Bitmap Books, the makers of an insane amount of incredible video game related publications, has just announced the upcoming title “The Art Of The Box”.
And as the name suggests, this is a giant collection of incredible artwork and stories behind some of the most iconic video game box art in history.
Trust us when we say that this book is full of incredible names and absolutely stunning imagery and it’s one that you’re not going to want to miss out on.
Take a sneak peek into this amazing compendium below and find out how to get a copy for your bookcase!
The Art Of The Box

The Art Of The Box will feature the biographies of 26 game cover artists, including Bob Wakelin, Steve Hendricks, Ken Macklin, Tom DuBois, Steinar Lund, Marc Ericksen, Julie Bell, Susumu Matsushita, and more.
“With information drawn from live interviews wherever possible, we discuss their beginnings as an artist, their inspirations and influences, the games they illustrated, and where their artistic careers have taken them.” – Bitmap Books
The range of artists and games go all the way back to early Atari era and back to current generation AAA titles.
To name just a few – Adventure Island, Asteroids, Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2, Castlevania III: Dracula’s Curse, Contra, Deathloop, Diablo II, Dishonored, Doom, Golden Axe, Mega Man 2, Out of this World, Rampage, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Tetris, Turtles IV: Turtles in Time.
I know that’s not exactly a short list, but that was me just condensing it to just some of the major standouts. There’s an insane amount of great games featured in the full collection.
You could spend hours upon hours learning the unique histories of how some of our favorite games got their cover art, making it a must have for fans of any era of video game history… which should be all of you!
Purchasing Information

The Art Of The Box will be a gloss laminated hardback book at 564 pages and features more than 350 full color images.
The book is anticipated to launch on on August 14th and the list price is $46.00USD.
That’s a small price to pay for such a massive collection of gaming gems, and we will all have our fingers hovering over the buy button as soon as this incredible book comes on sale!