Let’s break the rules; it’s time to check out the best Pokemon Last Fire Red cheats of 2023!
ROM Hacks of the Pokemon main series game are a testament to the fan’s love for the games Gamefreak made. Though GameFreak no longer takes risks and plays it safe in Pokemon games, the dedicated fans make sure to create ROM Hacks that add cool new features.
And they entertain us for hours.
Pokemon Last Fire Red is one of the best Pokemon ROM hacks. As the name suggests, the game is based on the original Pokemon Fire Red, a remake of Pokemon Red.
Last Fire Red follows the same story as Red and Fire Red. There is nothing new, and that is for a reason. The original story was good enough, so why fix something that wasn’t broken?
Granted, the story aspect of Last Fire Red is lacking, but the new features make up for it. The graphics get enhanced, and the game looks very similar to Pokemon Black and White, Fakemons, Pokemon from Gen 1-8, Dynamax forms, and Day/Night cycles are some of the added features.
Even though last fire red is a revered game, it is a Pokemon game, so you will have to grind.
Being a Pokefan, I understand how boring this part of the game might be. So why not just skip this part using cheats?
With that in mind, here’s a listicle of the 10 Best Pokemon Last Fire Red Cheats Of 2023!
Important: Never use too many cheats simultaneously, as your game might lag or, even worse, corrupt your save file. Saving your game file before using cheats is advised.
10. Unlimited Healing Items

Let’s kick off this list of the best Pokemon Last Fire Red cheats with a sensible healing cheat, shall we?
Pokemon Last Fire Red is no easy game; the gym battle and trainer battles are unlike anything you would’ve seen in the Kanto region. So you will spend a lot of money on getting heal items every time you battle a strong opponent.
Using this will allow you to unlimitedly access every healing item in the game, so you never have to run to the Mart to get more!
How to use: Use the Master Code and the item codes instead of the YYYY. Then go to the PC and withdraw the item.
Master Code
- 820257C4 YYYY
Healing Item Codes
- 000D = Potion
- 000E = Antidote
- 000F = Burn Heal
- 0010 = Ice Heal
- 0011 = Awakening
- 0012 = Parlyz Heal
- 0013 = Full Restore
- 0014 = Max Potion
- 0015 = Hyper Potion
- 0016 = Super Potion
- 0017 = Full Heal
- 0018 = Revive
- 0019 = Max Revive
9. Unlimited Misc Items

Last Fire Red adds a ton of new Pokemon and a slew of items you’ll need throughout your playthrough. And even if you don’t like using too many items in battle, it is advised to do so in Last fire Red because of the difficulty.
Here’s a cheat that grants you access to many items in the game; you simply have to activate it, and you’ll get an unlimited amount of that item in your bag!
How to use: Use the Master Code and the item codes instead of the YYYY. Then go to the PC and withdraw the item.
Master Code
- 820257C4 YYYY
Misc Item Code
- 00B3 = Bright Powder
- 00B4 = White Herb
- 00B5 = Macho Brace
- 00B6 = Exp Share
- 00B7 = Quick C law
- 00B8 = Soothe Bell
- 00B9 = Mental Herb
- 00BA = Choice Band
- 00BB = King’s Rock
- 00BC = Silver Powder
- 00BD = Amulet Coin
- 00BE = C cleanse Tag
- 00BF = Soul Dew
- 00C 0 = Deep Sea Tooth
- 00C 1 = Deep Sea Scale
- 00C 2 = Smoke Ball
- 00C 3 = Everstone
- 00C 4 = Focus Band
- 00C 5 = Lucky Egg
- 00C 6 = Scope Lens
- 00C 7 = Metal Coat
- 00C 8 = Leftovers
- 00C 9 = Dragon Scale
- 00C A = Light Ball
- 00C B = Soft Sand
- 00C C = Hard Stone
- 00C D = Miracle Seed
- 00C E = Black Glasses
- 00C F = Black Belt
- 00D0 = Magnet
- 00D1 = Mystic Water
- 00D2 = Sharp Beak
- 00D3 = Poison Barb
- 00D4 = Nevermelt Ice
- 00D5 = Spell Tag
- 00D6 = Twisted Spoon
- 00D7 = Charcoal
- 00D8 = Dragon Fang
- 00D9 = Silk Scarf
- 00DA = Up-Grade
- 00DB = Shell Bell
- 00DC = Sea Incense
- 00DD = Lax Incense
- 00DE = Lucky Punch
- 00DF = Metal Powder
- 00E0 = Thick Club
- 00E1 = Stick
- 00FE = Red Scarf
- 00FF = Blue Scarf
- 0100 = Pink Scarf
- 0101 = Green Scarf
- 0102 = Yellow Scarf
- 0103 = Mach Bike
- 0104 = Coin Case
- 0105 = ItemFinder
- 0106 = Old Rod
- 0107 = Good Rod
- 0108 = Super Rod
- 0109 = S.S. Ticket
- 010A = Contest Pass
- 010C = Wailmer Pail
- 010D = Devon’s Goods
- 010E = Soot Sack
- 010F = Basement Key
- 0110 = Acro Bike
- 0111 = PokeBlock C ase
- 0112 = Letter
- 0113 = Eon Ticket
- 0114 = Red Orb
- 0115 = Blue Orb
- 0116 = Scanner
- 0117 = Go-Goggles
- 0118 = Meteorite
- 0119 = Rm.1 Key
- 011A = Rm.2 Key
- 011B = Rm.4 Key
- 011C = Rm.6 Key
- 011D = Storage Key
- 011E = Root Fossil
- 011F = C law Fossil
- 0120 = Devon Scope
- 001A = Fresh Water
- 001B = Soda Pop
- 001C = Lemonade
- 001D = MooMoo Milk
- 001E = Energy Powder
- 001F = Energy Root
- 0020 = Heal Powder
- 0021 = Revival Herb
- 0022 = Ether
- 0023 = Max Ether
- 0024 = Elixer
- 0025 = Max Elixer
- 0026 = Lava Cookie
- 0027 = Blue Flute
- 0028 = Yellow Flute
- 0029 = Red Flute
- 002A = Black Flute
- 002B = White Flute
- 002C = Berry Juice
- 002D = Sacred Ash
- 002E = Shoal Salt
- 002F = Shoal Shell
- 0030 = Red Shard
- 0031 = Blue Shard
- 0032 = Yellow Shard
- 0033 = Green Shard
- 003F = HP Up
- 0040 = Protein
- 0041 = Iron
- 0042 = Carbos
- 0043 = Calcium
- 0044 = Rare C andy
- 0045 = PP Up
- 0046 = Zinc
- 0047 = PP Max
- 0049 = Guard Spec
- 004A = Dire Hit
- 004B = X Attack
- 004C = X Defend
- 004D = X Speed
- 004E = X Accuracy
- 004F = X Special
- 0050 = Poke Doll
- 0051 = Fluffy Tail
- 0053 = Super Repel
- 0054 = Max Repel
- 0055 = Escape Rope
- 0056 = Repel
- 005D = Sun Stone
- 005E = Moon Stone
- 005F = Fire Stone
- 0060 = Thunder Stone
- 0061 = Water Stone
- 0062 = Leaf Stone
- 0067 = Tiny Mushroom
- 0068 = Big Mushroom
- 006A = Pearl
- 006B = Big Pearl
- 006C = Stardust
- 006D = Star Piece
- 006E = Nugget
- 006F = Heart Scale
- 0079 = Orange Mail
- 007A = Harbor Mail
- 007B = Glitter Mail
- 007C = Mech Mail
- 007D = Wood Mail
- 007E = Wave Mail
- 007F = Bead Mail
- 0080 = Shadow Mail
- 0081 = Tropic Mail
- 0082 = Dream Mail
- 0083 = Fab Mail
- 0084 = Retro Mail
8. Unlimited TM/HM

Next up on our list of the best Pokemon Last Fire Red cheats is how to get Unlimited TMs and HMs!
In the Kanto region, you’ll face a lot of formidable foes, especially in this Last Fire Red ROM hack. Hence, a perfect Pokemon team is what you need. With a perfect Pokemon team, you’ll also need a perfect moveset for every Pokemon.
But, anyone who knows Pokemon knows how tiresome it is to hunt down these TM/HMs, which are often scattered across the region. So just use this cheat, access all the TM/HMs in the game, and stop running around the region searching.
Master Code
- 820257C4 YYYY
TM/HM Code
- 0121 = TM01 Focus Punch
- 0122 = TM02 Dragon Claw
- 0123 = TM03 Water Pulse
- 0124 = TM04 Calm Mind
- 0125 = TM05 Roar
- 0126 = TM06 Toxic
- 0127 = TM07 Hail
- 0128 = TM08 Bulk Up
- 0129 = TM09 Bullet Seed
- 012A = TM10 Hidden Power
- 012B = TM11 Sunny Day
- 012C = TM12 Taunt
- 012D = TM13 Ice Beam
- 012E = TM14 Blizzard
- 012F = TM15 Hyper Beam
- 0130 = TM16 Light Screen
- 0131 = TM17 Protect
- 0132 = TM18 Rain Dance
- 0133 = TM19 Giga Drain
- 0134 = TM20 Safeguard
- 0135 = TM21 Frustration
- 0136 = TM22 Solar Beam
- 0137 = TM23 Iron Tail
- 0138 = TM24 Thunderbolt
- 0139 = TM25 Thunder
- 013A = TM26 Earthquake
- 013B = TM27 Return
- 013C = TM28 Dig
- 013D = TM29 Psychic
- 013E = TM30 Shadow Ball
- 013F = TM31 Brick Break
- 0140 = TM32 Double Team
- 0141 = TM33 Reflect
- 0142 = TM34 Shock Wave
- 0143 = TM35 Flamethrower
- 0144 = TM36 Sludge Bomb
- 0145 = TM37 Sandstorm
- 0146 = TM38 Fire Blast
- 0147 = TM39 Rock Tomb
- 0148 = TM40 Aerial Ace
- 0149 = TM41 Torment
- 014A = TM42 Facade
- 014B = TM43 Secret Power
- 014C = TM44 Rest
- 014D = TM45 Attract
- 014E = TM46 Thief
- 014F = TM47 Steel Wing
- 0150 = TM48 Skill Swap
- 0151 = TM49 Snatch
- 0152 = TM50 Overheat
- 0153 = HM01 Cut
- 0154 = HM02 Fly
- 0155 = HM03 Surf
- 0156 = HM04 Strength
- 0157 = HM05 Flash
- 0158 = HM06 Rock Smash
- 0159 = HM07 Waterfall
- 015A = HM08 Dive
7. Walk Through Walls

Pokemon’s Kanto region is iconic; there are places in this region that peaked or curiosity because when we were young, there were places where we weren’t allowed to enter. But with this cheat activated, you can throw away all these restrictions and start wandering around the region without rules and physical characteristics.
The chat will allow you to move through walls, so you can walk through a house. And not just walls, trees, fences, or any structure obstructing your path can now trespass. But be warned, if you get stuck somewhere, it will be impossible to come back, so don’t venture too far, and permanently save before you go ghost mode in Kanto.
- 509197D3 542975F4
- 78DA95DF 44018CB4
6. Unlimited PP

Battles in Pokemon Last Fire Red will be challenging; this is a given, as it is a ROM hack, so you want to do everything in your power to get an edge in the game. This cheat will give you this edge by allowing you to spam your Pokemon’s strongest moves multiple times. It will grant the Pokemon an unlimited amount of PP on every move!
- 42023C08 6363
- 00000002 0002
5. Unlimited Master Balls

Here’s one of our favourite best Pokemon Last Fire Red cheats – Unlimited Master Balls!
As mentioned earlier, the Kanto region in Pokemon Last Fire Red is a melting pot of Pokemon from across the eight generations. You will encounter a lot of Pokemon and a lot of Fakemon as well. So if you want to complete the Pokedex here, you will have to spend a lot of time!
Using this cheat, you can cut down this time in half as it grants you access to an unlimited amount of Master Balls once activated. So when you encounter a Pokemon, don’t waste time battling it, trying to make it weak; simply throw a Master Ball, and the Pokemon will be yours.
- 820257C4 0001
4. Unlimited Rare Candies

When grinding for EXP becomes a chore, the game becomes boring, and you don’t feel like paying the game anymore, so don’t let this happen. Use this cheat instead; it will give you an unlimited amount of rare candies. These rare candies will grant your Pokemon one extra level every time it consumes. With an infinite amount, you can practically have a 100 Level Pokemon before the first battle!
- 820257C4 0044
3. Galar Legendary Encounters

The Kanto region is vast and has a plethora of legendary Pokemon to catch. One such group of Pokemon is the legendary bird trio from Galar, a trio of legendary birds that are tough in battle. You can now access these Pokemon by using this simple cheat.
- 8202404C 04C1 = Galar Articuno
- 8202404C 04C2 = Galar Zapdos
- 8202404C 04C3 = Galar Moltres
2. All Mega Stones

Next up on our list of the best Pokemon Last Fire Red cheats is nabbing all the Mega Stones!
Mega evolution is a mechanic that fans love and has never lost popularity, even though it has been years since it was first introduced in Kalos. It probably is the best gimmickGameFreak ever created. The ROM hack adds this gimmick, granting a ton of Pokemon the power to mega evolve.
Using the cheat, you’d be able to acquire any mega stone you desire without having to look for them, saving you a lot of time.
How to use: Use the Master Code and the item codes instead of the YYYY.
820257C4 YYYY
- 01BE – Venusaurite
- 01BF – Charizardite X
- 01C0 – Charizardite Y
- 01C1 – Blastoisinite
- 01C2 – Beedrillite
- 01C3 – Pidgeotite
- 01C4 – Alakazite
- 01C5 – Slowbronite
- 01C6 – Gengarite
- 01C7 – Kangaskhite
- 01C8 – Pinsirite
- 01C9 – Gyaradosite
- 01CA – Aerodactylite
- 01CB – Mewtwonite X
- 01CC – Mewtwonite Y
- 01CD – Ampharosite
- 01CE – Steelixite
- 01CF – Scizorite
- 01D0 – Heracronite
- 01D1 – Houndoominite
- 01D2 – Tyranitarite
- 01D3 – Sceptilite
- 01D4 – Blazikenite
- 01D5 – Swampertite
- 01D6 – Gardevoirite
- 01D7 – Sablenite
- 01D8 – Mawilite
- 01D9 – Aggronite
- 01DA – Medichamite
- 01DB – Manectite
- 01DC – Sharpedonite
- 01DD – Cameruptite
- 01DE – Altarianite
- 01DF – Banettite
- 01E0 – Absolite
- 01E1 – Glalitite
- 01E2 – Salamencite
- 01E3 – Metagrossite
- 01E4 – Latiasite
- 01E5 – Latiosite
- 01E6 – Lopunnite
- 01E7 – Garchompite
- 01E8 – Lucarionite
- 01E9 – Abomasite
- 01EA – Galladite
- 01EB – Audinite
- 01EC – Diancite=]
1. Teleport

Kanto region is vast and has many weird routes you’ll have to follow if you want to get somewhere. This makes moving around Kanto on foot boring and frustrating as you’ll always lose track of the route and end up somewhere else.
So rather than running around Kanto aimlessly, teleport to your favorite destination instead.
How to use: Use the Master Code and the item codes instead of the YYYY. When you teleport to a location that hasn’t been unlocked yet, i.e., you bypass the game’s story, expect some glitches. Plus, this is a ROM hack, so there are bound to be some issues when you teleport, so don’t overdo it.
Location Codes
- 0003- Pallet Town
- 0103 – Viridian City
- 0203 – Pewter City
- 0303 – Cerulean City
- 0403 – Lavender Town
- 0503 – Vermilion City
- 0603 – Celedon City
- 0703 – Fuchsia City
- 0803 – Cinnabar Island
- 0903 – Indigo Plateau
- 0A03 – Saffron City
- 0B03 – Neo-Saffron City
- 0C03 – Island 1
- 0D03 – Island 2
- 0E03 – Island 3
- 0F03 – Island 4
- 1003 – Island 5
- 1103 – Island 6
- 1203 – Island 7
- 1303 – Route 1
- 1403 – Route 2
- 1503 – Route 3
- 1603- Route 4
- 1703- Route 5
- 1803- Route 6
- 1903- Route 7
- 1a03- Route 8
- 1b03- Route 9
- 1c03- Route 10
- 1d03- Route 11
- 1e03- Route 12
- 1f03- Route 13
- 2003- Route 14
- 2103- Route 15
- 2203- Route 16
- 2303- Route 17
- 2403- Route 18
- 2503- Route 19
- 2603- Route 20
- 2703- Route 21
- 2803- Neo Route 21
- 2903- Route 22
- 2A03- Route 23
- 2B03- Route 24
- 2C03- Route 25
And that’s a wrap!
Thanks for checking out our list of the best Pokemon Last Fire Red cheats! I still think having all those Master Balls is one of my favourite cheats, but which is yours?