Block Out Your Schedule – The NES Version Of Tetris Arrives On Nintendo Switch Online Next Week

Nintendo Switch Online Tetris

Tetrimono lovers all over the globe will be incredibly happy with the news that Nintendo is bringing the NES version of Tetris to Nintendo Switch Online next week. It’s been a long time coming, but now everyone who has the base level subscription of NSO can access this classic NES game alongside some amazing classics like Donkey Kong, The Legend of Zelda, & Super Mario Bros.

While Tetris has the Guinness World Record for the most official versions of the game with 220 in total, it’s the NES that has the most controversy around it with the Tengen release of the game being pulled from shelves almost instantly after it was released. After finding a workaround to release unofficial games on the NES, Tengen completely disregarded Nintendo’s ownership of the Tetris name and released their own unofficial version of the cartridge for the console, something the courts did not approve of after Nintendo’s claim was indeed found to be legitimate, ordering Tengen to remove all the games from stores.

While Nintendo isn’t adding Tengen Tetris to NSO (for obvious reasons), having the classic NES version on the platform brings an iconic title to a collection where it feels firmly at home. You can play the game from next Thursday at the time of writing, and if you’re not already signed up to Nintendo Switch Online, then head to Nintendo’s website to get your subscription up and running!

If you want some more Tetris reading while you’re here, take a look at our article on Blue Scuti, the first person to ever beat Tetris. And don’t forget to check out Tetris Forever, the new release from Digital Eclipse celebrating 40 years of Tetris!

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