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Live Action Pokemon TV Drama Gets First Trailer

Pack Your Pockets With Adventure

The Japan exclusive Pokemon live-action television drama, Pack Your Pockets With Adventure, has just gotten its first official trailer.

And this is looking like a pretty interesting show related to the Pokemon universe unlike anything we’ve seen before.

Pack Your Pockets With Adventure

Pack Your Pockets With Adventure
Image Source: TV Tokyo

The appropriately titled show, Pack Your Pockets With Adventure (Pocket ni Boken o Tsumekonde, or “Poketsume” for short), focuses on a female character who compulsively plays Pokemon Red on a yellow Game Boy Pocket.

She literally cuts open a box that was stored away, finds a Game Boy and Pokemon cartridge inside, and quickly becomes obsessed. Sounds like something many of us can related to!

Honestly, I’m just happy to see a television show do something so unique with the Pokemon brand, and give us something so relatable as retro gaming fans.

Sadly, I cannot understand Japanese (yet!), so I do not know what the heck is going on in the show. But I can certainly understand somebody wishing they had more time for games and less work to do.

It looks like a heartwarming experience. More of a light-hearted drama than anything too tear jerking or depressing -fitting for a Pokemon story.

Premiering This Month

Pack Your Pockets With Adventure
Image Source: TV Tokyo

This unique drama is a collaboration between TV Tokyo and The Pokémon Company. It is awesome to know it’s officially backed by the Pokemon brand.

Pack Your Pockets With Adventure is set to begin airing on TV Tokyo on October 19th.

Fingers crossed it is somehow available outside of Japan shortly after! With English subtitles, please!

I’m a newly converted Pokemon enthusiast, as I completed my first Pokemon video game literally last month.

But now that I’ve reached the credit roll, I can see why so many people become so excited about the Pokemon universe.

With this and the upcoming animated series Pokemon Concierge, it’s a great time to be a fan of pocket monsters!

Anthony Wallace profile image Anthony Wallace
Anthony has been a video game lover ever since he can remember. He became a fulltime nomad in 2018, living throughout most of Asia. He focused his passion in retro gaming and began creating a game for