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Podcast #083: Interviewing Argonaut, The Team Behind PS1's Croc

Podcast #083: Interviewing Argonaut, The Team Behind PS1's Croc

In Episode #083 we chat to the studio behind one of our favourite games from our childhood, Croc: Legend of the Gobbos. Join us as we talk with Argonaut Games founder Jez San OBE, Croc's Original Animator Jason Smith, and Mike Arkin, the man responsible for bringing Croc back to modern audiences on current-gen consoles

We speak about the development of the original, the difficulties, the successes, how it finally evolved into an upcoming remake and how they're absolutely not working on a Croc 2 remake...

This was one of my favourite podcasts to record, I grew up with this game as a child so it was a pinch me moment to have this incredible opportunity to chat with the team for over an hour.

Brandon Saltalamacchia profile image Brandon Saltalamacchia
Brandon is the founder of Retro Dodo and has loved gaming ever since his mother bought him Pokemon Yellow for the Game Boy in the late 90's. Now he writes about his passions for gaming and collecting.