Get ready to grab your spandex; it’s time to check out the best Marvel PS3 games all time!
That’s right, from the very first avenger to Mr Love and Thunder himself, all the usual faces are all her and ready to roll.
And the best bit is that all the PS3 games in the list below are now pretty cheap to buy! We all love a bargain!
Seen as though Marvel is one of the most famous franchises of all time, there’s no surprises that there are a tonne of titles to pick from, each boasting one of your favourite superheroes from a classic film or series.
From Captain America to Wolverine and beyond, all the Marvel legends have come out in force. Now all that’s left for you to do is to play through them all!
1. Deadpool (2013)

The results are in, and Deadpool is officially the best Marvel PS3 game for the system!
When I first played as the Merc with a mouth in this game, I was instantly hooked. It’s such a silly game and one where pretty much anything goes. The humour is obviously what it makes it so damn good, including the interactions with Cable, Wolverine, Rogue, and other characters.
The plot line is incredible too, with Deadpool breaking in and out of character to talk to the developers of the game about the game he’s in. it’s a little slice of genius and executed so perfectly.
Plus he mentions Zelda in it, which instantly makes him the best Marvel character of all time.

Fire pistols, pull out Wade’s swords and hack enemies, and spend points to buy new weapons along the way. Like many of the other games in this list, racking up combos helps to earn more points.
And yeah, Deadpool has name them ‘Deadpool Points’.
One o the coolest moves in the game is having the suability to teleport behind enemies in order to dispatch them swiftly. Oh, and he can regenerate over time too which is pretty handy.
2. LEGO Marvel Avengers (2016)

LEGO Marvel Avengers takes the silver medal in today’s list of the best Marvel PS3 games.
Like the Lego Star Wars collections, this game is an amalgamation of the events that happen in Age of Ultron, Captain America, Avengers Assemble, Thor 2, Iron Man 3 and extra DLC content to boot!
And one of the most exciting things about these games is undoubtedly the world hubs that players find themselves in while waiting to head out on their adventures. Who wouldn’t want to be a little legofigurine towering around Asgard for crying out loud!

All the usual comedy antics and collecting ensue, with players completing missions and collecting gold bricks and incrementally unlocking new blocky characters.
there’s actual voice acting from the film in this game too which is a nice touch, twinned with new recordings that bring that cheeky vibe that the games are known for.
As always, free-play gives players the chance to replay other levels with unlocked characters, increasing the number of ways to play!
3. Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 (2011)

Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 takes todays bronze medal, bringing all the thrills and spills from two of my favourite franchises.
Watch as Capcom behemoths and Marvel champions go up against each other. That’s right; Storm vs Ryu, Deadpool vs Viewtiful and many more epic combos.

Before a match, players need to pick characters to be on their team. It’s like getting the best Pokemon team ready for a fight, except you’re using Dante and Deadpool.
If you’ve played Street Fighter in the past, then you’ll already know the score here. Swapping characters in and out, reducing health bars in a best of three fight. You know how it goes.
4. Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions (2010)

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions takes the 4th place in this best Marvel PS3 games list.
Things go south when Spidey battles Mysterio and ends up breaking something called the Tablet of Order and Chaos.
With a name like that, I guess breaking it isn’t going to have great consequences…

Three Spidermen from three different universes must team up together with Amazing Spiderman to restore balance to the universe. Watch Ultimate Spiderman, Noir Spiderman, and Spiderman 2099 do their thing, each wielding special skills and unique abilities to save the world.
The gameplay definitely consists of button mashing punches and kicks, but there are combo attacks players can pull off along with the classic web shot.
Pursue Green Goblin, Sandman, Hammerhead, Mysterio, and tonnes of annoying henchmen along the way. It’s a tough job, but someones gotta do it.
5. X-Men Origins: Wolverine (2009)

If I think of the X-Men, Wolverine is always the first person that springs to mind. X-Men Origins: Wolverine tells the story of how he came to be. Discovering Logan’s past, fighting Sabretooth, getting revenge for Kayla’s death; it’s all happening here, folks!
In true Wolverine style, you can use the scenery around you to help kill enemies too. That’s a nice touch as most game environments don’t have hazardous consequences.
See a spike and throw an enemy onto it. You can even knock them back with a powerful attack onto said spike just to make sure they’re doubly dead.

Players can gain experience to advance up a level by killing the enemies they come across. Get ore for racking up combo points too; keep those claws-a-swiping!
It’s not just about hacking and slashing bad guys, however. Players can discover Wolverine’s old suits in the various levels, find a suit, unlock a bonus level, and then complete said level in order to use the costume in the game.
6. Spider-Man 3 (2007)

Spider-Man 3 follows the premise of Toby McGuire’s final Spiderman film in the trilogy. Battling New Goblin, The Sandman, and Venom as Peter Parker in NYC never gets old either.
Though realising this game came out in 2007 certainly makes me feel old…
To say that open world games have been more of a thing in recent years, the explorative features in this game are incredibly impressive. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not open ended, but having the ability to delve into sewers and climb the highest skyscrapers feels incredibly freeing.

In a nice twist, extra enemies that didn’t appear in the film make an appearance to make thing tougher from our favourite wall-crawler. Do you have what it takes to go up against The Lizard, Rhino, and the dreaded Kingpin?
Based off the 2007 movie of the same name, Spider-Man 3 puts players in charge of the titular hero as he tries to once again New York City safe from the combined menace of the New Goblin, the Sandman, and Venom.
This was one of the first times we got to see the symbiote costume to, giving Spidey a ragey turn and making him much more powerful. He becomes feared by innocent bystanders… which makes for much more interesting gameplay in my opinion.
7. Lego Marvel Super Heroes (2013)

Lego Marvel Super Heroes takes the 7th spot in our list of the best Marvel PS3 games. Start off with Iron Man or the Hulk and slowly build up your character roster by unlocking famous blocky faces from the MCU.
We’ve all played LEGO games now; the gameplay and comical stylings are iconic, getting away with much more than the actual films ever could.
And the cool thing about this game is that a team of 27 people worked on the voice acting for the game!

The levels themselves look incredibly detailed.Just look at the trees and he cityscape on the still above.
With 150 characters to pick from, that’s 150 reasons to keep playing and unlocking everything this game has to offer. Each character haas a different super ability taken straight from their series too; going you a new way to play every time.
Collect everything from Deadpool bricks to minikits while searching every nook and cranny for secrets. It’s a game that will keep you coming back time an time again.
In-game dialogues are all voice-acted by a cast of 27 people. On Wii U, game is playable without a tv, by GamePad off-tv play feature. In two-player mode, one of the two players can use GamePad’s display, and the other the display, so avoiding split screen.
8. Spider-Man: Web of Shadows (2008)

Spider-Man: Web of Shadows takes the 8th spot in this list.
Ok, so on the surface it’s the same as many of the other Spidey games in this list, but I love the fact that it isn’t linked to one of the movies from the franchise. It’s an original adventure and a cracking one at that.
Any game where Spiderman teams up with Luke Cage has to be awesome, right? Luke teaches Spidey about how to use the extra power he has obtained from a symbiote.

I guess all that extra strength has really helped Spidey as he doesn’t even get hurt when he falls off buildings now. I guess when you’re hunting bad guys at break-neck swinging speed that can only be a good thing.
You guys know how much I love games with morality engines, and when players move between Spidey’s different suits in this game, there are moral dilemmas to face that change the course of the game.
Watch your actions and movs carefully as the storyline branches and twists. Will you rely on using web or the symbioses’ tendrils?
9. Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet (2010)

Marvel Super Hero Squad: The Infinity Gauntlet is based on the cartoon that I’m pretty sure all of us have watched by now. Seeing our favourite superheroes in miniature form kicking ass through the MCU is just what we need to put us in good spirits.
A Hulk a day keeps the doc away, right?
Take control of Thor, Hulk, Spidey, Iron Man, and all the usual suspects while going up against the mighty Thanos and that old ruffian Dr Doom for the Infinity Stones.

Story Mode is by far the best part of this game. It feels and plays like a game from the LEGO series, harnessing all the stylings and musings of the cartoon. It’s a funny game and even more of a laugh if two players tackle it together.
There there’s Free Play Mode which lets players use any character on any level, and Challenge Mode which sees players doing som sick mini games.
I mean, who doesn’t to see four mere mortals messing around with Tony Stark’s gear or the Hulk laying down the law?
10. Captain America: Super Soldier (2013)

Captain America: Super Soldier kickstarts this list of the best Marvel Ps3 games of all time. I guess it only makes sense for the First Avenger to get the ball rolling, right?
If you’re a Marvel fan, then you’ll know all about Cap’s tirade against the Red Skull, Zola, and the wider HYDRA organisation. Players have to stop them from carrying out their evil schemes and save the world.
Just as a sidetone – that’s Arnim Zola and not Gianfranco Zola the Italian footballer.

Smashing enemies into the ground with Cap’s shield never felt or looked so good. Throw it at bad guys, use it to climb walls, and protect him from every kind of weapon going.
Aside from the comic book storyline aspect that will draw all fans to the table, there are lots of platforming elements and puzzle solving to do akin to a Tomb Raider game.
All in all, Cap’s movie-based game is a stellar success story. for your way through the castle and stop the Red Skull from spouting on about HYDRA. Job done.