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Pokemon Unbound Cheats List (Rare Candies, Unlimited Money & More)

pokemon unbound

Pokemon unbound is a fan-made Pokemon game that features a brand new region, a truly engaging storyline, every Pokemon from Gen 1 to Gen 7, and a ton of features that make the game worth playing even in 2023.

The game has managed to push the limits of rom hacking and hence is really popular in the Pokemon community.

That being said, it still is very much similar to the main series of Pokemon games at its core.

Though the new story will make the game engaging, there are a lot of parts that you might want to skip, like hunting for hours to get a Pokemon you need, running around the map to find a TM/HM, or the worst, grinding to increase your Pokemon’s levels.

All these tasks don’t enhance the game for you and can be simply skipped using some cheats. So in this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of the best Pokemon Unbound cheats!

Now, this goes without saying, but make sure you don’t use many cheats simultaneously in GameShark, as it might mess up the emulator and cause your game to glitch or even crash. That being said, let’s get into the list!

15. Modify The Nature Of Wild Pokemon

Want to make sure the wild Pokemon you catch are jolly? How about careful or brave, or maybe a little impish?

Just enter the following Initial Code, then add the nature you want the next Pokemon you catch to be afterwards!

Initial Code

Nature Modifier Code
D0E34D66 5796A7D3 = Hardy
D73BC50A 5F47AA0E = Lonely
E485844D 2F24038C = Brave
5EB8DEEE 692ED298 = Adamant
83286B46 6479AA98 = Naughty
35EB915F 08F33974 = Bold
A58F6F1B BFB13FEF = Docile
34027F23 7E7E1599 = Relaxed
CDA2AB99 F89D5BB9 = Impish
D593BF29 E18AAAE5 = Lax
1BC372C9 06B4D17F = Timid
D4950A99 D729D80A = Hasty
93F04759 F95753D9 = Serious
E9EC2CBF A7EDD4A7 = Jolly
56F744B0 37E16732 = Naive
E1EB2109 4480C28D = Modest
A2461E51 304137B6 = Mild
0456554B 66D3AAF9 = Quiet
B05B4CCD A0A1505B = Bashful
909149AB 2DE8726A = Rash
31F62F82 D9A0C100 = Calm
9A41D845 41B93FE6 = Gentle
D47DA721 6C3B9FFC = Sassy
1A15BF1E E72650E4 = Careful
5A7B2626 21ECD183 = Quirky

14. Unlimited PP

When you’re in the heat of battle, the last thing you want is to run out of PP on your killer moves, especially if you’ve used a one-hit-kill cheat code!

Just enter the following code and have as much sweet PP as you could ever need!

42023C08 6363
00000002 0002

13. Get All Gym Badges

This is a bit of a weird cheat as battling Gym Leaders is one of the best parts of the game. Still, if you don’t want to fight the leaders and just progress the easy way, then enter the following code to collect those badges without working up a sweat!

Note – There have been occasions where an issue happens where you can’t actually challenge Gym Leaders after entering this code, therefore making it impossible to progress in the game. enter this code with caution!

EFCE867D 5403D40D

12. Infinite Healing Items

Healing items always come in handy when you’re battling your way through any Pokemon game. Why pay for them when you can get a five-finger discount!

Just enter the following code, and replace the YYYY’s at the end with the specific code of the item!

82003884 YYYY

Idnividual Healing Item Codes

0010 = Ice Heal
0011 = Awakening
0012 = Parlyz Heal
0013 = Full Restore
0014 = Max Potion
0015 = Hyper Potion
0016 = Super Potion
0017 = Full Heal
0018 = Revive
0019 = Max Revive
000D = Potion
000E = Antidote
000F = Burn Heal

11. Get Mega Items

If you want to get lots of Mega Items the easy way, then pay close attention, as your Poke Mart trips are about to get a whole lot more interesting!

One thing you should bear in mind is that the following cheat codes will do nothing unless you’ve already completed the Mega Evolution quest in Tarmigan Mansion. If you haven’t done that, then nothing will happen even if you input the following codes.

First, put in the Master Code

Master Code
000014D1 000A

Then, add in the following codes after the Master Code to make the first item in any Poke Mart a Mega Item (even if it’s listed as something else!)

Mega Charm
82003884 0210

Mega Anklet
82003884 0212

Mega Bracelet
82003884 0211

Mega Pendant
82003884 0213

Mega Ring
82003884 0161

Mega Earing
82003884 020F

Mega Cuff
82003884 0077

10. Unlimited Money

unlimited money

As the name suggests, the cheat will help you get unlimited money in Pokemon Unbound, so you can buy everything you can imagine in the game.

This cheat will make your life so much easier. Apart from this, you don’t need any other cheat; with so much money, you can just cruise your way to the climax easily!

29C78059 96542194

Code Breaker

820257BC 423F

820257BE 000F

9. One hit kills

one hit kill

Pokemon Unbound is a massive game. It will take you days to complete the main story, and even after completing the main story, there are over 800 Pokemon that you have to catch.

A ton of post-story content is waiting for you. This can get overwhelming, so if you just want to cheese some of the repetitive parts, you can with this cheat.

With every move, you’ll KO the enemy Pokemon, no matter the type or HP it has!

Gameshark: 95EDFBBA A5A72A78

C833D1A0 02FA7205

(if it doesn’t work, try entering it as a CodeBreaker cheat instead)

8. Mega Evolution stones

pokemon unbound mega evolution stones

Apart from having all 800 Pokemon in the game, Pokemon Unbound also features all the mega evolutions from the 6th generation Pokemon games.

With this simple cheat, you’d be able to acquire every Pokemon megs Stone in the game without having to go looking for it around the region.

Before using it, make sure you have completed the mission where you obtain the Mega Evolution from Tarmigian Mansion. Because if you don’t, even though you have the item in hand, you won’t be able to Mega Evolve any Pokemon!

To use the cheat, but the code, and in the place of YYYY, put the code of the Mega Evolution Stone you want

Master Code (Enter and run this first): 000014D1 000A

Cheat: 82003884 (YYYY) – replace YYYY with Mega Stones below:

  • 01BE – Venusaurite
  • 01BF – Charizardite X
  • 01C0 – Charizardite Y
  • 01C1 – Blastoisinite
  • 01C2 – Beedrillite
  • 01C3 – Pidgeotite
  • 01C4 – Alakazite
  • 01C5 – Slowbronite
  • 01C6 – Gengarite
  • 01C7 – Kangaskhite
  • 01C8 – Pinsirite
  • 01C9 – Gyaradosite
  • 01CA – Aerodactylite
  • 01CB – Mewtwonite X
  • 01CC – Mewtwonite Y
  • 01CD – Ampharosite
  • 01CE – Steelixite
  • 01CF – Scizorite
  • 01D0 – Heracronite
  • 01D1 – Houndoominite
  • 01D2 – Tyranitarite
  • 01D3 – Sceptilite
  • 01D4 – Blazikenite
  • 01D5 – Swampertite
  • 01D6 – Gardevoirite
  • 01D7 – Sablenite
  • 01D8 – Mawilite
  • 01D9 – Aggronite
  • 01DA – Medichamite
  • 01DB – Manectite
  • 01DC – Sharpedonite
  • 01DD – Cameruptite
  • 01DE – Altarianite
  • 01DF – Banettite
  • 01E0 – Absolite
  • 01E1 – Glalitite
  • 01E2 – Salamencite
  • 01E3 – Metagrossite
  • 01E4 – Latiasite
  • 01E5 – Latiosite
  • 01E6 – Lopunnite
  • 01E7 – Garchompite
  • 01E8 – Lucarionite
  • 01E9 – Abomasite
  • 01EA – Galladite
  • 01EB – Audinite
  • 01EC – Diancite

7. Catch Enemy Trainer’s Pokemon

Yes, with this cheat, you can capture your enemy Trainer’s Pokemon mid-battle!

You must press L+R before throwing out the Pokeball, and you’ll get whatever Pokemon your opponent had!

4D83B1BF E0F5F507

8E883EFF 92E9660D

B6C5368A 08BE8FF4

90B4977C C0151DC2

6. Encounter Shiny Pokemon


Hunting for shiny Pokemon can be frustrating, not only because they are scarce but also becaus of how long it will take you to get one. So if you just want your shiny and don’t want to waste time running around in the grass, this cheat will be really helpful.

With this cheat entered in your emulator, you’d be able to encounter shiny Pokemon every time you enter the grass and have and engage in battle. (For some people the shiny doesn’t show up until you have caught it. Also, to use the shiny Pokemon, you might have to take it to the name changer first)

1670047D 04815C68

18452A7D DDE55BCC

5. 100% catch rate

100% catch rate

If completing the Pokedex is your goal in Pokemon Unbound, then catching every Pokemon in the first attempt will drastically increase the pace at which you catch these Pokemon.

With this cheat entered in your emulator, you’d be able to cat every wild Pokemon that appears in front of you with a 100% catch rate, no matter its rarity!

87ACF659 707466DC

8BB602F7 8CEB681A

4. Any item costs 1

$1 items

As the name suggests, with this cheat, you’d be able to buy anything from the Poke Mart for a total cost of 1. So now you can get all the repels you want!

3C25A344 FD8F451C

AD86124F 2823D8DA

3. Unlimited TM/HM

any hm tm

Getting the best Moveset for your Pokemon is essential if you want to win every battle you go into. Unfortunately, some moves are only accessible via HM/TMs, and we all know how hard it can be to get the TM/HM you want at a point in the game.

So rather than running around the region looking for that one ™  you want, use this cheat.

It will give you an unlimited amount of all available TM/HMs in the game!

(Put the TM/HM code instead of the YYYY)

82003884 (YYYY)

  • 0121 = TM01
  • 0122 = TM02
  • 0123 = TM03
  • 0124 = TM04
  • 0125 = TM05
  • 0126 = TM06
  • 0127 = TM07
  • 0128 = TM08
  • 0129 = TM09
  • 012A = TM10
  • 012B = TM11
  • 012C = TM12
  • 012D = TM13
  • 012E = TM14
  • 012F = TM15
  • 0130 = TM16
  • 0131 = TM17
  • 0132 = TM18
  • 0133 = TM19
  • 0134 = TM20
  • 0135 = TM21
  • 0136 = TM22
  • 0137 = TM23
  • 0138 = TM24
  • 0139 = TM25
  • 013A = TM26
  • 013B = TM27
  • 013C = TM28
  • 013D = TM29
  • 013E = TM30
  • 013F = TM31
  • 0140 = TM32
  • 0141 = TM33
  • 0142 = TM34
  • 0143 = TM35
  • 0144 = TM36
  • 0145 = TM37
  • 0146 = TM38
  • 0147 = TM39
  • 0148 = TM40
  • 0149 = TM41
  • 014A = TM42
  • 014B = TM43
  • 014C = TM44
  • 014D = TM45
  • 014E = TM46
  • 014F = TM47
  • 0150 = TM48
  • 0151 = TM49
  • 0152 = TM50
  • 0153 = HM01
  • 0154 = HM02
  • 0155 = HM03
  • 0156 = HM04
  • 0157 = HM05
  • 0158 = HM06
  • 0159 = HM07
  • 015A = HM08

2. Unlimited Rare Candies

Grinding for levels is one of the worst parts of the Pokemon games. If you don’t want to go through this exhilarating process of battling your Pokemon to get their levels up, simply use this cheat which will give you an unlimited amount of rare candies.

You can get these rare candies from the Poke Mart after entering the cheat. Make sure to pair this cheat with the infinite money cheat to buy as many candies as possible!

06AB3172 BE88C550


82003884 0044

1. Unlimited Master Balls

Master balls allow you to catch any Pokemon in the game with a single throw. These master balls are extremely rare, and you can access only one master ball per game.

But what if you had an unlimited amount, you’d be able to catch every Pokemon with little to no resistance at all. With this cheat, this can actually happen. Enter the cheat, and buy an unlimited amount from the Poke Mart for free!

As there are over 800 Pokemon to catch in Pokemon Unbound, the cheat will really help you out to fill the Pokedex!



82003884 0001

Brandon Saltalamacchia profile image Brandon Saltalamacchia
Brandon is the founder of Retro Dodo and has loved gaming ever since his mother bought him Pokemon Yellow for the Game Boy in the late 90's. Now he writes about his passions for gaming and collecting.