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More Pokemon Leaks Hint At New Mystery Dungeon Game Coming Soon

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

Keen Pokemon fans have spotted a possible clue suggesting we may have a new Mystery Dungeon game coming as part of Pokemon Day celebrations.

With International Pokemon Day coming on February 27th, we know that Nintendo and The Pokemon Company have likely got a few things up their sleeves.

We recently discussed the Pokemon Scarlet + Violet DLC leaks which have us thinking we may have a DLC that might be announced on that day.

The Pokemon Company has already stated that an update is coming to the game. But it has yet to be determined if that is just a simple patch and update or a full expansion to the experience.

But new details have emerged that suggest more than just upcoming Scarlet + Violet content.

Pokemon Together

The latest campaign from the team behind our favorite pocket monsters is the new Pokemon Together website which (at least on the surface) just appears to be a celebration of the brand.

The campaign encourages fans to post their own photos with #PokemonTogether for a chance to be featured in an interactive mosaic to debut on Feb 27.

Nothing unusual about that; we all love Pokemon, and they are obviously ramping up for the celebration.

But one fan (Twitter @necrolipe) has done some data mining through the code of the new website and found something quite interesting.

Source: Twitter@necrolipe

You may know Spike Chunsoft as the developers of the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games for the Game Boy Color, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Switch.

The most recent of those titles was Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX appearing on the Switch back in March of 2020.

So, it’s VERY likely that we could be seeing a new entry in the Mystery Dungeon franchise announced in February 27th.

If there ends up being no trace of anything Pokemon Mystery Dungeon related on that date, then the mention of Spike Chunsoft is a pretty unusual thing to appear in the source code.

Admittedly, I could not confirm the mention of Spike Chunsoft in the source code of the website, but my web coding days are behind me. So I do not know exactly where in the source they were seeing this.

But as per usual with these kinds of leaks and independent probing – we’ve gotta consider this intriguing, but not a cold hard fact until it is confirmed from the source.

And lucky for all of us – Pokemon Day is only eleven days away, so we won’t be waiting long!

Anthony Wallace profile image Anthony Wallace
Anthony has been a video game lover ever since he can remember. He became a fulltime nomad in 2018, living throughout most of Asia. He focused his passion in retro gaming and began creating a game for