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All Classes In Fire Emblem Engage

All Classes In Fire Emblem Engage

We’ve discussed the unit types in Fire Emblem Engage, so it makes sense to cover the basics of all classes in Fire Emblem Engage as well.

For the uninitiated, Class refers to the type of Unit a character is – for example, Alfred is Noble in the Cavalry Unit. Put simply, Class determines the weapon proficiency each Unit has.

The problem is, not only are there Base Classes to learn and master, but there’s also Advanced and Special Classes too. There’s so much information it can start to feel overwhelming if you’re new to the franchise.

But fear not, for I have the answers you seek. Like a wise sage… only without much wisdom but plenty of hours of gameplay!

Base Classes In Fire Emblem Engage

Base Class simply refers to the default Class of your Unit.

Most allies you encounter will have a Base Class which can then progress into an Advanced Class later in the game.

1. Archers

Archers use a bow to attack their enemies. Described as “light infantry”, they work best at a distance.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Bow

2. Axe Armour

Typically in the Armoured Unit, Axe Armour refers to allies who wield an axe during battle. They can take quite a bit of damage thanks to their high Defence stats, but they’re weak to magic.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Axe

3. Axe Fighter

These Units are good with an axe, though while they’re good as backup on the battlefield, their heavy weapons use can leave them vulnerable to counterattacks.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Axe

4. Dragon Child

The name really does say it all: this is the Class of Alear (the main character). Swords are their primary weapon, though legend says they can transform into dragons as well…

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Sword

5. Lance Armour

Although Lance Armours are part of the Armoured Unit, they differ from their Axe and Sword Armour counterparts. Why? They use a lance instead.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Lance

6. Lance Cavalier

Also favouring a lance, Lance Cavaliers ride into battle rather than walk, allowing them to move across the battlefield more easily.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Lance

7. Lance Flier

Consider this Class one up from the Lance Cavalier, as they have the beauty of traversing the battlefield from the skies. They’ll prove fatal to magic users, but Archers will cause a lot of damage.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Lance

8. Mage

Mage Class is likely very familiar to those of you who’ve played other RPGs; proficient in magic, they’re devastating to Armoured Units.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Tome

9. Martial Monk

This Class represents the healers of your party; they can soothe ailments while defending themselves with martial arts.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Arts
  • Staff

10. Noble

Those of noble blood come from a long lineage of royalty, allowing them to wield a sword and/or magic when in battle.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Sword
  • Tome

11. Sword Fighter

Light on their feet, these Units can land deadly blows then escape harm. However, like any Unit with higher Defence magic can prove lethal.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Sword

12. Lord

A Lord in Fire Emblem Engage signifies someone born into a family that leads a nation. Units with this Class can use a sword and/or a bow.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Bow
  • Sword

13. Sentinel

This Class uses a mount in battle, attacking with a bow.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Bow

Advanced Classes In Fire Emblem Engage

Advanced Class can only be unlocked once a character has reached Level 10 and you have a Master Seal to use.

Master Seals are special items, occasionally dropped during battle. However, as the game progresses you can purchase them from the Item Shop.

1. Berserker

Units with incredible might who destroy their opponents with the axe they wield; a terrifying sight on the battlefield.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Axe

2. General

This Armoured Unit brings a double whammy of high Defence and high Offence – a true tank.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Sword

3. Great Knight

You’ll likely see Great Knights on a stead, riding into battle with either a sword or lance in hand. Similar to Generals, they too have good Defence.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Lance
  • Sword

4. Griffin Knight

Griffin Knights are just like Great Knights, only their mode of transport is a mighty Griffin. Another unique feature is that they can use staves in addition to their other weapons.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Axe
  • Staff

5. Hero

Consider this Class the holy grail of allies – they’re experts in a variety of weaponry, and can make swift progress on the battlefield. Great for cutting through enemy front lines.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Lance
  • Sword

6. High Priest

High Priests have the special trait of being proficient in three weapons, making them an invaluable resource. But, more importantly, they’re skilled healers.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Arts
  • Staff
  • Tome

7. Paladin

Paladins are such a vital lifeline during battle because of their resistance to magic, and their ability to move more freely.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Lance

8. Royal Knight

What separates Royal Knights from other knights? They’re of noble blood. Typically, they ride into battle, wielding a lance in one hand and a stave in the other.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Lance
  • Staff

9. Sage

Think of Sages as the levelled up version of a Mage. They utilise both tomes and staves to cast potent spells during a fight.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Staff
  • Tome

10. Swordmaster

This is another Class where the name gives it away – Swordmasters excel with their sword skills, which allows them to narrowly avoid blows from their enemies.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Sword

11. Warrior

Another recognisable term for RPG fans, Warriors are a force to be reckoned with whether they use a bow or an axe.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Axe
  • Bow

12. Wolf Knight

Wolf Knights are simply Units who ride wolves into battle. They’re well armoured, and can execute swift attacks using knives as their main weapon of choice.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Knife
  • Sword

13. Wyvern Knight

These Units merely use wyverns instead of wolves, allowing them to take to the skies to rain mayhem from above. Still, while they’re effective, they’re weak against magic and arrows.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Axe
  • Lance

14. Divine Dragon

Not only can the Divine Dragon use swords to their advantage, they can also engage in martial arts during close quarters combat.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Arts
  • Sword

15. Tireur d’elite

Tireur d’elite’s have exceptional aim, meaning their arrows rarely miss.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Bow

16. Wing Tamer

Wing Tamers can tame any beast, using wyverns and other creatures to their advantage so they can dominate the battlefield.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Staff
  • Tome

Special Classes In Fire Emblem Engage

The word “special” should give you some clue of how powerful Special Class is in Fire Emblem Engage.

Some allies, like Yunaka, are already Special Class when you meet them. However, most allies will need to train hard to hone their skills to this elite level.

1. Thief

Think of Thieves as the rogues of Fire Emblem Engage. Their nimble fingers make quick work of locked doors and chests, with that nimbleness also making them deadly with a blade.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Knife

2. Dancer

You’ve probably guessed this already, but Dancers are like bards – they ooze charm, able to rally their allies with their artistry. They’re solid morale boosters.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Arts

3. Fell Child

Just like how the Dragon Child is from the blood of the Divine Dragon, the Fell Child comes from the blood of the Fell Dragon. Primarily a spellcaster, they excel in dark magic.

Weapon Proficiency:

  • Knife
  • Tome

Annnnnnnd we’re done! These are all Classes in Fire Emblem Engage (unless you count Exclusive Classes, though they’re not assigned to any set characters).

I really hope this guide has proven helpful. If you haven’t already, be sure to read about all Unit Types in Fire Emblem Engage as well.

Also, if you’re looking for more assistance, my 10 best tips for Fire Emblem Engage beginners are sure to answers any niggling questions you might have.

Emma Flint profile image Emma Flint
Emma has loved video games ever since she first saw Alex Kidd platforming across her TV screen. Since then, the 32 year old has dedicated an obscene number of hours to playing as many games as possibl