Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Is Getting A Physical Release This Year

turok 3 limited run games

For me personally Turok holds a special place in my heart, I remember playing the original games with my father as a child and it’s a reason why I loved Dinosaurs growing up too.

Over the last few years there has been very little love for Dinosaurs within the gaming industry, yes there has been some cameos, but very little games focused solely on our extinct friends.

However, Limited Run Games wants to reincarnate yet another one of the greatest Turok games of all time, and that is Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion.

Limited Run are releasing the “remastered classic edition” on Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Xbox One and will feature the following goodies:

  • Physical Copy of Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered
  • Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion Remastered Classic Edition Box
  • 12 x 16 Double Sided Poster
  • Commemorative Metal Cartridge 
  • Soundtrack
turok 3 gameplay
Credit: Limited Run Games

This classic edition is now up for pre-order and will officially ship in November 2024. Pre-orders are only live until July 7th 2024, so make sure to snag one before then if you want to play on this at Christmas.

It is also worth noting as a gaming journalist who keeps his eye on these types of things, is that Limited Run games has had a rocky history with quality issues and sticking to their release dates, so i do want to mention that as it may mean you get your purchase a little later than stated.

The remaster brings a handful of new features to the table including 120FPS, better lighting and more importantly better controls, because for those who have played this N64 classic will know it didn’t have the most… intuitive control layout of the N64’s library.

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