Pokemon Blue & Red was released in 1996, far after the SNES, and as much as many old school gamers wanted to play Pokemon Blue on the big screen, it was near impossible unless you had some of the best SNES accessories around.
Some would even go as far as pimping their Nintendo 64 by punching a Gameboy Cartridge into the Transfer Pack of a N64 controller, but this came with many technical problems including long load times and failed saves.

But now, 20 years later a retro gaming fan has transferred a complete Pokemon Cartridge into a SNES cartridge, and he’s even took the trading port with it. Not only that he’s created a brand new SNES case for the game, with the original manual and everything. He’s been nice enough to send us over a unit.
Holding a case, of this size, and Pokemon Blue in a SNES cartridge is just… obscured but we love it! We wiped off the dust that’s been laying on top of our SNES for months now and we chucked it into our console, it was like nothing we’ve experienced. Seeing the “Pokemon Blue” logo and blue cartridge pop out of our SNES was different, to say the least. And yes, before you asked, we blew the cartridge before play.

Some would say, why not just buy the Super Gameboy add-on? No no, this is 2020. We need no more accessories in our collection. What makes this mod so special is that fact that it has a trade cable port within the cartridge. Allowing you to trade to a Gameboy, or another SNES cartridge should you find someone who has one too!
It’s no easy task, there’s plenty of technical issues and planning to do in order to create this, and don’t get us started on the soldering. Only experienced modders should be attempting this, as we all know Pokemon Gameboy cartridges don’t come cheap!
With all of the soldering done, adding of the abtteries and then moving it in such a way that it feels like Tetris inside of a cartridge case, you then are ready to experience Pokemon Blue on a SNES console. Just like the Super Boy, you’ll be greeted with the Pokemon border, which adds to the nostalgia.

While playing we came across no issues, it’s as if it was a genuine cartridge from Nintendo. Admittedly on the interior, this thing is incredibly fragile. Dropping this would be like dropping Togepi down a mountain… not good.
It’s a great invention, and we take our hats off to the creator, this thing is incredible and perfect for collectors who like adding something totally different to their library. The creators adds a strong case for the cartridge, along with freshly printed artwork, and even an original Pokemon Blue manual which brings back lots of memories.