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Mr Run and Jump & Kombinera Heading To Modern Consoles Thanks To Numskull Games & Atari

Numskull Games & Atari 2-in-1 Mr. Run and Jump and Kombinera
Image Source: Atari/Numskull Games

Retro gaming fans; have we got some news for you! Numskull Games & Atari have teamed up to bring a new 2-in-1 physical edition for Mr. Run and Jump & Kombinera!

And in a market headed towards video games that we do not actually own, it is nice to see companies out there still pushing physical editions for the collectors.

We’ve been big fans of Numskull games for a long while now, and the fact that they have teamed up with Atari was such big news for the company and information that certainly piqued our interest.

Mr Run & Jump is a throwback to the 2600 (and was recently part of the Atari 2600+) so we’re thrilled to be bringing a modern reimagining of it to physical form on consoles!

Like us, Numskull are dedicated to keep Retro Gaming alive, and their Marketing Manager Mark Flynn even told us in conversation that the company were thrilled to be bringing a modern reimagining of it Mr Run & Jump in physical form to modern consoles.

Here’s the latest on the new releases!

Run And Jump Into 2D Classic Gaming With Numskull Games & Atari!

Numskull Games & Atari 2-in-1 Mr. Run and Jump and Kombinera
Image Source: Atari/Numskull Games

Both Mr. Run and Jump and Kombinera are 2D platforming experiences with a strong focus on puzzle solving and progression.

Mr. Run and Jump places emphases on fast-paced platforming à la Celeste, and its difficulty and simplicity deliver something that should please longtime retro fans.

And you know what; we’re really excited about Mr. Run and Jump dropping as it was, in fact, originally released as a new Atari 2600 cartridge. This version is essentially a-kind-of sequel and a real retro throwback for Atari fans to soak up.

Numskull Games & Atari 2-in-1 Mr. Run and Jump and Kombinera
Mr. Run and Jump | Image Source: Atari

While Kombinera is a puzzle based experience that can be taken at a casual pace, it still has some pretty intense sequences and legitimate challenge.

The neon-retro graphics mixed with fluid movement of both games result in some pleasant couch game play for hours upon hours of enjoyment.

Both titles are said to offer over thirty hours of game play in diverse stages with a variety of challenges, which should absolutely give you enough bang for your buck.

Pre-Order Information

The 2-in-1 physical edition for Mr. Run and Jump and Kombinera will release on February 23rd, 2024 for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 5 and PlayStation 4.

What’s more the collection also comes with some slick collectibles too including a unique post card designed in line with the game and an Atari sticker!

If you are interested in getting your copy, head to the Numskull Games website at that exact and lock your order in.

And don’t forget, Numskull Games and Atari have a heck of a lot more incredible announcements dropping throughout the year, so keep heading back to Retro Dodo to get the latest information!

Anthony Wallace profile image Anthony Wallace
Anthony has been a video game lover ever since he can remember. He became a fulltime nomad in 2018, living throughout most of Asia. He focused his passion in retro gaming and began creating a game for