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Nintendo Is Hosting A Live In-Person Event This September

Nintendo Live 2023

Nintendo has announced that they plan on hosting a special in-person live event this coming September.

This announcement comes just after the massive failure of the 2023 E3 event.

Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo all opted to skip the event, which eventually contributed to it being cancelled this year (and maybe forever).

It would seem that Nintendo decided they could probably do a better job at hosting their own live event. And they are probably right.

Especially following the wild success of the new Super Mario Bros. Movie and the opening of several Super Nintendo World theme parks.

The guys and gals over at Nintendo are obviously on a roll, and only seem to be ramping up their world takeover.

Nintendo Live 2023

Nintendo Live 2023 will be an all ages in-person live event in Seattle, Washington. This marks the first time the event will touchdown in USA.

You will be able to play popular Switch games, participate in friendly competitions, and even try out some new games. Unknown if this means new to everybody or just maybe new to you.

To avoid leaks, spoilers and theft… we kinda doubt they’d let you play any unreleased games.

But one thing they do emphasize is that you can “play […] at your own pace”, which is nice. You won’t be rushed to get out of the way like you would at a smaller booth at E3.

The main stage will feature live performances and game tournaments.

And of course… lots of Nintendo themed photo-ops with some of our favorite Nintendo characters, as well as some special displays and sculptures.

Surely that awesome new Tears of the Kingdom Link will be there.

Event Information

The exact date and location are still to be determined. But we do know for sure that Nintendo intends to hold the event in Seattle this September.

Might be too soon to book your flights and accommodations quite yet, but it would be good to keep your schedule clear this September.

As new information comes available, we will update you all. So keep checking here!

Anthony Wallace profile image Anthony Wallace
Anthony has been a video game lover ever since he can remember. He became a fulltime nomad in 2018, living throughout most of Asia. He focused his passion in retro gaming and began creating a game for