Marvel & Arcade1Up Unite For New X-Men ’97 Arcade Cabinet

Arcade1Up has announced a collaboration with Marvel to release a new arcade cabinet inspired by the upcoming X-Men ’97 TV show. Officially titled ‘Arcade1Up’s Marvel vs. Capcom 2 X-Men ‘97 Art Edition Deluxe Arcade Machine’, the cabinet arrives next month to coincide with the release of the highly anticipated X-Men ’97 series on Disney+. Arcade1Up […]

Atari Reveals 50th Anniversary Arcade Cabinet Collab with Arcade1Up

Arcade1Up X Atari - 50th Anniversary Deluxe Arcade Machine

Atari has just announced an exciting 50th anniversary Deluxe Arcade Machine collaboration with Arcade1Up. Surely, we’re nearing the end of anniversary branded swag from Atari. So this might be the best way to close out the party. Let’s take a look and see what’s new from Atari. Arcade1Up X Atari – 50th Anniversary Deluxe Arcade […]

Arcade1Up Dropping Time Crisis 4-in-1 Arcade Later This Year

Arcade1up Time Crisis

Arcade1Up has just announced their exciting 4-in-1 light gun shooter arcade collection, Time Crisis Deluxe, coming later this year. Needless to say, Time Crisis ranks pretty high on the Retro Dodo list of the best Light Gun games of all time. So to see this classic finally become available for our own home without tracking […]

Arcade1Up Reveals New Dragon’s Lair Arcade Cabinet

dragons lair arcade cabinet

Arcade1Up have made a reputation for themselves by releasing gorgeous replicas of classic arcade machines – at slightly more manageable sizes than the originals – with beautiful modern displays and even extra games included. Though their most recently announced release – a replica of Don Bluth’s still impressive, beautifully animated, 1983 LaserDisc title Dragon’s Lair […]