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All Pokemon White 2 Cheats (With Codes)

pokemon white 2 cheats

If you’re looking for some Pokemon White 2 cheats to aid you in your efforts to become the best trainer around, then you’ve come to the right place. Pokemon Black and White 2 are regarded as the superior versions of the base games with more ‘mons to catch and different areas to explore.

Because of this expansive nature of the titles, if you’ve played them before, or simply want to race through, you’ll likely want to take a few shortcuts. That’s where cheats come in, giving you a whole host advantages over the traditional experience.

N.B One thing we will say though is that even if these cheats are fantastic, do try to limit the number you have enabled in one go as too many can lag or even crash your game.

1. Walk Through Walls

walk through walls

Ever had a time where you’re blocked off by some pesky trees halting your progression to the next town? The walk through walls Pokemon White 2 cheat is exactly what you need.

To enable this cheat you’ll have to input the code listed below and once you do, hold the L button when walking to phase through where you want to go.


  • 5219C910 FDD8F7C1
  • 1219C914 00001C04
  • 94000130 FDFF0000
  • 1219C914 00002400
  • D2000000 00000000

2. No Wild Encounters

no wild encounters pokemon cheat

If you’re looking to get a speed run going this no wild encounters Pokemon White 2 cheat is precisely what you’ll need. This one does exactly what it says on the tin – stops any wild Pokemon from spawning, giving you free reign to make to any towns and cities with ease.

Remember though this does mean that you will only be able to train Pokemon through other methods, keep that in mind. To enable this cheat, enter the code below and hit Select.


  • 94000130 FFFB0000
  • B2000024 00000000
  • 2002224D 000000FF
  • D2000000 00000000

3. 100% Catch Rate

One Pokemon White 2 cheat that you’ll definitely want to get enabled is 100% catch rate. As you would expect, if you choose to activate this one you’ll be able to catch any wild Pokemon first time, no matter what, without a Master Ball.

This is incredibly useful, especially when you come up against any rare of legendary Pokemon that you’ll definitely want to add to the collection. Enter the below code and any Pokemon can be yours.


  • 521AF890 7820D203
  • 121AF890 000046C0
  • D2000000 00000000

4. Catch Trainer Pokemon

If you’ve ever fantasized about catching an enemy trainer’s Pokemon like I have then this Pokemon White 2 cheat is right up your alley. Once enabled, you’ll simply be allowed to throw balls at your opponent’s ‘mons just like any wild encounter.

If you end up catching all of their Pokemon or their remaining Pokemon were defeated, the battle will end too, making it a nice little tactic to speed up the battling process at the same time. Just enter the following code and catch away!


  • 02002300 68006868
  • 02002304 60012100
  • 02002308 00004770
  • 521AF660 F7EC6868
  • 121AF666 0000F652
  • 121AF668 0000FE4B
  • D2000000 00000000

5. Invincibility

pokemon no damage cheat

Invincibility is something you could only get from using a move like Protect, and this only lasts for one turn. But, like other Pokemon White 2 cheats we’ve listed, this one makes the impossible possible.

To make your Pokemon invulnerable to any form of damage input the following code and you’ll never lose HP again.


  • E2003000 00000018
  • D0002800 4903BD70
  • 428E6809 2400D200
  • 00004770 02257544
  • 521A9BB0 FF42F7F2

6. All Badges

Sometimes Gym battles are an arduous task – we’re looking at you Whitney from Gen 2… Because of this, you could get stuck fro some time, completely holting your progress.

However, with this Pokemon White 2 cheat, you’ll be given all the game’s badges in an instant. All you have to do is enter the code below and you’re golden.

If you change your mind though and want to remove all the badges you’ve just enabled, there’s also a reset code which can be entered after.


  • 94000130 FFFB0000
  • 22226728 000000FF
  • D2000000 00000000

Reset Code:

  • 94000130 FFFB0000
  • 22226728 00000000
  • D2000000 00000000

7. Max Items

unlock all items

For a quick boost in the number of items you’ve got, this Pokemon White 2 cheat can get you there in an instant.

This one focuses specifically on both the regular items and the healing items that you have selected in their corresponding slots. Once you’ve got these prepped, you can use the appropriate codes below to give yourself the maximum amount of said item, great for things like Max Revives or Ultra Balls.

Item Slot 1 Code:

  • 8221DA26 00000000
  • 1221DA26 000003E7
  • D2000000 00000000

Item Slot 2 Code:

  • 8221DA2A 00000000
  • 1221DA2A 000003E7
  • D2000000 00000000

Healing Slot 1 Code:

  • 8221E1FE 00000000
  • 1221E1FE 000003E7
  • D2000000 00000000

Healing Slot 2 Code:

  • 8221E202 00000000
  • 1221E202 000003E7
  • D2000000 00000000

8. Free Items

pokemon free item cheat

Everyone loves free stuff, especially in games like Pokemon. While you can pick up a plethora of free items on the ground in these games, the number definitely doesn’t meet the need as you progress.

With this free items Pokemon White 2 cheat, you’ll be able to buy any item completely free of charge, saving your hard-earned Pokemon Dollars for later. Enter the code and everything will cost absolute zero. Prices will still be there but don’t worry, you won’t be charged.


  • 5200C9EC 1A51E000
  • 1200C9F0 000046C0
  • D2000000 00000000

9. Max Money

Grinding those trainer battles to secure enough Pokemon Dollars to purchase any healing items or Poke Balls needed to progress can get a little tedious.

To avoid all of this, you can in fact get maximum money with this Pokemon White 2 cheat, saving you a bunch of time. To get this, enter the code below and hit the Select button and you should now have the maximum amount of cash that can be got in the game.


  • 94000130 FFFB0000
  • 02226724 0098967F
  • D2000000 00000000

10. 999 Master Balls

Remember when you could only get one Master Ball per playthrough in Pokemon games? That’s no more with 999 Master Balls making this one of the best Pokemon White 2 cheats around.

This means you’ll be able to catch literally every Pokemon first try, removing any worries of rare ‘mons escaping. To enable this, enter the code below and then press L or R on the first item in your inventory. If done correctly, the item that was there before will be replaced by 999 Master Balls.


  • 94000130 FCFF0000
  • 1221DA24 00000001
  • D2000000 00000000

11. 999 Berries

Berries can definitely come in clutch when you need a little healing or want to remove annoying status effects. Collecting them however, especially the rare ones, can be a seriously lengthy task, eating up your precious leveling time.

What you can do though is enable this Pokemon White 2 cheat to get 999 of all Berries in the game, allowing you to never worry about harvesting them again. Enter the following code and press Select to fill your pockets with these little fruits.


  • 94000130 FFFB0000
  • B2000024 00000000
  • D5000000 03E70095
  • C0000000 0000003E
  • D6000000 000195B8
  • D4000000 00000001
  • D2000000 00000000

12. EXP Share

Getting your Pokemon levelled up as fast as possible is absolutely key if you want to make it past the later gyms. This can be a real grind, especially if you want a full party around the same level, just to ensure you don’t get caught out against typing mismatches.

With this EXP share cheat for Pokemon White 2, all Pokemon in your party will receive the same EXP that you would get if they were battling. This will definitely speed things up a bit for you, and works great if you want to get some fast evolutions going.


  • 521AEF84 42819903
  • 121AEF88 000046C0
  • D2000000 00000000

13. EXP Multiplier

Sometimes getting the regular amount of EXP is simply not enough for the number of levels needed. Thankfully one of the available Pokemon White 2 cheats is an EXP multiplier, giving you a bunch more every time you win a battle.

Below are a bunch of EXP multiplier codes from 2X all the way up to 100X, allowing you to choose the specific increase that you want. Enter the desired code and away you go!

2X EXP Code:

  • 521BD738 0C040400
  • 021BD738 43442402
  • D2000000 00000000

4X EXP Code:

  • 521BD738 0C040400
  • 021BD738 43442404
  • D2000000 00000000

8X EXP Code:

  • 521BD738 0C040400
  • 021BD738 43442408
  • D2000000 00000000

10X EXP Code:

  • 521BD738 0C040400
  • 021BD738 4344240A
  • D2000000 00000000

100X EXP Code:

  • 521BD738 0C040400
  • 021BD738 43442464
  • D2000000 00000000

200X EXP Code:

  • 521BD738 0C040400
  • 021BD738 434424C8
  • D2000000 00000000

14. Wild Pokemon Modifier

Hunting for specific Pokemon can sometimes be a real slog, especially when it comes to the more rare ‘mons that are not only hard to find, but also flee at first sight. Thankfully, there’s a Pokemon White 2 cheat that modifies wild encounters so specific Pokemon appear every time.

However, to get this working is a little bit of a complex process.

First, you’ll need to enter the code below and press Select to get things started. Once you do, you’ll be given 649 Master Balls and 100 Ultra Balls. These correspond to the Pokedex number of the Pokemon and the level you want to encounter it at.

So, to get a specific Pokemon, you’ll need to discard a certain number of balls. For example, if you’re looking to get a Pikachu, it has a Pokedex number of 25, meaning you’ll have to discard 624 of the Master Balls. Now all you have to do is hit R and you’ll start encountering the specific ‘mon.


  • 94000130 FFFB0000
  • B2000024 00000000
  • 00018D20 02890001
  • 00018D24 00640002
  • D0000000 00000000
  • 94000130 FEFF0000
  • B2000024 00000000
  • DA000000 00018D26
  • D7000000 00036B06
  • D3000000 00000000
  • B2000024 00000000
  • DA000000 00018D22
  • D7000000 00036B04
  • D3000000 00000000
  • B2000024 00000000
  • D9000000 00036B04
  • C0000000 0000002F
  • D6000000 00036B04
  • D2000000 00000000

15. Shiny Pokemon

shiny pokemon cheat

Let’s face it, hunting shiny Pokemon is rather annoying since it takes forever to even get one to spawn. However, like other Pokemon White 2 cheats in this list, this one creates a bunch of time skipping, fully streamlining the shiny catching process.

When you enable this cheat, all wild encounters will be shiny until you turn it off, allowing you to complete a full shiny Pokedex as fast as possible. Enter the code below and get yourself some special ‘mons!


  • 5201C560 43084050
  • 0201C564 2000D108
  • E201C56C 00000010
  • 2000900A F027900B
  • E00AF8EE 980B2100
  • 94000130 FFFD0000
  • 1201C564 000046C0
  • E201C56C 00000010
  • 1C281C01 F000910A
  • 2801FC47 E008D1F5
  • D2000000 00000000

16. All TMs & HMs

hm tm pokemon

Some of the best moves in Pokemon games can only be taught through TMs and HMs. But, this requires you to play through most of the game, especially for the later HMs, meaning you could be missing out on some integral attacks.

To counter this, you can enable all TMs and HMs Pokemon White 2 cheats to get every single one in your inventory instantaneously.

There are two separate codes for this, one for TMs and one for HMs, so if you’d prefer one and not the other this can be done with ease. Here are the codes you need:

All TMs Code:

  • 94000130 FCFF0000
  • 0221E1B8 0001026A
  • 0221E1BC 0001026B
  • 0221E1C0 0001026C
  • D5000000 00010148
  • C0000000 0000005B
  • D6000000 0221E048
  • D4000000 00000001
  • D2000000 00000000

All HMs Code:

  • 94000130 FCFF0000
  • D5000000 000101A4
  • C0000000 00000005
  • D6000000 0221E1C4
  • D4000000 00000001
  • D2000000 00000000

17. Unlimited Rare Candies

rare candies

Getting your Pokemon to max level can be a real grind, fighting against any and all trainers as well as all wild ‘mons just to gain a slither of EXP. Rare Candies can be your ticket to quick levels but they are exactly what their names suggests – rare.

However, one of the best Pokemon White 2 cheats allows you to get unlimited Rare Candies so you can level to your heart’s content. Enter the code below to get as many as you want.


  • 94000130 FFFB0000
  • B2000024 00000000
  • 000194F8 FFFF0032
  • D2000000 00000000

18. Unlimited PP

Running out of PP when in an intense situation can be incredibly awkward, especially in a Gym battle. To eliminate any of these worries, you can enable an unlimited PP Pokemon White 2 cheat giving you complete freedom over your moves.

To do so, simply enter the code below and no matter how many times you use a move the PP will never decrease


  • 921BAE58 0000D301
  • 121BAE58 0000E003
  • D2000000 00000000

And that about wraps up all Pokemon White 2 cheats you can use in the game! Any of these will aid you as your progress through, whether that’s getting more items or being able to catch enemy trainer’s Pokemon.

If you’re into your Pokemon ROM hacks, we have guides on Pokemon Ultra Violet cheats, Pokemon Gaia cheats, and Pokemon Liquid Crystal cheats, to aid you in those playthroughs too!

Brandon Saltalamacchia profile image Brandon Saltalamacchia
Brandon is the founder of Retro Dodo and has loved gaming ever since his mother bought him Pokemon Yellow for the Game Boy in the late 90's. Now he writes about his passions for gaming and collecting.