The Best Gifts For All Characters In Fire Emblem Engage

The act of gift giving is a large part of building Support Bonds in Fire Emblem. Even if you don’t intend to romance anyone, figuring out the best gifts for all characters in Fire Emblem Engage is a worthy goal. 

Every time you increase those Support Bonds, you not only open yourself up to the possibilities of love, but you also strengthen the effectiveness of your Allies.

And what better way to grow closer than with gifts! I mean, we all love presents. Personally, I have a preference for plushies, and chocolates. 

But what about Vander or Diamant’s preferences? Do you know those? If not, then stick around because we’re about to find out. 

Finding the right gift in Fire Emblem isn’t nearly as tricky as finding them in real life. However, there are some gifts certain characters prefer over others. 

Gifting a character an item they dislike won’t lower your Support Bond, however, you won’t increase it either. So, as a general rule, waiting for the right gifts to come along is the best way to quickly succeed. 


A humble and shy soul, Alcryst prefers items that can be enjoyed away from a bustling throng of people.

Best gifts:

  • Fairy-Tale Book
  • Elyos History
  • Fine Quill Pen
  • Fishing Bait
  • Muscle Balm
  • Philosophy Book
  • Poetry Book
  • Sun Visor


For the prince of Firene, a gentleman who is adorned with flowers, you can’t go wrong with a well selected bloom or two.

Best gifts:

  • Flower Wreath
  • Lentil Flower
  • Lily
  • Bandages
  • Dragon Scripture
  • Muscle Balm
  • Sun Visor
  • Training Weight
  • White Clover
  • Horn


Despite his love of legends, Amber is more partial to gifts related to animals and nature. After all, an alpaca is the symbol on his Ally Notebook entry.

Best gifts:

  • Animal Treats
  • Bear Carving
  • Butterfly Net
  • Field Guide
  • Large Plate
  • Muscle Balm
  • White Clover
  • Tea Leaves
  • Roasted Yam
  • Utility Knife
  • Yogurt


The chunky knit cardigan Anna wears at The Somniel should give you a hint about her tastes. However, if you’re still unsure, Anna has a preference for cute items.

Best gifts:

  • Cute Apron
  • Lovely Candle
  • Sewing Kit
  • Fine Quill Pen
  • Landscape Art
  • Tea Leaves
  • Large Plate
  • Quality Kerchief
  • Sharp Chisel
  • Sheep Wool
  • Utility Knife
  • White Clover
  • Yogurt


When it comes to impressing Boucheron, your best bet is to go with book related gifts. 

Best Gifts:

  • Dragon Scripture
  • Elyos History
  • Fairy-Tale Book
  • Fishing Bait
  • Landscape Art
  • Sun Visor


Bunet’s catchphrase in battle – “You want a taste?” – should inform you that Bunet is a foodie through and through. 

Best gifts:

  • Dried Meat
  • Roasted Yam
  • Tea Leaves
  • White Clover
  • Yogurt
  • Flower Wreath
  • Large Plate
  • Antler Earrings
  • Desert Marigold
  • Sun Visor


Similar to her brother, Alfred, Celine enjoys the finer things in life – flowers and fashion are sure to win her over!

Best gifts:

  • Flower Wreath
  • Lentil Flower
  • Lovely Candle
  • Poetry Book
  • Quality Kerchief
  • Strong Perfume
  • Tea Leaves
  • Antler Earrings
  • Dragon Scripture
  • Elyos History
  • Fairy-Tale Book


Chloe is obsessed with fairy tales, so anything related to knights, princesses, and mythical creatures are gifts she’ll adore.

Best gifts:

  • Fairy-Tale Book
  • Field Guide
  • Poetry Book
  • Spicy Seasonings
  • Dried Meat
  • Sun Visor
  • Animal Treats
  • Bear Carving
  • Butterfly Net
  • Dragon Scripture 


You can tell by Citrinne’s clothing and mannerisms that she’s of nobility, meaning luxurious gifts are the best presents to give her. 

Best gifts:

  • Lovely Candle
  • Quality Kerchief
  • Philosophy Book
  • Tea Leaves
  • Elyos History
  • Fairy-Tale Book
  • Fine Quill Pen
  • Flower Wreath 
  • Lily


Anything Divine Dragon related will please Clanne, but he also appreciates literature, and delicious tea. 

Best gifts:

  • Dragon Scripture
  • Tea Leaves
  • Elyos History
  • Fairy-Tale Book
  • Fine Quill Pen
  • Large Plate
  • Philosophy Book
  • Poetry Book
  • Quality Kerchief
  • White Clover


Prince (and later, King) Diamant is a man of action. Although he isn’t as battle obsessed as his father, weaponry and training items are his thing.

Best gifts:

  • Bandages
  • Fancy Dagger
  • Muscle Balm
  • Training Weight
  • Utility Knife
  • Sharp Chisel
  • Dried Meat
  • Elyos History
  • Fine Quill Pen
  • Fishing Bait
  • Philosophy Book


Heralding from Firene, Etie enjoys flowers as much as the royal family. However, she also appreciates training related gifts as well. 

Best gifts:

  • Flower Wreath
  • Lentil Flower
  • Muscle Balm
  • Bandages
  • Training Weight
  • Dragon Scripture
  • Dried Meat
  • Tea Leaves


Prince Fogado is a surprisingly laid back guy, so items that reflect enjoying life to its fullest are what he longs for.

Best gifts:

  • Playing Cards
  • Antler Earrings
  • Desert Marigold
  • Dried Meat
  • Flower Wreath
  • Horn
  • Landscape Art
  • Large Plate
  • Lovely Candle


Much like Clanne, Framme is devoted to the Divine Dragon. But, while she loves dragon related gifts, she also has a passion for training.

Best gifts:

  • Dragon Scripture
  • Training Weight
  • Muscle Balm
  • Flower Wreath
  • Lovely Candle
  • Quality Kerchief
  • Strong Perfume
  • Sun Visor
  • Antler Earrings
  • Chrysanthemum


Popular, quite arrogant, and obsessed with beauty, Goldmary is all about appearing as effortlessly amazing as possible.

Best gifts:

  • Cute Apron
  • Flower Wreath
  • Landscape Art
  • Large Plate
  • Lovely Candle
  • Lupine Flower
  • Quality Kerchief
  • Strong Perfume
  • Sun Visor
  • Tea Leaves
  • White Clover
  • Antler Earrings
  • Bear Carving


Cute and/or animal related gifts will have Hortensia showering you with praise.

Best gifts:

  • Antler Earrings
  • Bear Carving
  • Cute Apron
  • Flower Wreath
  • Landscape Art
  • Lovely Candle
  • Lupine Flower
  • Fine Quill Pen
  • Quality Kerchief
  • Strong Perfume
  • Sun Visor


In contrast to her sister, Hortensia, Ivy is more poised and dignified. This means she prefers literature, especially if it relates to the Divine Dragon in some way. 

Best gifts:

  • Dragon Scripture
  • Elyos History
  • Fairy-Tale Book
  • Philosophy Book
  • Poetry Book
  • Fine Quill Pen
  • Landscape Art
  • Sun Visor
  • Tea Leaves
  • White Clover


Jade might be a powerful ally, but there’s a softer side to her as well. 

Best gifts:

  • Butterfly Net
  • Animal Treats
  • Bear Carving
  • Field Guide
  • Elyos History
  • Fairy-Tale Book
  • Fine Quill Pen
  • Muscle Balm
  • Poetry Book
  • Sun Visor


A devoted healer despite his young age, Jean is a gentle natured character who favours a variety of gifts.

Best gifts:

  • Elyos History
  • Fairy-Tale Book
  • Field Guide
  • Fine Quill Pen
  • Philosophy Book
  • Poetry Book
  • Dragon Scripture,
  • Tea Leaves
  • Butterfly Net
  • Bandages
  • Bear Carving


Another ally who is all about variety is Kagetsu. A lover of good food, training, and the odd luxury item, his tastes are delightfully diverse. 

Best gifts:

  • Landscape Art
  • Lovely Candle
  • Playing Cards
  • Dried Meat
  • Muscle Balm
  • Bandages
  • Fancy Dagger
  • Sharp Chisel
  • Training Weight
  • Utility Knife


Although Lapis is a solid fighter on the battlefield, when she’s at The Somniel, she enjoys time in nature. 

Best gifts:

  • Animal Treats
  • Bear Carving
  • Butterfly Net
  • Field Guide
  • Sheep Wool
  • Sewing Kit
  • White Clover
  • Roasted Yam
  • Muscle Balm
  • Sharp Chisel
  • Training Weight
  • Utility Knife


Sage is definitely the correct Class for Lindon, as he’s a man who considers every detail of a situation. Methodical and curious, he enjoys learning.

Best gifts:

  • Fine Quill Pen
  • Philosophy Book
  • Poetry Book
  • Elyos History
  • Fairy-Tale Book
  • Landscape Art
  • Large Plate
  • Roasted Yam
  • Sharp Chisel
  • Sun Visor
  • Tea Leaves
  • White Clover


Just like Bunet, Louis has a prominent catchphrase that tells you exactly what he likes; “Time for tea!” is Louis’ battlecry even when he’s relaxing.

Best gifts:

  • Tea Leaves
  • Flower Wreath
  • Lentil Flower
  • Poetry Book
  • Dragon Scripture
  • White Clover
  • Large Plate


His demeanour might appear cold and distant, but he’s a complicated man who has a surprisingly robust array of interests.

Best gifts:

  • Chrysanthemum
  • Desert Marigold
  • Flower Wreath
  • Lentil Flower
  • Lily
  • Lupine Flower
  • Dried Meat
  • Fancy Dagger
  • Muscle Balm
  • Sharp Chisel
  • Spicy Seasonings
  • Training Weight
  • Utility Knife
  • Bandages


It seems that a lot of characters wear their passion on their sleeves – first Bunet, then Louis, and now Merrin. Constantly exclaiming “Is that a rare critter?”, she’s obsessed with animals. 

Best gifts:

  • Animal Treats
  • Antler Earrings
  • Bear Carving
  • Butterfly Net
  • Field Guide
  • Dried Meat
  • Fancy Dagger 
  • Horn
  • Sharp Chisel
  • Utility Knife


What do you get for a man of the cloth who loves partying as much as Pandreo? Rather intriguingly, it involves fairy tale books and candles…

Best gifts:

  • Lovely Candle
  • Playing Cards
  • Fairy-Tale Book
  • Antler Earrings
  • Dragon Scripture
  • Horn
  • Large Plate 
  • Yogurt


If Panette’s style doesn’t give it away, she’s a woman who enjoys the theatrical, especially if it involves gothic accessories. 

Best gifts:

  • Spooky Scroll
  • Antler Earrings
  • Butterfly Net
  • Dried Meat
  • Fancy Dagger
  • Field Guide
  • Sharp Chisel
  • Spicy Seasonings 
  • Utility Knife


Rosado is such a wonderful character, passionate about succeeding, and looking adorable while he does it.

Best gifts:

  • Cute Apron
  • Flower Wreath
  • Antler Earrings
  • Bear Carving 
  • Lovely Candle
  • Lupine Flower
  • Playing Cards
  • Quality Kerchief
  • Sewing Kit
  • Strong Perfume
  • Sun Visor
  • Landscape Art
  • Large Plate


Sometimes simplicity is the key to great gift giving. And, fortunately for you, Saphir enjoys the good, but simple, things in life.

Best gifts:

  • Large Plate
  • Yogurt
  • Roasted Yam
  • Bandages
  • Fancy Dagger
  • Fishing Bait
  • Muscle Balm
  • Playing Cards
  • Training Weight
  • Utility Knife


Born to dance, Seadall is a man who has fine tastes. He appreciates beautiful items that will inspire his creativity.

Best gifts:

  • Elyos History
  • Fairy-Tale Book
  • Antler Earrings
  • Lovely Candle
  • Poetry Book
  • Quality Kerchief
  • Sheep Wool
  • Strong Perfume
  • Sun Visor
  • White Clover
  • Dried Meat
  • Horn


Arguably just as laid back about life as her brother, Fogado, Timerra likes a modest selection of different gifts.

Best gifts:

  • Lovely Candle
  • Playing Cards
  • Quality Kerchief
  • Strong Perfume
  • Animal Treats
  • Antler Earrings
  • Bear Carving
  • Butterfly Net
  • Dried Meat
  • Horn
  • Large Plate


If you thought Saphir kept things simple, Vander goes one step further.

Best gifts:

  • Dragon Scripture
  • Fine Quill Pen
  • Sewing Kit
  • Quality Kerchief
  • Sheep Wool


Having lived a hard, painful life, Veyle loves gifts that instil pure joy; flowers are her favourite gift, but fairy tale books will do too.

Best gifts:

  • Chrysanthemum
  • Desert Marigold
  • Flower Wreath
  • Lentil Flower
  • Lily
  • Lovely Candle
  • Lupine Flower
  • Elyos History
  • Fairy-Tale Book
  • Poetry Book
  • Playing Cards
  • Spicy Seasonings
  • Sun Visor


Mysterious, cool, and oh so deadly, Yunaka has limited interests outside of being a skillful assassin. 

Best gifts:

  • Bandages
  • Fancy Dagger
  • Horn
  • Muscle Balm
  • Sharp Chisel
  • Training Weight
  • Utility Knife
  • Elyos History
  • Poetry Book


Even more mysterious than Yunaka (if you can believe it), Zelkov appreciates beauty and creativity.

Best gifts:

  • Sheep Wool
  • Tea Leaves
  • White Clover
  • Landscape Art
  • Large Plate
  • Poetry Book
  • Sewing Kit
  • Sharp Chisel
  • Utility Knife

Although these are the best gifts for all characters in Fire Emblem Engage, you can also gift characters Spirit Gems and Pretty Pebbles.

They’re liked by everyone, so will always yield a modest Support Bond increase. But the Horse Manure? Best to leave that in your inventory…

How To Unlock Gifts In Fire Emblem Engage

To unlock gifts you need to complete Chapter 13: Heroes of the Oasis. After that, when you next return to The Somniel, the Flea Market will be open for business. 

The only gifts you can’t purchase at the Flea Market are Spirit Gems, Pretty Pebbles, and Horse Manure. Instead, you’ll find them scattered around The Somniel.

Hopefully now you’ll be able to wow your companions. And, if love is in the air, aim to reach the famed S-Rank Support Bond. 

If that’s what you’re aiming for, don’t forget to use my guide on how to romance characters in Fire Emblem Engage. Oh, and be sure to check out how to get bonus items in Fire Emblem as well – it’s really easy!

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