Halo: Combat Evolved Remaster Could Be In The Works & PS5 Compatible

halo combat evolved ps5

Hands down, one of the greatest retro video games of all time is Halo: Combat Evolved, we were lucky enough in 2011 to get a refresh with their anniversary edition that offered a handful of new features alongside the ability to switch between new and old engines graphically.

It was welcomed with open arms, but that was 13 years ago now… Things have changed, new consoles have appeared and gamers want to experience this game once more on new hardware.

According to The Verge and IGN, Microsoft could be working on a remaster of Halo: Combat Evolved after Tom Warren (senior editor at The Verge) has stated that this game is “one game” being considered to release including a Playstation 5 release too after speaking with Microsoft

Apparently it is in the “early days” of development according to Warren meaning it will likely not launch this year, and won’t be announced in this week’s Xbox Games Showcase. However, it’s being worked on and that alone excites me.

halo ombat evolved microsoft

Bringing this game to modern consoles and maybe even the upcoming Nintendo Switch is something I know many gamers will enjoy, especially if there’s an additional bunch of features added on from the anniversary addition.

No doubt there will be some gamers annoyed that they have yet to pay again for a game they have purchased multiple times in their lives, which they have the right to be, but there’s no harm in creating new versions for those that are happy to play/buy it again.

It’s also obvious the games industry as a whole is in a bit of pickle, heck even our own publication that you are reading today has been hit by Google’s algorithms, stopping our work from being seen. With this turmoil time comes a desperation for games to be purchased and its evident Microsoft want to move some of their “exclusive games” beyond their own hardware to increase profits and player satisfaction.

So, it’s likely we’ll see more Xbox games come to Sony and Nintendo hardware over the coming years and Halo: Combat Evolved looks like it’s going to be one of them.

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