DOOM Celebrates 30th Anniversary With Retrospective Stream

DOOM 30th Anniversary Stream

John Carmack and John Romero, co-founders of legendary id Software, celebrated the 30th anniversary of DOOM in a retrospective livestream. The 30th anniversary stream was hosted by David Craddock, most know for his First Person Shooter documentary. Clearly he’s got some investment in the genre and knows a thing or two about DOOM. Carmack and […]

Turok 3 Remastered Announced by Nightdive Studios

Turok 3 Remastered

An incredible new Turok 3 Remastered has just been announced at Gamescom 2023, coming to us from Nightdive Studios. When we learned that Atari had acquired Nightdive Studios, we worried they would not be able to complete their work on remastering the Turok trilogy. As one of the top three on our list of the […]

Counter-Strike 2 Announced for Summer 2023, Limited Test Begins Today

Counter-Strike 2

Massive visual and performance overhauls are coming to one of the most played online multiplayer shooters in the Summer 2023 release of Counter-Strike 2. Yes, that is the same Counter-Strike that you probably played back in 1999 at LAN parties with friends or at random internet cafes. I sure as heck did. Counter-Strike has gone […]