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Pizza Scented Xbox Controllers Now Exist For All The Hungry Ninja Turtles Fans

TMNT Mutant Mayhem Controllers
Source: XBOX

I know that headline sounds a bit crazy, but it is true – XBOX has made a set of pizza scented Xbox controllers for all of the TMNT fans out there!

While the idea of a pizza scented controller is quite exciting (is it?), I wouldn’t get too excited… You won’t exactly be able to place your order for a set.

But you might be able to get one for free! Let’s find out how.

TMNT: Mutant Mayhem Controllers

These unique controllers were created as a giveaway prize for Paramount Pictures’ upcoming “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mutant Mayhem” film.

Mutant Mayhem is yet another re-imaging of the well known franchise. But don’t let that discourage you from checking it out.

Because this new entry in the series was created by Seth Rogen, and looks like the coolest version of TMNT that we’ve seen in a long time.

The animation looks absolutely awesome, and the cast & crew involved should result in a pretty wild ride.

TMNT Mutant Mayhem Controllers
Source: XBOX

A cool new version of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles is a great excuse to create a fun new promotional product. And as XBOX puts it:

“In celebration of the movie’s August 2023 release, we are giving away a limited number of exclusive ooze green, pizza-scented Xbox Wireless Controllers”

They claim that these are the “world’s first ever pizza-scented controller”, which any gamer can easily discern as a false claim.

I have a few self-made pizza scented Xbox controllers here next to me as I write this article.

But these may be the first controllers with built-in scent diffusers that put out an artificial reproduction of the sweet smell of pizza.

Xbox Controller Giveaway

TMNT Mutant Mayhem Controllers - Pizza Scented Xbox Controllers
Source: XBOX

Just like our beloved turtles, there are four total controller designs. One for each member of the ninja squad.

And you can win one by following Xbox Game Pass on Twitter and retweeting the official sweepstakes Tweet from that account.

The giveaway will run between July 24 and August 13 and is open to anybody over the age of 18.

It is unclear how many controllers will be given away. But I’ve already done my part to be in the running.

I have my pizza scented fingers crossed that I am lucky enough to add one of these exclusive controllers to my permanent collection.

And I encourage you to test your luck as well. It’s TMNT, it’s pizza, and it’s free!

Don’t forget to check out our list of the best Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles games while you’re here!

Anthony Wallace profile image Anthony Wallace
Anthony has been a video game lover ever since he can remember. He became a fulltime nomad in 2018, living throughout most of Asia. He focused his passion in retro gaming and began creating a game for