8
- Item Slot 10 – 0120CAD5 9120A5D8
- Item Slot 11 – 0120CCD5 9120A7D8
- ItemSlot 12 – 0120CED5 9120A9D8
- Item Slot 13 – 0120D0D5 9120ABD8
- Item Slot 14 – 0120D2D5 9120ADD8
- Item Slot 15 – 0120D4D5 9120AFD8
- Item Slot 16 – 0120D6D5 9120B1D8
- Item Slot 17 – 0120D8D5 9120B3D8
18. Key Item Modifier

Key Items aren’t easy to come by – I suppose by their name you would assume that they’d be hard to grab considering the are key to the entire game.
Still, don’t let that bother you. I mean, when cheats are involved, you’d be a fool to wait around searching for items the good old fashioned way!
This code requires an extra step before you get it going. You’re going to need to enable item scrolling with the code 01YYE1D5 91YYBCD8.
In this first instance, replace the YY with the number of key item slots you’re planning on using. You can pick any digit from 01 to 0C.
Then, you’ll need to slots themselves
- Key Item Slot 1 – 01YYE2D5 91YYBDD8
- Key Item Slot 2 – 01YYE3D5 91YYBED8
- Key Item Slot 3 – 01YYE4D5 91YYBFD8
- Key Item Slot 4 – 01YYE5D5 91YYC0D8
- Key Item Slot 5 – 01YYE6D5 91YYC1D8
- Key Item Slot 6 – 01YYE7D5 91YYC2D8
- Key Item Slot 7 – 01YYE8D5 91YYC3D8
- Key Item Slot 8 – 01YYE9D5 91YYC4D8
- Key Item Slot 9 – 01YYEAD5 91YYC5D8
- Key Item Slot 10 – 01YYEBD5 91YYC6D8
- Key Item Slot 11 – 01YYECD5 91YYC7D8
- Key Item Slot 12 – 01YYEDD5 91YYC8D8
Replace YY with one of the codes below:
- AF – Squirtbottle
- B2 – Rainbow Wing
- 07 – Bicycle
- 36 – Coin Case
- 37 – Itemfinder
- 3A – Old Rod
- 3B – Good Rod
- 3D – Super Rod
- 42 – Red Scale
- 44 – S.S. Ticket
- 45 – Mystery Egg
- 46 – Clear Bell (Crystal only)
- 47 – Silver Wing
- 73 – GS Ball (Crystal only)
- 74 – Blue Card (Crystal only)
- 7F – Card Key
- 80 – Machine Part
- 81 – Egg Ticket (Crystal only)
- 85 – Basement Key
- 86 – Pass
19. Modify PP

PP stands for Power Points, and it’s important as it defines how many times a Pokemon can use a certain move in battle.
Some powerful moves have a super low PP, meaning you can’t keep bashing them out all the time while fighting an opponent.
Well… that used to be the case, but now you can get unlimited PP for your favourite moves!
Cheat code(s)
Pokemon 1
- (1st move) 1st 01xx41DA 91xxF6DC 00=0 – FF=63
- (2nd move) 1st 01xx42DA 91xxF7DC
- (3rd move) 1st 01xx43DA 91xxF8DC
- (4th move) 1st 01xx44DA 91xxF9DC
Pokemon 2
- (1st move) 2nd 01xx71DA 91xx26DD
- (2nd move) 2nd 01xx72DA 91xx27DD
- (3rd move) 2nd 01xx73DA 91xx28DD
- (4th move) 2nd 01xx74DA 91xx29DD
Pokemon 3
- (1st move) 3rd 01xxA1DA 91xx56DD
- (2nd move) 3rd 01xxA2DA 91xx57DD
- (3rd move) 3rd 01xxA3DA 91xx58DD
- (4th move) 3rd 01xxA4DA 91xx59DD
Pokemon 4
- (1st move) 4th 01xxD1DA 91xx86DD
- (2nd move) 4th 01xxD2DA 91xx87DD
- (3rd move) 4th 01xxD3DA 91xx88DD
- (4th move) 4th 01xxD4DA 91xx89DD
Pokemon 5
- (1st move) 5th 01xx01DB 91xxB6DD
- (2nd move) 5th 01xx02DB 91xxB7DD
- (3rd move) 5th 01xx03DB 91xxB8DD
- (4th move) 5th 01xx04DB 91xxB9DD
Pokemon 6
- (1st move) 6th 01xx31DB 91xxE6DD
- (2nd move) 6th 01xx32DB 91xxE7DD
- (3rd move) 6th 01xx33DB 91xxE8DD
- (4th move) 6th 01xx34DB 91xxE9DD
20. Modify Stats

We’ve covered loads of different ‘best Pokemon lists’ here at Retro Dodo, and we always list the base stats. But no-one wants to go into battle with ‘base’ stats now, do they?
Use these final codes in our best Pokémon Crystal cheats for GameShark list to beef up your pocket monsters from zero to hero!
Cheat code(s)
Pokemon 1
- Max Speed (Larger) 1st 010354DA 910309DD
- Max Speed (Smaller) 1st 01E755DA 91E70ADD
- Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 1st 010350DA 910305DD
- Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 1st 01E751DA 91E706DD
- Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 1st 010352DA 910307DD
- Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 1st 01E753DA 91E708DD
- Max Special Attack Modifier (Larger) 1st 010356DA 91030BDD
- Max Special Attack Modifier (Smaller) 1st 01E757DA 91E70CDD
- Max Special Defense Modifier (Larger) 1st 010358DA 91030DDD
- Max Special Defense Modifier (Smaller) 1st 01E759DA 91E70EDD
Pokemon 2
- Max Speed (Larger) 2nd 010384DA 910339DD
- Max Speed (Smaller) 2nd 01E785DA 91E73ADD
- Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 2nd 010380DA 910335DD
- Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 2nd 01E781DA 91E736DD
- Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 2nd 010382DA 910337DD
- Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 2nd 01E783DA 91E738DD
- Max Special Attack Modifier (Larger) 2nd 010386DA 91033BDD
- Max Special Attack Modifier (Smaller) 2nd 01E787DA 91E73CDD
- Max Special Defense Modifier (Larger) 2nd 010388DA 91033DDD
- Max Special Defense Modifier (Smaller) 2nd 01E789DA 91E73EDD
Pokemon 3
- Max Speed (Larger) 3rd 0103B4DA 910369DD
- Max Speed (Smaller) 3rd 01E7B5DA 91E76ADD
- Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 3rd 0103B0DA 910365DD
- Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 3rd 01E7B1DA 91E766DD
- Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 3rd 0103B2DA 910367DD
- Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 3rd 01E7B3DA 91E768DD
- Max Special Attack Modifier (Larger) 3rd 0103B6DA 91036BDD
- Max Special Attack Modifier (Smaller) 3rd 01E7B7DA 91E76CDD
- Max Special Defense Modifier (Larger) 3rd 0103B8DA 91036DDD
- Max Special Defense Modifier (Smaller) 3rd 01E7B9DA 91E76EDD
Pokemon 4
- Max Speed (Larger) 4th 0103E4DA 910399DD
- Max Speed (Smaller) 4th 01E7E5DA 91E79ADD
- Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 4th 0103E0DA 910395DD
- Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 4th 01E7E1DA 91E796DD
- Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 4th 0103E2DA 910397DD
- Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 4th 01E7E3DA 91E798DD
- Max Special Attack Modifier (Larger) 4th 0103E6DA 91039BDD
- Max Special Attack Modifier (Smaller) 4th 01E7E7DA 91E79CDD
- Max Special Defense Modifier (Larger) 4th 0103E8DA 91039DDD
- Max Special Defense Modifier (Smaller) 4th 01E7E9DA 91E79EDD
Pokemon 5
- Max Speed (Larger) 5th 010314DB 9103C9DD
- Max Speed (Smaller) 5th 01E715DB 91E7CADD
- Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 5th 010310DB 9103C5DD
- Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 5th 01E711DB 91E7C6DD
- Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 5th 010312DB 9103C7DD
- Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 5th 01E713DB 91E7C8DD
- Max Special Attack Modifier (Larger) 5th 010316DB 9103CBDD
- Max Special Attack Modifier (Smaller) 5th 01E717DB 91E7CCDD
- Max Special Defense Modifier (Larger) 5th 010318DB 9103CDDD
- Max Special Defense Modifier (Smaller) 5th 01E719DB 91E7CEDD
Pokemon 6
- Max Speed (Larger) 6th 010344DB 9103F9DD
- Max Speed (Smaller) 6th 01E745DB 91E7FADD
- Max Attack Modifier (Larger) 6th 010340DB 9103F5DD
- Max Attack Modifier (Smaller) 6th 01E741DB 91E7F6DD
- Max Defense Modifier (Larger) 6th 010342DB 9103F7DD
- Max Defense Modifier (Smaller) 6th 01E743DB 91E7F8DD
- Max Special Attack Modifier (Larger) 6th 010346DB 9103FBDD
- Max Special Attack Modifier (Smaller) 6th 01E747DB 91E7FCDD
- Max Special Defense Modifier (Larger) 6th 010348DB 9103FDDD
- Max Special Defense Modifier (Smaller) 6th 01E749DB 91E7FEDD