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A Car Dealership Has Created The Little Tikes Red & Yellow Car We All Had As Kids

Little Tykes Cosy Coupe made by The Car Zoo
Credit: Little Tykes/The Car Zoo

If you ask anyone to name an iconic toy that they or their friends had as young kids, the Little Tikes Cosy Coupe comes up every single time. Ok, it’s usually referred to as ‘the little red and yellow car’ just like in this title of the article, but regardless, it’s a toy that has become synonymous with our childhoods and one that parents are continually bringing back for new generations to enjoy.

Released back in 1979, the Little Tikes Cosy Coupe has lots of realistic features like moving wheels, cup holders, doors that open and close, and even an ignition switch that makes a satisfying clicking noise. We’ve all experienced being in a car as a youngster, but this little thing felt like being on the open road all by ourselves… if the open road was a safe grassy area, that is.

But why should kids have all the fun? Wouldn’t it be great to get in a real-life Cosy Coupe that actually drove? Well, Car dealership company The Car Zoo have actually made one that you can get in and drive away, though I’m afraid you’ll need a license to drive this one, kids. They’ve used a Suzuki Twin Kei car and modified it to look just like a real-life version of the Cosy Coupe.

It definitely looks like it could have jumped out of a Toy Story movie, especially with those wheels and the Etch-a-Sketch sitting on the front seat. The Car Zoo have made it as toy-like as possible and added a Shut Up Horn to the steering wheel as well as decorating the car with Little Tikes branding. It even has the eyes on the headlights and the same happy smile that the toy car has on the front, all while proudly boasting that red and yellow colour scheme we’ve known since our early years. If you have kids, then this  is surely the dream car for them to see pull up on the driveway, right?

What do you think of this real-life Cosy Coupe? Would you like to take one for a spin? Let us know in the comments!

Sebastian Santabarbara profile image Sebastian Santabarbara
Sebastian is fuelled by a lifelong passion for Zelda, Banjo Kazooie, Donkey Kong, and all things retro. He uses his misspent youth with retro consoles to create content for readers around the world.