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LEGO Reveals The Pac-Man Arcade Set

Lego Pac-Man
Image Source: LEGO

LEGO has revealed their highly anticipated Pac-Man arcade set, and this one is an absolute beast of a set. And surely the best LEGO set of 2023!

It was only highly anticipated, because we had seen some poor images of the set a while back. But wanted to keep the reveal something special and on LEGO’s own chosen schedule.

Now that the time has finally come for the reveal, we are oh so happy that we waited.

This is possibly the most special retro gaming themed LEGO set to be released. Maybe on par with the LEGO NES with working TV “screen”.

So let’s take our first (official) look at the incredible new Pac-Man arcade from LEGO:

LEGO x Pac-Man Arcade

Lego Pac-Man
Image Source: LEGO

The new Pac-Man Arcade set comes with 2651 pieces, and will surely take quite a bit of careful work to assemble completely.

Between the arcade cabinet itself, the accompanying rotating character display, and the mini-arcade scene (for the kids)… there’s a lot going on here!

The final size of the main arcade portion is 13 inch (height) x 10 inch (width) x 7 inch (depth). That is a substantial build that will need some serious bookshelf space.

Obviously, this is a set for the hardcore collectors. And it even has a rating of 18+, because they know this is something the adults are gonna buy for themselves.

But the set does come with a mini arcade scene to hopefully keep your kids occupied while the adults play with the large arcade.

Lego Pac-Man
Image Source: LEGO

One of the most fascinating parts of this kit is how the rear of the cabinet opens, revealing the inner workings of the arcade unit.

And these are truly the inner workings, since this is where some clever mechanics are housed that make the “screen” move on the front side.

So much incredible detail put into even the insides of the arcade, which would usually remain hidden.

You really need to check out the demonstration video to truly appreciate how special this set is (LEGO didn’t load the video to Youtube, so check it out here).

The Pac-Man arcade cabinet has LED lights and moving parts on the faux-screen area. It’s really great to see in action.

Purchasing Information

Lego Pac-Man
Image Source: LEGO

The brand new LEGO PAC-MAN Arcade 10323 is set to be available on June 4, 2023. And if you’re a LEGO VIP member, you can get early access on June 1st.

VIP or not, this kit has a retail price of $269.99USD. Which, admittedly, is quite a lot. But with everything included, this just might be worth the price.

I find this new Pac-Man set to be insanely beautiful. And surely you’d agree.

Now, I just have to figure out the way to ask my boss if I can buy it as a “work” expense. Hey, Brandon, I need to ask you something… 🙂

Anthony Wallace profile image Anthony Wallace
Anthony has been a video game lover ever since he can remember. He became a fulltime nomad in 2018, living throughout most of Asia. He focused his passion in retro gaming and began creating a game for