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How To Get Paldean Wooper In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet (The Easy Way)

how to get paldean wooper in pokemon scarlet and violet

Paldean Wooper is slightly different throughout Pokemon Scarlet & Violet. It has a unique darker skin, with different sensory antena off the top of its head.

With it being different many Pokemon Masters want to catch it to add to their Pokedex and see its evolution into Clodsire.

It’s not the strongest Pokemon on the block, but its certainly one of the cutest Pokemon we have seen, the same goes for how to get Fidough, they are adorable and are found early on in the game.

So let’s show you how to get Paldean Wooper in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Where To Catch Paldean Wooper In Pokemon Scarlet & Violet

Paldean Wooper can be found east of Los Platos near a tiny lake, just west of South Province (Area One), which is very early on in the game.

Before you get to Los Platos check your map, it’s likely it will show you that a Paldean Wooper is close by.

If you head slightly east and look out for a tiny lake you should find a Paldean Wooper hiding somewhere.

paldean wooper fight

It’s very small so it may require you to have a good look around, but your chances will increase the closer you get to the water.

Make sure to use a birds eye view by moving the camera angle, this will help you find Paldean Wooper in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet.

Paldean Wooper evolves into Clodsire at level 20. Clodsire will also learn Amnesia once evolved. You have to see it for yourself, it’s just as adorable!

Brandon Saltalamacchia profile image Brandon Saltalamacchia
Brandon is the founder of Retro Dodo and has loved gaming ever since his mother bought him Pokemon Yellow for the Game Boy in the late 90's. Now he writes about his passions for gaming and collecting.