Welcome one and all to our guide on how to find all the Gold Enemies in Sonic Superstars!
The Gold Enemies in Sonic Superstars are well hidden Badniks that Robotnik decided to give a little extra bling.
They pose no additional threat to Sonic and co. but destroying all 22 of these glistening scoundrels will earn PlayStation players a Gold Trophy and Xbox and PC speedsters the ‘Gold Enemy Hunter’ achievement.
Finding and defeating the Gold Enemy in a level is only half the battle. Once defeated, players must continue to finish the level without dying to register the Gold Enemy as defeated. If you do pop your clogs after defeating the Gold Enemy, you’ll need to replay the stage from the beginning.
To check that you’ve successfully registered defeating a Gold Enemy, you can try to enter a Stage via the World Map and look for the little Gold Enemy symbol, as highlighted in our screenshot below.
If the Gold Enemy symbol appears here then you’ve already bagged the Gold Enemy for that level.
One final piece of advice before we go hunting for Gold Enemies in Sonic Superstars; use Tails! Tails’ ability to fly makes several normally hard to reach Gold Enemies trivial to find. Also, he’s awesome!
Now we know what we’re up against, let’s peel out and race through our Sonic Superstars Gold Enemy Location Guide!
Table of Contents
1. Bridge Island Zone Act 1
You’ll find the first Gold Enemy just hanging on in the middle of section of Bridge Island Zone Act 1.
Head right along the middle path after passing the first checkpoint. Run along the central ramp by holding up and right as you go and you’ll find this golden crustacean hanging out on the other side.
2. Bridge Island Zone Act 2
Using Tails ability to fly, ascend into the sky onto the highest platform towards the end of the level. This one is hard to miss if you take the highest route throughout the Act.
3. Speed Jungle Zone Act 1
You’ll come across this gilded frog enemy after finishing the first section where you surf along vines in Speed Jungle Act 1. Pass through the checkpoint and then jump upwards and to the right where the balloons are to find this hidden target.
4. Speed Jungle Zone Act Sonic
Next up in our guide of how to find all Gold Enemies in Sonic Superstars is this cleverly hidden fellow in Speed Jungle Zone Act Sonic.
Around the halfway point you will be boosted through a series of tunnels and loops and arrive in an area with vines to catapult you upwards.
Instead of heading to the right to continue with the level, ride the rotating platforms upwards and to your left.
You’ll find the Gold Enemy chilling out on the ledge above.
5. Speed Jungle Zone Act 2
Thank goodness Golden Enemies shine in the dark!
In the second of the level’s foggy areas, keep ascending into the darkness and trying to push as far to the top left as you can. You’ll eventually find this gold bat flapping around above a floating platform.
6. Sky Temple Zone Act 1
You’ll be aiming to always be moving towards the top right at the start of Sky Temple. Following this path you’ll eventually come to an elevator that drops you down. Continue following this route to the top right until you eventually get blown up into the air by some giant turbines.
When you land you’ll be moving towards the left of the stage. Pass through the loop and keep running along the ground until you hit a small stone block in your pathway.
Head back out of the tunnel the way you came and begin to fly upwards. You’ll see some small fans blowing the air upwards. Use the fans to get on top of the platform and then run to the left to find this Gold Enemy.
7. Pinball Carnival Zone Act 1
This little Gold Enemy bat is fluttering away near the start of Pinball Carnival Zone Act 1.
When you reach the pinball area keep pushing to your right and bouncing up where you can. You’ll eventually find this Badnik just in front of a big grey gateway.
8. Pinball Carnival Zone Act 2
This enemy doesn’t quite fit with our otherwise descriptive ‘how to find all the Gold Enemies in Sonic Superstars’ guide title because it’s actually a bizarre balloon version of Tails!
To find this creepy rubber doppelganger you’ll need to ride the second train across the level until you come across some more pinball flippers and bumpers. Push your way towards the top right of the screen (or fly there if you’re playing as Tails) and continue along this path.
You’ll eventually pass a giant spider web and this will signify that you’re on the right track. Keep following this path forward and you’ll soon run across this level’s ‘Gold’ Enemy.
9. Lagoon City Zone Act 1
Lagoon City is next in our how to find all the Gold Enemies in Sonic Superstars guide.
From the start, run to the right and start sliding down the waterslides. You need to head upwards and to the right to take the second and third water slides.
Continue along this path until you find a gap with a waterfall flowing down into it. Either fly up the waterfall as Tails or use the ‘Water’ Emerald Power to ascend the waterfall.
If you’re wondering how to acquire the various Emerald Powers, why not check out our guide on how to find all the Chaos Emeralds in Sonic Superstars for a helping hand.
Once you’ve made it to the top, the Gold Enemy seal will be hanging out lobbing barrels at you like it thinks it’s Donkey Kong!
10. Lagoon City Zone Act Amy
Another Donkey Kong wannabe now in Amy’s Exclusive Act in Lagoon City. This Gold Enemy is one of the harder ones to find so naturally we have plenty of directions for you to follow.
After the second slide you’ll need to bop a giant pineapple out of the way and cross the bridge without falling into the water below.
Ascend upward past the various enemies and climb across the floating and swinging platforms until you get squirted up into the air. Continue to follow this path until you can fall down next to a cart with a strawberry in it.
Immediately after clearing this tunnel you can either use the ‘Bullet’ Emerald Power or the ‘Ivy’ Emerald Power to move further up the level until you find the golden seal on the highest platform.
11. Lagoon City Zone Act 2
It’s a bit easier to find this next Gold Enemy in Sonic Superstars.
After the first checkpoint, keep climbing or flying upwards and you’ll bump into this Gold Enemy along the way.
12. Sand Sanctuary Zone Act 1
After the third snake section, start to climb upwards and to the left by flying with Tails or by repeatedly jumping up the cascading rivers of sand.
You’ll eventually find a Star Post and will be able to head to the right again. You’ll find this golden vulture flocking about with it’s buddies shortly after the checkpoint.
13. Press Factory Zone Act 1
To find this Gold Enemy bat you must take the lowest path through the factory until you notice a Sonic Medal on the path above you.
At this point you need to jump onto the higher path and continue to the right. Try to avoid being bounced onto the top path by the factory and eventually you’ll find this Gold Enemy below a spinning spike trap.
14. Press Factory Zone Act 2
To find this Gold Enemy in Sonic Superstars you’ll need to make your way through the level until you jump inside a rocket ship. Hold left on the d-pad as the ship takes off to cause it to veer to the left and crash.
Once you have your feet back on the ground, move to the right and across the platforms without dropping down.
There will be some platforms with enemies that look like fire extinguishers, although they actually shoot fire, so watch out.
The Gold Enemy is protected by a swarm of other Badniks so use the Avatar Emerald Skill to take it out without the risk of losing any rings.
15. Golden Capital Zone Act 1
At the start of Golden Capital Zone Act 1 you’ll be bounced into the background before being returned to the foreground again.
Continue moving along this path until you can fly upwards past the pinball section. This will eventually lead to an area full of blue seahorses blowing bubbles. Bounce across the bubbles and the seahorses to find this shiny praying mantis enemy on the other side.
16. Golden Capital Zone Knuckles
From the first checkpoint, fully climb the two sets of stairs that propel you upwards and use the pinball launcher to arrive at the far left of the area.
When you’re fired upwards by the stairs and into the next large area get ready to activate your glide ability as you fly over the giant fan. If done correctly you’ll gain an extra big of height that you can use to glide to the left and land at the bottom of a curved ramp.
Climb up this new section and to the left until you reach a Star Post and another pinball bumper area. Navigate the bumpers and aim to exit the area to the top left. Once clear of the bumpers you can drop down and continue running left until you see a yellow spring.
Use the spring to bounce yourself upwards into the next part and continue to travel towards the left before climbing up the next set of stairs and being launched upwards once more.
Move to the right past the checkpoint and glide into the wall above the ramp. The Gold Enemy is at the top of this wall but spikes prevent you from climbing straight up. As the path forward is blocked by spikes, use Knuckles ability to glide to travel all the way to the left of the area. You’ll need a decent jump to give yourself enough height to clear the bumper on the left hand wall.
Once you’ve dug into the left hand wall, you can now climb up once more. Climb into the giant fan for an altitude boost before gliding to the right and discovering the Gold Enemy.
17. Golden Capital Zone Act 2
At the checkpoint before the second floating platform section, double-back and head to your left.
You’ll find a lava pool with a school of seahorses floating above it, including one Gold Enemy seahorse.
18. Cyber Station Zone Act 1
We’re heading into cyberspace now in our guide of how to find all the Gold Enemies in Sonic Superstars.
If you stick to the central path through the zone you’ll run through several doorways with arrows on them. From here you need to jump into the blue electric circuits and follow them along until you find the next checkpoint.
From the checkpoint, turn back towards the left and immediately fly up or use one of the Emerald Powers to deliver you to the golden voxel crab.
19. Frozen Base Zone Act 1
To find this gilded vulture enemy, keep moving to the right after the third conveyor-belt section. You’ll see a Giant Ring that will take you to a Special Stage and beyond that is a snowy platform with our feathery target flapping around next to some trees.
20. Frozen Base Zone Act Tails
To find this flying Gold Enemy you’ll need to head up and to the right from the start of the level until you arrive in a chamber filled with moving machinery.
On the other side of this chamber is another conveyor-belt section. Ride the conveyor-belts to the right and keep looking up to find this little golden dino flapping around.
21. Egg Fortress Zone Act 1
The penultimate Gold Enemy in our guide for how to find all the Gold Enemies in Sonic Superstars can be found after the second section where the level rapidly builds platforms in front of you.
Continue along the main path until you get sucked through the airlock.
Once you’re out of the airlock you can fly upwards to find this Gold Enemy in front of some graffiti of Sonic and Robotnik.
22. Egg Fortress Zone Act 2
As you run backwards through Egg Fortress you’ll enter two stages that rapidly disassemble. Take the high road and the Gold Enemy can be found just after a large group of floating rings.
Congratulations! You now possess all the knowledge you need to defeat every Gold Enemy in Sonic Superstars! Don’t forget to complete the level after defeating each one and to let us know which Gold Enemy was your favourite over on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
For more on Sonic, be sure to check out our full review of Sonic Superstars and our guide on how to beat every boss in the game.