Tetris (Movie) Review – A Must Watch For Retro Video Gamers
8.5 A nostalgic look into game development in the 80’s. Storyline9.0 Production8.0 Character Development7.0 Nostalgia10 This a spoiler-free review, but please read it at your own risk. Tetris is one of the best selling video games of all time, outranking well known titles such as Pokemon Gold, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Skyrim. The […]
Tetris Movie To Finally Premiere In March On Apple TV
It has been quite a long time since we have heard anything about the Tetris movie that began its production way back in 2020. But that all changed this week, as it was officially announced that the film is to premiere in March. As a giant fan of Tetris and as someone who knows a […]