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Best Job Combinations In Octopath Traveler II

Best Job Combinations In Octopath Traveler II

Are you struggling with how to beat Mother in Octopath Traveler II? Or maybe it’s the Scourge of the Sea that’s kicking your butt? Whomever is causing you trouble, knowing the best job combinations in Octopath Traveler II is one way to improve your odds.

Jobs are essentially Guilds you can “join”, that’ll grant your characters a new skillset (or several). For example, Castti is an Apothecary but she can have the secondary job of Cleric to enhance the healing abilities she already has.

There’s no right or wrong way to combine jobs in Octopath Traveler II. However, some combinations are better than others; in this guide, I’m going to show you the best job combos based on my experience thus far.

Ready to open up a whole new world of possibilities and skills? Then let’s go job hunting!

Full Secondary Jobs List In Octopath Traveler II

If you’re curious as to just how many Secondary Jobs there are – including Secret Jobs – then you’re in luck because I’ve written a list just for you.

  • Apothecary
  • Arcanist (Secret Job)
  • Armsmaster (Secret Job)
  • Cleric
  • Conjurer (Secret Job)
  • Dancer
  • Hunter
  • Inventor (Secret Job)
  • Merchant
  • Scholar
  • Thief
  • Warrior

The Secret Jobs are much harder to find, typically designed to be unlocked much later in the game. However, the other jobs listed are relatively easy to find, especially if you use my Secondary Job Locations in Octopath Traveler II article.

Best Job Combinations In Octopath Traveler II

Now it’s time for the main event: we’re going to learn who pairs best with which jobs. It’s all very exciting!


Agnea is a tricky character to use in Octopath Traveler II, simply because she’s geared up to act as support rather than a main line of defence. Consequently, you can pretty much pair her with any Secondary Job and it’ll boost her usefulness.

That being said, I found Dancer and Inventor to be the most effective, thanks to the variety of weaponry that comes with the catapult skill, and the magic of the elemental bomb.


best job combinations in Octopath Traveler II - casti

Castti’s main job is an Apothecary, making her a great support character during difficult battles. As such, one of the best job combinations for her is Apothecary and Cleric.

Clerics use light magic and staves (something Castti can’t do), and they can heal, which will further enhance Castti’s natural talents.

Scholar also works well with Apothecary, allowing you to play with a lot more magic. However, magic drains a lot of SP, which Castti needs to heal.


The obvious job combination for Hikari is Warrior and Armsmaster, given his high HP and exceptional sword and polearm skills. It’s the most popular choice… once you’ve unlocked this Secret Job.

Nevertheless, while everyone thinks Hikari should be an Armsmaster, I personally enjoy the Warrior and Apothecary combo. It allows him to utilise his vast skills, while enabling him to use axes, and heal; Hikari saved my skin many times during tough battles because of this combo.


best job combinations in Octopath Traveler II - Temenos

Having devoted his life to being a Cleric, Temenos is well suited to several of the Secondary Jobs on offer. Still, while he will do well as a Scholar or Apothecary, I found Cleric and Dancer to be the best job combination for him.

This is because Dancer will allow him to use wind, one of the rarest forms of magic in Octopath Traveler II; that, married with his light Magic, is a potent union.

In addition to this, Temenos will also be able to use daggers, allowing him to have both physical and elemental attacks.


Throné is another starting character who’s well suited to a variety of Secondary Jobs, like Inventor. However, I’ve found Thief and Hunter to be the most rewarding and effective during a fight.

Hunters can use bows and lightning, two types of attack Throné can’t use as a Thief. Furthermore, it improves her overall HP, allowing her to take much damage before she falls – I tried Throné as an Inventor, Warrior, and Hunter, and found the latter the best option.


best job combinations in Octopath Traveler II - Ochette

Ochette is a Hunter, which is already a solid job in terms of skills. But if you want Ochette to  become a main staple on your team, then you’ll want to pair her with Hunter and Warrior.

This job combination will allow her to use swords and polearms, in addition to her bow, provoke/capture, and lightning. Not ignoring the fact her HP is vastly increased, giving her one of the best health stats of all the starting characters.


Osvald is a character I struggled to match with a Secondary Job for quite some time – none of them seemed to enhance his skills (which are already among the best of all the characters). Then I combined his Scholar with Merchant.

The main benefit of this job combination is that Osvald can use the move Rest, which replenishes some of his HP and SP; it’s ideal for someone who eats SP with every spell. Moreover, he can use a bow, as well as hire help if he’s struggling.


best job combinations in Octopath Traveler II - Partitio

Similar to Agnea, Partitio is a support character at best. As a result, he works well with most of the Secondary Jobs available. That being said, I found him most useful when I used the job combination of Merchant and Thief.

Thief allows Partitio to use dark magic, as well as daggers and swords, thus enabling him to transition from mere support to an integral team member. However, Inventor and Dancer will also work well with Partitio’s Merchant skills, so make sure to play around.

That’s a wrap, folks! Of course, this list of best job combinations in Octopath Traveler II is by no means fixed – this is only my experience of the game, and yours might yield different results.

Still, I’m certain my guide will prove a useful starting reference for you. If you’re in need of further help, my 10 best Octopath Traveler II beginner tips is a must read, as is my how to get your own ship in Octopath Traveler II guide.

Which job pairings did you find most effective in your team. Let us know on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

Emma Flint profile image Emma Flint
Emma has loved video games ever since she first saw Alex Kidd platforming across her TV screen. Since then, the 32 year old has dedicated an obscene number of hours to playing as many games as possibl