Small Universe X Sugar Cubes Handheld Has A… Rotating Screen?

Small Universe X Sugar Cubes

The upcoming Small Universe X Sugar Cubes emulation handheld will surely be the most unique device you’ve seen all day. With a rotating OLED display, powerful SOC, and full metal shell; they have certainly created a device that is after my retro gaming heart. The real question is whether “Small Universe” is the brand and […]

Evercade EXP Review – A Superb Cartridge Based Handheld

evercade exp

The original Evercade was created in 2020, and relaunched the hype for cartridge based handhelds, allowing those that miss reading manuals, trading games with friends and blowing cartridges a chance to fall in love with a new product. New handheld emulators are launched almost every week, but handhelds like this come less often than I […]