Game Boy Advance Cube Prototype Is The Retro Transformer We’ve All Dreamed Of

Game Boy Advance Cube concept

How would you like to hold a bona fide retro gaming Transformer in your hands? We’ve been drooling over this amazing new handheld prototype from Hairo Satoh @haiahsb on Instagram and discussing how the culmination of all of our favourite retro gear in one package is essentially everything our childhood selves dreamed of. If you […]

This Gundam Inspired GBA SP Is A Thing Of Beauty

Gundam Inspired GBA SP with a Gundam next to it

Like you, we love a custom GBA. It’s probably our main weakness, the one thing that makes us want to part with our cash on a daily basis. We’re suckers for custom shells and mods that make life a heck of a lot easier (no more worm lights, am I right?). Well, my daily search […]

Flipper Zero Can Now Create & Trade Pokémon Using Game Boy Adapter

The Flipper Zero is essentially the digital Swiss army knife of our generation, and now a clever modding enthusiast has created a Game Boy Adapter that allows users to hook straight up to the device. Dropping in 2020, the Flipper Zero looks and feels like something that James Bond might pull out of the heel […]

ReBoi Game Boy Color Drop In Kit Could Be The Easiest Mod Solution Ever

James Sargent holding the ReBoi

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it every week of my life; the Retro Gaming community never ceases to amaze me. Modders are forever thinking of creative ways to keep retro consoles alive for the masses, and the ReBoi kit created by James Sargent is the latest to catch our eye. James has created […]

New DIY Nintendo DS Mod by Xipher is Gorgeous

One of the most innovative members of the Game Boy community has delivered his latest project; this is the Nintendo DS Slab by Xipher. People within the online Game Boy community surely know Xipher for some of the absolute best mods in our niche scene. But if you are not a member of that scene, […]

Game Boy Video Camera Brings Movie Recording To Nintendo’s Iconic Handheld

Custom Game Boy Camera Setup by CodyWick13

Have you ever wished you could use your Game Boy as a video camera? Well you’re certainly not alone! As you probably know… the original Game Boy Camera was a low-tech still camera made for the original monochrome Game Boy consoles. For photography enthusiasts like myself, this was a fun gimmick to play around with. […]